16:00:25 <bodanel> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2021-03-18)
16:00:25 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar 18 16:00:25 2021 UTC.
16:00:25 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:25 <zodbot> The chair is bodanel. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:25 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:25 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2021-03-18)'
16:00:46 <bodanel> #meetingname infrastructure
16:00:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
16:01:10 <bodanel> Hello everyone
16:01:15 <dtometzki> hi
16:01:19 <darknao> .hi
16:01:21 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <>
16:01:46 <nirik> morning
16:01:50 <bodanel> #chair bodanel dtometzki siddharthvipul
16:01:50 <zodbot> Current chairs: bodanel dtometzki siddharthvipul
16:01:57 <bodanel> #info Agenda is at:
16:02:04 <bodanel> #info About our team:
16:02:08 <ComputerKid> .hello2 computerkid
16:02:09 <zodbot> ComputerKid: Sorry, but you don't exist
16:02:11 <austinpowered> .hello2 AustinPowered
16:02:12 <zodbot> austinpowered: austinpowered 'T.C. Williams' <>
16:02:12 <bodanel> #topic aloha
16:02:19 <ComputerKid> .hello2 ComputerKid
16:02:22 <zodbot> ComputerKid: Sorry, but you don't exist
16:02:25 <ComputerKid> .hello2 Computerkid
16:02:26 <zodbot> ComputerKid: Sorry, but you don't exist
16:02:36 <dtometzki> .hello
16:02:36 <zodbot> dtometzki: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1".
16:02:41 <ComputerKid> .hello
16:02:41 <zodbot> ComputerKid: (hello <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "hellomynameis $1".
16:02:49 <ComputerKid> .hello ComputerKid
16:02:54 <zodbot> ComputerKid: Sorry, but you don't exist
16:03:00 <ComputerKid> .hello computerkid
16:03:01 <zodbot> ComputerKid: computerkid 'Grayson Penland' <>
16:03:12 <ComputerKid> Someday I'll remember how to do that XD
16:03:17 <bodanel> :)
16:03:19 <Zlopez[m]> .hello zlopez
16:03:20 <zodbot> Zlopez[m]: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <>
16:03:30 <jednorozec> .hello humaton
16:03:31 <zodbot> jednorozec: humaton 'Tomáš Hrčka' <>
16:03:40 <bodanel> .hello bodanel
16:03:41 <zodbot> bodanel: bodanel 'Bogdan Benea' <>
16:04:06 <bodanel> #topic New folks introductions
16:04:15 <bodanel> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
16:04:27 <bodanel> #info Getting Started Guide:
16:04:50 <bodanel> if anyone new here now is the time to say something about yourself
16:05:24 <mobrien> .hi
16:05:25 <zodbot> mobrien: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <>
16:05:32 <mobrien> not new, just late
16:05:40 <nirik> newly late? ;)
16:05:45 <dtometzki> :-)
16:05:46 <bodanel> better late than never
16:05:59 <mobrien> nirik: always late would be more accurate
16:06:27 <bodanel> I see nobody new so I'll move to the next topic
16:06:41 <bodanel> #topic Next chair
16:06:48 <bodanel> #info magic eight ball says:
16:06:55 <bodanel> #info chair 2021-03-25 - dtometzk
16:07:01 <bodanel> #info chair 2021-04-01 - siddharthvipul
16:07:20 <bodanel> any volunteers for the next one ?
16:07:43 <dtometzki> i can do it again in the middle of april
16:08:05 <nirik> I can take the 8th... I haven't done it in a while...
16:08:26 <bodanel> ok so 8 - nirik, 15 dtomtzki
16:08:28 <nirik> but happy to let others have it. It's a nice way to get involved.
16:08:35 <dtometzki> great
16:08:35 <bodanel> give me a second to update the board
16:08:36 <nirik> works for me
16:08:46 <ComputerKid> I'm willing to do it soon, but I'm on call this week, so I'm thinking one thing at a time.
16:09:45 * nirik nods
16:09:52 <bodanel> #topic announcements and information
16:10:00 <bodanel> #info CPE Infra&Releng EU-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting
16:10:07 <bodanel> #info CPE Infra&Releng NA-hours team has a Monday through Thursday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-meeting-3
16:10:15 <bodanel> #info x-data-checker project for Flathub maintainers is now using Anitya ( as one of the options for monitoring of new releases
16:10:22 <bodanel> #info work is being done on getting COPR proper powerPC systems
16:10:31 <bodanel> #info Fedora 34 beta freeze started on 2021-02-23
16:10:40 <bodanel> #info Fedora 34 beta go/no go meeting 2021-03-11
16:10:48 <bodanel> #info AAA prod migration starting 2021-03-18
16:11:00 <bodanel> #topic Oncall
16:11:09 <bodanel> #info
16:11:27 <bodanel> #info ComputerKid is on call for 2021-03-18 to 2021-03-25
16:11:33 <bodanel> #info siddharthvipul is on call for 2021-03-25 to 2021-04-01
16:11:57 <smooge> hello
16:11:57 <bodanel> any volunteers for the week 1 -8 april ?
16:12:17 <mobrien> AA prod migration is no longer starting 2021-03-18 btw
16:12:29 <mobrien> s/AA/AAA
16:12:38 <nirik> I can take that week to match up with doing the meeting
16:12:51 <bodanel> nirik, ok
16:13:07 <mobrien> I can take the week after while you are assigning
16:13:08 <dtometzki> and i can do it week later
16:13:21 <bodanel> dtometzki ok
16:13:24 <ComputerKid> So mostly I'm going to be taking IRC pings and telling them file tickets this week?
16:13:47 <bodanel> mobrien, I'll check after the meeting and updated the board
16:14:07 <mobrien> no worries bodanel
16:14:07 <bodanel> didnt think it will change so I didnt checked the issue
16:14:21 <nirik> ComputerKid: yep. :)
16:14:32 <ComputerKid> Got it
16:15:22 <mobrien> ComputerKid: if you are in doubt about anything you can ping me directly and I'll try help.
16:15:35 <ComputerKid> I will, thank you
16:15:59 <bodanel> #info nirik is on call for 2021-04-01 to 2021-04-08
16:16:06 <bodanel> #info dtometzki is on call for 2021-04-08 to 2021-04-15
16:16:23 <bodanel> # .oncalltakeeu .oncalltakeus
16:16:36 <bodanel> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
16:16:55 <dtometzki> it was very quiet. Two minor requests only. 1. zodbot was not available
16:17:12 <dtometzki> and the other one a permission issue
16:17:16 <nirik> glad to hear it. :)
16:18:01 <bodanel> ok, moving on
16:18:04 <bodanel> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
16:18:12 <nirik> lets see... whats new...
16:18:12 <bodanel> #info
16:18:19 <bodanel> #info Go over existing out items and fix
16:19:07 <nirik> not really anything new from last week.
16:19:27 <nirik> various minor issues we can't fix in freeze... a few down aarch64 boxes that are not coming back
16:19:40 <nirik> we have seen a lot of alerts from badges of late.
16:19:56 <nirik> thats about it, we can move on.
16:20:28 <bodanel> #topic Learning topic
16:20:29 <ComputerKid> Yep, the automated badges have been having python issues left and right
16:20:57 <bodanel> nobody prepared anything but I have an ideea perhaps we can discuss on it
16:20:58 <nirik> ComputerKid: it does seem more stable the last day or so tho...
16:21:15 <jednorozec> I have promised to talk about home automation
16:21:19 <ComputerKid> I've patched one or two, but I don't know python....
16:21:34 <bodanel> you're not on the board but go ahead
16:21:43 <bodanel> better than nothing
16:21:55 <jednorozec> wait I can see it there :)
16:21:56 <nirik> jednorozec: cool. you want to do that today or next week?
16:22:10 <jednorozec> as you wish... It is a huge topic
16:22:41 <jednorozec> I can do it on multiple weeks in a row
16:22:43 <bodanel> you can start today and we can continue next eek
16:22:43 <jednorozec> :D
16:22:50 <bodanel> what do you say ?
16:22:52 <nirik> sure, +1
16:22:55 <dtometzki> :-)
16:22:55 <bodanel> #info opensource home automation / embedded SW/HW
16:23:20 <jednorozec> Ok, so maybe some of you have seen my talk on devconf 2020 if not here is a link
16:23:39 <dtometzki> my home automation is outside in the garden :-)
16:23:46 <jednorozec> I have classified my solutions into 2 groups Sensors and Actors and have them always separated so I can do maintenance on sensors without disrupting functionality in my house and vice versa.
16:24:13 <jednorozec> For a platform one can use different chips most common is Arduino based on series of ATmega processors(ATmega328P) I personally considered Arduino overprices toys not really useful for applications.
16:24:53 <jednorozec> The other widely used chip family are Espressif ESP01, ESP8266 and ESP32 main advantage of espressif chips is the integrated 2.4 GHz WiFi.
16:25:13 <dtometzki> and stm?
16:25:25 <jednorozec> yup but are they really common?
16:25:42 <dtometzki> i cant say
16:25:50 <jednorozec> integration into oss projects is so far not that good
16:26:02 <jednorozec> but it is betting better every day
16:26:09 <jednorozec> esp8266 is used in a number of IoT products it has 16 GPIO pins supporting SPI,i2C, and I2S on just one pin through DMA and 10-bit ADC. It has 1 core with 80-160 Mhz clock speed
16:26:54 <jednorozec> ESP32 is a real beast dual-core 160 or 240 Mhz (this is a higher clock speed than my first PC) WiFi and Bluetooth v4.2. HW acceleration for encryption algorithms(AES,SHA2,RSA,ECC)
16:28:16 <jednorozec> ESP chips have a huge user base in production environments as well with hobbyists
16:28:23 <nirik> This is the sensor side? or actor side or both?
16:28:31 <jednorozec> Both
16:28:51 <jednorozec> the chip is a platform that provides IO and connectivity
16:29:24 <jednorozec> they are available in number of shapes and sizes on development boards that  usually have microusb with UART chip, if not one cau use UART dirrectly on the chip to upload code.
16:30:03 <bodanel> which os do you use on them ?
16:30:13 <jednorozec> So my preference is ESP32 because it has HW MAC address and can be used with wifi or ethernet
16:30:22 <jednorozec> We are getting there!
16:30:33 <jednorozec> espressif provides a set of robust c++ libraries for the chips, one can use them directly but that can get really complex really fast.
16:30:33 <jednorozec> So I personally use
16:30:53 <jednorozec> is an IoT framework that abstracts a lot of useful platforms and libraries to a simple YAML file.
16:31:05 <jednorozec> example
16:31:28 <jednorozec> that is sensor that use BME chip to detect temp and hum
16:31:46 <jednorozec> It compiles into binary that is uploaded through UART to the chip
16:32:02 <jednorozec> As message bus MQTT is used to gather states from nodes.
16:32:02 <jednorozec> It uses mDNS and support OTA updates so only one over the cable flashing is required.
16:32:50 <jednorozec> all other updates to the code can by done by network, this is really useful if your sensors or actors are outside and it is freezing for example
16:33:18 <jednorozec> or they are on roof as my meteo station
16:33:43 <jednorozec> Everything is integrated in esphome dashboard but I have never used it.
16:33:58 <bodanel> dashboard is web-based ?
16:34:04 <jednorozec> yup
16:34:30 <jednorozec> it can run on raspi on any other computer
16:34:48 <jednorozec> that computer is then used to distribute OTA updates
16:35:14 <jednorozec> My personal choice is to use homeassistant as a central console for automations and dashboards.
16:36:27 <jednorozec> hm I thought it will take me longer :)
16:36:31 <jednorozec> any questions?
16:37:17 <nirik> homeassistant is a linux app? or ?
16:37:23 <jednorozec> yup
16:37:28 <jednorozec> Python
16:37:52 <jednorozec> But they provide HomeassistantOS that is a debian based distro that runs a set of docker containers
16:38:22 <nirik> so you program the sensors and actors via serial (once) then run a homeassistant on linux that updates and talks to those? is homeassistant packaged in fedora?
16:38:33 <dtometzki> cool i need try out ESP
16:39:01 <jednorozec> Yes like that nirik, I flash them with a template containing only hostname and OTA password
16:39:24 <jednorozec> Everything else is done through homeassistant
16:39:29 <ComputerKid> The NodeMCUs on amazon are great
16:39:45 <jednorozec> Yeah but nodeMCU is overpriced and not that useful
16:39:46 <ComputerKid> super cheap, ESP boards, with built in USB ports for power and flashing
16:39:55 <ComputerKid> lol
16:40:02 <jednorozec> Lolin is a CN company they do nice boards with ESP32
16:40:02 <ComputerKid> I guess we disagree on that
16:40:29 <darknao> are those chip battery powered ?
16:40:32 <jednorozec> it is overpriced for the chip that it uses its old ESP8266
16:40:54 <jednorozec> darknao, they can be the ESP32 boards have deep sleep consumption around 5uA
16:41:08 <darknao> not bad
16:41:31 <jednorozec> this dev board is nice
16:41:32 <jednorozec>
16:41:48 <jednorozec> it provides you with battery connector and overcharge protection
16:42:39 <jednorozec> my experiments show that it can run a sensor with BME280 for about 2 weeks taking measurement every 10mins and sleeping most of the time
16:43:08 <ComputerKid> jednorozec how do you build project off an ESP board?
16:43:29 <ComputerKid> Just slap it in a bread board and throw whatever sensors on with some jumpers?
16:43:34 <ComputerKid> Or something more solid?
16:43:41 <jednorozec> that I do for prototypes
16:44:04 <jednorozec> next step is to create custom PCB with breakout for ESP32 chip
16:44:22 <ComputerKid> Where do you get PCBs from?
16:44:24 <jednorozec> so the chip can be separated from the board and serviced if needed
16:44:34 <jednorozec> Local CZ company
16:44:43 <ComputerKid> This is something I've always wanted to do, but don't know how to.
16:44:50 <jednorozec> So
16:44:56 <jednorozec> Where do you live?
16:45:07 <ComputerKid> Rural Georgia
16:45:23 <jednorozec> there is this US based company
16:45:26 <jednorozec> let me find it
16:46:32 <ComputerKid> jednorozec++
16:46:32 <zodbot> ComputerKid: Karma for humaton changed to 10 (for the current release cycle):
16:46:41 <darknao> i know jlcpcb, which seems popular
16:46:54 <bodanel> jednorozec++
16:47:15 <jednorozec> ComputerKid, basically you do Eagle drawing send them the thing and they will post you your boards
16:47:41 <ComputerKid> Interesting. This is really cool
16:47:43 <jednorozec> usually there is some limit like al least 10+ boards of the same type
16:47:58 <jednorozec> 1 layer boards are cheap
16:48:19 <jednorozec> 3-4 layers I have to order from china
16:49:02 <jednorozec> this is china but delivery within 2-3 weeks
16:49:28 <ComputerKid> Where do you design your PCBs?
16:50:24 <austinpowered> I have been working with Fritzing
16:50:36 <jednorozec> kiCad
16:50:43 <austinpowered> Trying to get my son interested
16:50:57 <jednorozec> KiCAD is also packaged in fedora
16:51:41 <jednorozec> Hmm havent used Fritzing for some time
16:51:45 <jednorozec> is it good?
16:52:00 <austinpowered> It doesn't seem to be getting much attention these days
16:52:48 <jednorozec> I have one complex project in making and KiCAD is not getting the routing right
16:53:01 <austinpowered> It's packaged in fedora but not the latest version
16:53:06 <jednorozec> So Iwill be forced to use autodesk Eagle
16:53:26 <jednorozec> but would prefer to use OSS solution
16:53:28 <austinpowered> Fritzing is not for complex.
16:54:11 <austinpowered> But it has a nice interface with windows for schematic, PCB and breadboard
16:54:33 * ComputerKid is installing fritzing now
16:55:21 <bodanel> we have 5 minutes, lets continue next week
16:55:39 <bodanel> #topic Open Floor
16:56:03 <austinpowered> I'm working with a NodeMCU for a prototype but will need a box and a PCB to put it on my boat.
16:56:34 <nirik> interesting stuff.
16:56:38 <ComputerKid> Very cool
16:57:10 <austinpowered> jednorozec++
16:57:10 <zodbot> austinpowered: Karma for humaton changed to 11 (for the current release cycle):
16:57:20 <bodanel> can you get NodeMCU in Europe ?
16:57:26 <jednorozec> Yup
16:57:35 <jednorozec> But I prefer other boards
16:57:59 <bodanel> which one do you prefer
16:58:03 <jednorozec> Actually for the last year I use jsut WROOM32 chips and solder them to boards
16:58:03 <bodanel> ?
16:58:06 <jednorozec> lolin
16:58:20 <jednorozec> lolin is a asian company they have a nice ecosystem
16:58:39 <jednorozec> number of extensions and stack-able builds
16:58:51 <austinpowered> @jednorozec, I would like to follow up with you on your thoughts about boards and sensors
16:59:13 <jednorozec> austinpowered, would love to
16:59:13 <austinpowered> Looking at Lolin now
16:59:17 <jednorozec>
16:59:19 <bodanel> me too :)
16:59:24 <jednorozec> that I used a lot in the beginings
16:59:31 <jednorozec> they are called wemos now
16:59:36 <jednorozec> sorry for the confusion
16:59:45 <jednorozec> or was wemos now it is lolin :)
16:59:50 <jednorozec> it is confusing :D
16:59:51 <austinpowered> This will be my first
17:00:09 <jednorozec> D32 Pro is awesome
17:00:20 <jednorozec> it has a display breakout for LCD
17:00:22 <bodanel> guys I will end the meeting, we're out of time
17:00:32 <bodanel> #endmeeting