16:00:08 <geppetto> #startmeeting fpc
16:00:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 25 16:00:08 2019 UTC.
16:00:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:08 <zodbot> The chair is geppetto. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc'
16:00:09 <geppetto> #meetingname fpc
16:00:09 <geppetto> #topic Roll Call
16:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fpc'
16:00:15 * limburgher here
16:00:22 <geppetto> #chair limburgher
16:00:22 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto limburgher
16:00:51 <ignatenkobrain> .hello2
16:00:56 <zodbot> ignatenkobrain: ignatenkobrain 'Igor Gnatenko' <i.gnatenko.brain@gmail.com>
16:01:06 <geppetto> #chair ignatenkobrain
16:01:06 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto ignatenkobrain limburgher
16:01:08 <tibbs> Hey.
16:01:10 <mhroncok> hey. I am around, but I will not be available the entire time
16:01:13 <geppetto> #chair mhroncok
16:01:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto ignatenkobrain limburgher mhroncok
16:01:14 <ignatenkobrain> I'm attending Rust Meetup in Brno, So I can be slow with answers
16:01:27 <tibbs> I'm at home with the flu and likely to be mostly useless.
16:01:37 <geppetto> Ok, no new tickets this week anyway … so hopefully can make it short for you guys
16:01:40 <geppetto> #chair tibbs
16:01:40 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto ignatenkobrain limburgher mhroncok tibbs
16:02:54 <ignatenkobrain> I didnt have much time to look at Go stuff, but I did merge some parts for redhat-rpm-confog
16:03:04 <geppetto> cool
16:04:08 <geppetto> #topic Schedule
16:04:11 <geppetto> #link https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/packaging@lists.fedoraproject.org/message/KWKGHR54D4JW23VDL76G6VKQELUQ4EQ3/
16:04:51 <geppetto> #topic #382 Go Packaging Guidelines Draft
16:04:55 <geppetto> .fpc 382
16:04:57 <zodbot> geppetto: Issue #382: Go Packaging Guidelines Draft - packaging-committee - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/packaging-committee/issue/382
16:04:59 <redi> hi
16:05:08 <redi> sorry I'm late, was on another call
16:05:25 <eclipseo> I'm here if you have any questions regarding the draft
16:05:27 <geppetto> #chair redi
16:05:27 <zodbot> Current chairs: geppetto ignatenkobrain limburgher mhroncok redi tibbs
16:05:35 <geppetto> eclipseo: thanks
16:05:57 <geppetto> So the last comment is eclipseo saying he thinks he's addressed all the comments made in the last meeting.
16:06:06 <decathorpe> .hello decathorpe
16:06:07 <zodbot> decathorpe: decathorpe 'None' <decathorpe@gmail.com>
16:06:12 <geppetto> #chair decathorpe
16:06:12 <zodbot> Current chairs: decathorpe geppetto ignatenkobrain limburgher mhroncok redi tibbs
16:06:14 <decathorpe> still drunk ...
16:06:16 <geppetto> Just in time :)
16:06:27 <decathorpe> hi, I'm None
16:07:52 <mhroncok> decathorpe: at least you exist
16:08:33 <decathorpe> I think the draft is up to date with our comments?
16:10:47 <geppetto> decathorpe: that's what eclipseo is suggesting
16:11:04 <geppetto> I'm not 100% sure … is there an easy way to see diffs etc.?
16:11:32 <eclipseo> I squashed everything for the PR
16:11:56 <eclipseo> the changes are regarding the generated buildrguires
16:12:02 <eclipseo> buildrequires
16:12:08 <eclipseo> to match the latest dev
16:12:18 <decathorpe> is that live yet?
16:12:53 <eclipseo> plus adressing some of the comments made diring the last meeting, for ex removing "if you're lucky" by a more descriptive wording
16:13:37 <eclipseo> decathorpe: it's in progress, but the current code in the macros is planned to support it
16:14:46 <decathorpe> so IIUC, RPM in fedora doesn't support it yet?
16:16:27 <eclipseo> no, the bug is here: https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/pull/593
16:17:33 <decathorpe> then I'd switch it around in the guidelines until it becomes available (i.e. make "manual" the default, and mention that automatic generation is being worked on)
16:19:43 <eclipseo> In the current draft, I already add a condition "If automatic buildrequires are available in your platform" I think it's clear enough. I explain how to get the alternative, as in how to get the BR manually
16:20:18 <decathorpe> I see that, but since there's no platform that supports it yet ... well, I think you get my point
16:25:32 <geppetto> Ok, anyone have any more comments … we have enough bandwith to vote on it or do we need to leave it for another week when a bunch of us have more time?
16:27:12 <decathorpe> we can vote, if you want. I think the draft looks pretty good
16:27:40 <eclipseo> decathorpe: I've switched the declarations about BR, automatic comes second now.
16:28:16 <decathorpe> great, thanks!
16:28:28 <ignatenkobrain> decathorpe: it is not even in a upstream... But I'm working on it
16:30:16 <decathorpe> so, should we vote?
16:30:39 <geppetto> decathorpe: We can …
16:30:49 <ignatenkobrain> I would prefer to take closer look
16:30:58 <geppetto> Proposal: Current draft, after automatic => manual default change.
16:31:01 <geppetto> +1
16:31:03 <ignatenkobrain> Since I didn't have much time to do so
16:31:59 <decathorpe> ignatenkobrian: you can vote in the ticket after you've looked at it?
16:32:19 <decathorpe> I'm +1, looks good, and I've been using most of it for my own packages already
16:32:43 <mhroncok> I am OK either way
16:33:05 <mhroncok> but ignatenkobrain promised to post inline comments. I think we can wait one extra week
16:34:19 * decathorpe shrugs
16:36:30 <limburgher> +1
16:37:53 <geppetto> #info mhroncok Wants to wait until ignatenkobrain comments.
16:38:13 <geppetto> #info Go Packaging Buidelines (+1:3, 0:1, -1:0)
16:38:22 <geppetto> #topic Open Floor
16:38:41 <geppetto> Anyone have anything else to talk about?
16:39:03 <geppetto> eclipseo: With luck we should talk about it next week, and get it passed :)
16:40:21 <decathorpe> this might be off-topic, but what should I do when the email of the main admin for a package bounces?
16:40:37 <decathorpe> start nonresponsive maintainer process?
16:41:36 <geppetto> Yeh, I think so
16:41:52 <geppetto> Maybe ask in fedora-devel if anyone knows how to contact them?
16:42:02 <decathorpe> yeah, those were my thoughts too
16:42:26 <decathorpe> working on the stewardship SIG packages gets you into the dark and dusty corners of fedora pretty quickly
16:45:35 <redi> I guess I'm +1 on the Go guidelines. gotta run now though
16:57:25 <mhroncok> is the meeting still on?
16:57:53 <decathorpe> maybe :D
16:58:14 <dmoluguw> is there a agenda for this meeting?
16:58:27 <limburgher> ish.
17:00:12 <decathorpe> end meeting?
17:00:24 <bcotton> geppetto: can you #endmeeting please?
17:00:34 <geppetto> #endmeeting