15:05:24 <mobrien> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2020-11-05)
15:05:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Nov  5 15:05:24 2020 UTC.
15:05:24 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:05:24 <zodbot> The chair is mobrien. Information about MeetBot at
15:05:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:05:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure_(2020-11-05)'
15:05:24 <mobrien> #meetingname infrastructure
15:05:24 <mobrien> #chair nirik pingou smooge cverna mizdebsk mkonecny abompard siddharthvipul mobrien
15:05:24 <mobrien> #info Agenda is at:
15:05:24 <mobrien> #info About our team:
15:05:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure'
15:05:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: abompard cverna mizdebsk mkonecny mobrien nirik pingou siddharthvipul smooge
15:05:25 <mobrien> #topic aloha
15:05:30 <pingou> Thanks mobrien
15:05:34 <mkonecny> .hello zlopez
15:05:35 <zodbot> mkonecny: zlopez 'Michal Konečný' <>
15:05:43 <mobrien> .hello2
15:05:44 <zodbot> mobrien: mobrien 'Mark O'Brien' <>
15:05:47 <mobrien> no prob pingou
15:05:49 <pingou> .hello2
15:05:50 <zodbot> pingou: pingou 'Pierre-YvesChibon' <>
15:05:53 <mkonecny> pingou: I have the same issue
15:06:00 <mkonecny> It doesn't load for me
15:06:11 <mizdebsk> hello
15:06:13 <mymindstorm> hi
15:06:44 <nirik> morning
15:06:54 <darknao> .hello2
15:06:55 <zodbot> darknao: darknao 'Francois Andrieu' <>
15:06:57 <pingou> mobrien: feel free to run through, still not loaded here
15:07:18 <mobrien> ok will do. I'll give another 2 mins for hellos
15:08:07 <mobrien> #topic New folks introductions
15:08:08 <mobrien> #info This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves
15:08:08 <mobrien> #info Getting Started Guide:
15:08:25 <mobrien> any new folks around today?
15:09:07 <mobrien> This is an opportunity to just say hello to the team
15:10:09 * pingou has the board!
15:10:28 <mobrien> I'll leave it in your capable hands pingou
15:10:31 <pingou> #topic Next chair
15:10:33 <pingou> #info magic eight ball says:
15:10:35 <pingou> #info 2020-11-05 - pingou
15:10:37 <pingou> #info 2020-11-12 - mobrien
15:10:39 <pingou> #info 2020-11-19 - siddharthvipul
15:10:43 <pingou> anoyone interested to chair the meeting on Nov 26th?
15:11:08 <nirik> thats a holiday in the us.
15:11:17 <nirik> perhaps we cancel that one?
15:11:17 <pingou> is that thanksgiving?
15:11:20 <nirik> yeah
15:11:25 <pingou> that wfm :)
15:11:45 * nirik is going to be out all that week.
15:11:47 <pingou> the next one being Dec 3rd then :)
15:12:25 <nirik> I can take that one if no one else...
15:12:28 <pingou> any takers or should we see later?
15:12:46 <siddharthvipul> +1 to canceling
15:12:46 <pingou> nirik: looks like it's yours
15:12:50 <pingou> #info 2020-11-26 - no meeting
15:12:50 <siddharthvipul> if no one is around, I can chair if it's not canceled
15:12:51 <pingou> #info 2020-12-03 - nirik
15:13:04 <pingou> #topic announcements and information
15:13:05 <pingou> #info CPE Sustaining EU-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1030 Europe/paris in #centos-meeting
15:13:07 <pingou> #info CPE Sustaining NA-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-admin
15:13:09 <pingou> #info Datacenter move is over, but some items still need to be done: see
15:13:11 <pingou> #info F33 is out! Update/install today!
15:13:13 <pingou> #info f33 final freeze is over!
15:13:15 <pingou> #info no meeting on November 26th
15:13:20 <pingou> anything else to announce?
15:13:32 <nirik> #info RH day of learning tomorrow - many people will be out
15:13:39 <smooge> her
15:13:40 <pingou> good point
15:13:45 <nirik> #info mass update/reboot next week on wed
15:14:23 <pingou> was mobrien's reboot today realted?
15:14:28 <pingou> related*
15:14:34 <nirik> not that I know of.
15:14:41 <davdunc> .hello2
15:14:42 <zodbot> davdunc: davdunc 'David Duncan' <>
15:14:46 <pingou> ok
15:14:47 <nirik> I'm unclear what started it? there was an upgrade?
15:15:06 <mobrien> pingou, the machine wasn't rebooted, looked like an auto update maybe?
15:16:00 <mobrien> it was at ~6:00UTC so I'd doubt human interaction
15:16:21 <pingou> weird
15:16:39 <pingou> moving forward?
15:17:01 <mobrien> go for it
15:17:09 <pingou> #topic Oncall
15:17:10 <pingou> #info
15:17:12 <pingou> #info pingou is oncall for 2020-10-29 to 2020-11-05
15:17:14 <pingou> #info mkonecny  is oncall for 2020-11-06 to 2020-11-12
15:17:22 <pingou> any volunteer for the week of Nov 12th to the 19th?
15:17:51 <mobrien> I can do that
15:18:01 <pingou> deal
15:18:03 <pingou> #info mobrien  is oncall for 2020-11-12 to 2020-11-19
15:18:13 <mkonecny> .oncalltakeeu
15:18:13 <zodbot> mkonecny: Error: You don't have the alias.add capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
15:18:13 <austinpowered_> .hello2
15:18:15 <pingou> any volunteer for the week ending w/ thanksgiving? :)
15:18:16 <zodbot> austinpowered_: Sorry, but you don't exist
15:18:22 <pingou> (that should be a quiet one!)
15:18:43 <mkonecny> .oncalltakeeu
15:18:43 <zodbot> mkonecny: Kneel before zod!
15:18:45 * pingou can take it if no one wants it
15:19:45 <pingou> #info pingou  is oncall for 2020-11-19 to 2020-11-26
15:19:50 <pingou> #info Summary of last week: (from current oncall )
15:20:00 <pingou> there was only one ping :)
15:20:13 <pingou> and then today was ipa02 but that was it
15:20:13 <nirik> good. :)
15:20:44 <pingou> #topic Monitoring discussion [nirik]
15:20:46 <pingou> #info
15:20:48 <pingou> #info Go over existing out items and fix
15:21:25 <pingou> nirik: want to take it?
15:21:25 <nirik> not too many changes from last week.
15:21:27 <nirik> let me see
15:22:27 <nirik> yeah. Same as last week really...
15:22:43 <nirik> I think we can clear some of the down ones with a noc run (they were builders removed in stg)
15:23:26 <mobrien> oh ya, I took them out of the ansible inventory, thought the noc playbook ran daily
15:23:42 <nirik> nope... just a check version.
15:23:52 <mobrien> ok cool
15:24:37 <nirik> so, ok to move on I think...
15:24:44 <pingou> learning topic today ?
15:25:07 <pingou> nirik: are you up for the packager workflow?
15:25:14 <nirik> perhaps? the monday one was lrosset?
15:25:28 <pingou> yup about openshift operators and mbbox
15:25:28 <nirik> well, we keep trying to sync up with the monday tech talk... but failing.
15:25:39 <nirik> I don't see him around...
15:25:57 <pingou> let's skip for this week again then
15:26:07 <pingou> #topic Open Floor
15:26:14 <nirik> ok. Whats on the agenda for mondays?
15:26:17 * nirik looks for the doc
15:27:22 <nirik> huh, will look more later I guess.
15:27:36 <mymindstorm> ah I have updates on packages-static
15:27:49 <pingou> ah cool, mymindstorm go ahead
15:27:52 <nirik> oh? do tell...
15:28:21 <mymindstorm> I've pretty much taken over and would like to make use of some stging instances
15:28:57 <mymindstorm> I have a prototype container ready, although I'm new to openshift so it might take me a bit to figure out ssl
15:29:12 <pingou> ssl for the route?
15:29:26 <mymindstorm> yes
15:29:27 <pingou> it is handled by the proxies, so you don't need to handle this yourself on the container side
15:29:34 <mymindstorm> ah good
15:29:48 <mymindstorm> + with the docs.fpo this should help because I'll be running a solr instance
15:29:55 <austinpowered> .hello2
15:29:56 <zodbot> austinpowered: austinpowered 'T.C. Williams' <>
15:29:58 <mymindstorm> so I should be able to spin up another index for that
15:30:11 <pingou> cool
15:30:30 <nirik> interesting...
15:31:02 <nirik> mymindstorm: could you open a ticket on it? describe what it does and how it works and then someone can help you get it going in staging?
15:31:14 <mymindstorm> sure, thanks
15:31:35 <nirik> it would definitely be nice to have soemthing again... people really liked some parts of packages.
15:32:23 <pingou> nirik: btw, we should revise our RFR document
15:32:30 <nirik> yeah... it needs a revamp
15:32:34 <pingou> esp since we relaxed the rules wrt packaging w/ openshift
15:32:50 <pingou> I know the "packager dashboard" app is also coming this way
15:33:04 <nirik> yeah... openshift deployment, "traditional RFR" and make it an initaiave...
15:33:28 <nirik> yep
15:33:56 <nirik> FYI, I found the tech talks hackmd:
15:34:06 <pingou> I may put something in your calendar next week to pick your brain on how we want this to look like
15:34:12 <pingou> then I can do the doc update if you like
15:35:36 <pingou> (and send the PR for review of course)
15:35:44 <pingou> do we have anything else we want to sync on?
15:36:35 <nirik> probibly, but not sure...
15:36:37 <nirik> OH!
15:36:52 <nirik> I have a question: would anyone mind moving this meeting to 16UTC? :)
15:37:06 <pingou> ^^
15:37:19 <mobrien> +1
15:37:22 <pingou> nirik: does your state do dst?
15:37:41 <nirik> yeah, sadly. So, now this is 7am for me... which I can do, but ugh...
15:38:55 <austinpowered> +1
15:39:02 <nirik> so, if we can shift it that would be nice... :)
15:39:23 <darknao> yep +1
15:39:31 <pingou> I never understand how we always endup changing time twice a year while both of us are doing dst
15:39:44 <pingou> is the meeting set to stick to UTC?
15:40:02 <mobrien> I think fedocal is UTC right?
15:40:04 <pingou> we've never made it be USA/NYC and called it a day?
15:40:41 <pingou> (+1 to change of course)
15:40:43 <nirik> yeah, it's UTC... but also EU and US switch at different times... last week it was just EU, now both have changed
15:40:48 <nirik> I hate DST
15:41:05 <austinpowered> -1 DST
15:41:08 <pingou> but we know it's going to be annoying 1 week in fall and 3 weeks in spring
15:41:23 <pingou> and we don't have to talk about changing time twice a year anymore :)
15:41:43 * pingou votes for putting the meeting in an actual timezone rather than UTC
15:41:43 <nirik> sure, we could tie it to some local time perhaps...
15:42:14 <nirik> there's no way to denote that is there tho?
15:42:30 <pingou> hm?
15:42:39 <nirik> 8am Pacific standard time... switches to Pacific Daylight time
15:42:58 <pingou> it would be: America/Los Angeles
15:43:01 <nirik> I gues you just say "8am Pacific"
15:43:05 <nirik> or yeah.
15:43:06 <pingou> and that would swtich with DST
15:43:16 <nirik> thats fine. lets do that.
15:43:49 <pingou> so 8am Los Angeles?
15:44:15 <pingou> +1/0/-1?
15:44:16 <austinpowered> then DST meeting is 9am pacific or noon EDT
15:44:20 <nirik> +1
15:44:36 <mobrien> +1
15:44:57 <austinpowered> no issue here but will you meet at noon or change again?
15:45:01 <nirik> it's 8am Los Angeles, daylight savings time or not. ;)
15:45:09 <nirik> so, the meeting moves with the change
15:46:18 <pingou> alright, changed in fedocal
15:46:18 <austinpowered> true - the benefit of using a local TZ and not UTC
15:46:58 <pingou> anything else?
15:47:06 <pingou> otherwise I'll give us a few minutes back :)
15:47:23 <austinpowered> Is there a way to view older learning topics?
15:47:37 <nirik> austinpowered: they should be in the meeting logs...
15:47:42 <nirik>
15:48:45 <austinpowered>
15:49:35 <pingou> alright, let's end and continue our discussion on -admin, -noc and -apps
15:49:39 <pingou> thanks for coming everyone!
15:49:42 <pingou> #endmeeting