
#fedora-meeting-1: FESCO (2020-03-16)

Meeting started by zbyszek at 15:00:56 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. init process (zbyszek, 15:00:59)
  2. #2356 Fedora 31: Reset eclipse stream for all (once) or leave the bugzilla unfixed? (zbyszek, 15:05:56)
  3. #2356 Fedora 31: Reset eclipse stream for all (once) or leave the bugzilla unfixed? (zbyszek, 15:21:06)
    1. AGREED: Reset is approved (with details to be written up) (+5, 0, 0) (zbyszek, 15:21:12)
    2. ACTION: sgallagh to submit PR for fedora-release to implement the reset. (sgallagh, 15:21:43)
    3. ACTION: zbyszek to write up available options in the wiki (zbyszek, 15:23:24)
    4. AGREED: Option 1 is approved (+7, 0, 0) (zbyszek, 15:32:00)
    5. ACTION: bcotton to update the wiki or reassign to the next "volunteer" (zbyszek, 15:35:04)

  4. Next week's chair (zbyszek, 15:35:19)
    1. ACTION: zbyszek will chair the next meeting (zbyszek, 15:35:33)

  5. Open Floor (zbyszek, 15:35:41)
    1. ACTION: bookwar to write up #2284 (zbyszek, 15:39:34)

Meeting ended at 15:52:36 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. sgallagh to submit PR for fedora-release to implement the reset.
  2. zbyszek to write up available options in the wiki
  3. bcotton to update the wiki or reassign to the next "volunteer"
  4. zbyszek will chair the next meeting
  5. bookwar to write up #2284

Action items, by person

  1. bcotton
    1. bcotton to update the wiki or reassign to the next "volunteer"
  2. bookwar
    1. bookwar to write up #2284
  3. sgallagh
    1. sgallagh to submit PR for fedora-release to implement the reset.
  4. zbyszek
    1. zbyszek to write up available options in the wiki
    2. zbyszek will chair the next meeting

People present (lines said)

  1. zbyszek (69)
  2. dcantrell (34)
  3. nirik (28)
  4. zodbot (25)
  5. sgallagh (23)
  6. mhroncok (22)
  7. decathorpe (17)
  8. bookwar (11)
  9. bcotton (3)
  10. kalev (1)
  11. ignatenkobrain (0)
  12. contyk (0)

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