13:01:46 <amoloney> #startmeeting CPE PO Office Hours
13:01:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Sep 17 13:01:46 2020 UTC.
13:01:46 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
13:01:46 <zodbot> The chair is amoloney. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
13:01:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
13:01:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'cpe_po_office_hours'
13:02:06 <amoloney> #info About CPE https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/cpe/
13:02:24 <amoloney> #Topic Quarter 4 Project planning for CPE
13:04:16 <amoloney> Hi Everyone! Hope you are all keeping well! Just wanted to share a few updates with you on the CPE teams quarterly planning meeting which is scheduled for tomorrow
13:04:52 <amoloney> We are going to be working on CentOS Stream and Noggin (which is the AAA replacement) indefinitely
13:13:37 <amoloney> but we are also going to vote on whether to progress OSBS for aarch64, Image Builder for Composes, Docs CI/CD, Review of the Fedora Monitoring & Metrics Stack & Flatpacks
13:13:55 <kleinkravis> ok
13:14:13 <kleinkravis> also it's Flatpak
13:14:26 <amoloney> all of the above projects will have briefs attached to their respective taiga cards this week
13:14:32 <amoloney> ah thanks kleinkravis :)
13:14:41 <kleinkravis> yep
13:15:23 <amoloney> and I will share the outcome of our voting session with you all once the projects we will be working on for Quarter 4 have been confirmed and agreed to by both team and management
13:15:40 <amoloney> this update is likely to be towards the end of the month
13:16:33 <amoloney> #topic Office Hours change
13:17:59 <amoloney> Also in response to the feedback we received from our CPE survey has indicated that less office hours could be a good thing, so with that I will be moving my office hours to once per month, on the second Thursday of the month and I will send an agenda to the devel list the day before to share what I will be talking about and also a call for topics
13:19:03 <amoloney> #topic GitLab AMA
13:19:21 <amoloney> And final update is on the GitLab AMA session last week!
13:19:51 <amoloney> Thank you to everyone who contributed questions to the document and to the session on the day and to those who attended
13:21:39 <amoloney> GitLab have agreed to complete our question list and I will publish them once complete. Weve asked them to complete it by end of this month so I will keep you updated on the CPE weekly list on this progress
13:22:19 <amoloney> We also got some great suggestions from attendees on the day to have a mail thread with dedicated topics for people to discuss on as the session itself got a bit hard to follow
13:22:43 <amoloney> And another AMA session would be very appreciated in October/November
13:23:24 <amoloney> Im personally leaning towards November so it gives GitLab time to complete the questions, and me time to send the topic mails to the lists and have people discuss them more
13:23:30 <pingou> +1
13:23:44 <amoloney> then run an AMA session on Reddit maybe instead
13:24:04 <amoloney> or something - I might even use the topic of How should the next AMA session be ran as a mail :)
13:24:34 <pingou> how meta :)
13:24:55 <pingou> (but I'd be curious to see this discussion)
13:25:27 <amoloney> anyway, just wanted to say thank you all again, with the teams quarterly planning coming up this topic has taken a backseat for me to drive (so many unintentional driving puns) but I will get on it again next week when the pressure is off for quarterly planning :)
13:25:29 <siddharthvipul> I can see it turning into how good vs horrible reddit is
13:27:13 <amoloney> pingou: yeah Id like to hear from people their suggestions as I am pretty new to this whole AMA arena :)
13:38:10 <carlwgeorge> personally I think reddit's threaded responses are much better for an AMA
13:40:42 <bcotton> another option is limiting voice in the channel and have moderators collect and post questions
13:41:28 <bcotton> back when we did fedora election town halls, that's how we did it. it helps keep the conversation more readable
14:06:33 <amoloney> sorry I had another call and went AFk but I think this might warrant a discussion anyway and we can run the next one in the way the majority feel would be best
14:06:38 <amoloney> and also easiest for me :)
14:07:20 <amoloney> anyway have a good rest of your Thursday, I will have a new CPE weekly out tomorrow, last week got away from me so sorry about the gap!
14:07:34 <amoloney> and see you all in October for the new office hours slot!
14:07:39 <amoloney> #endmeeting