13:01:09 <cverna> #startmeeting Container SIG
13:01:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Nov 19 13:01:09 2018 UTC.
13:01:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
13:01:09 <zodbot> The chair is cverna. Information about MeetBot at
13:01:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
13:01:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'container_sig'
13:01:25 <cverna> #topic Roll Call
13:01:48 <cverna> Anybody there for the Container SIG meeting :) ?
13:02:22 <bhavin192> .hello2
13:02:23 <zodbot> bhavin192: bhavin192 'Bhavin Gandhi' <>
13:02:29 <bhavin192> cverna, hello o/
13:02:43 <cverna> bhavin192: o/
13:02:53 <cverna> #chair bhavin192
13:02:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 cverna
13:03:01 <jcajka> .hello2 jcajka
13:03:02 <zodbot> jcajka: jcajka 'None' <>
13:03:10 <cverna> #chair jcajka
13:03:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 cverna jcajka
13:03:33 <cverna> ttomecek: jlanda Container SIG meeting in on if interested :)
13:04:07 <ttomecek> .hello2
13:04:08 <zodbot> ttomecek: ttomecek 'Tomas Tomecek' <>
13:04:16 <cverna> #chair ttomecek
13:04:16 <zodbot> Current chairs: bhavin192 cverna jcajka ttomecek
13:04:22 <cverna> #topic Updates since last meeting
13:04:37 <cverna> jcajka++ for running the last meeting
13:05:00 <jcajka> cverna: np
13:05:12 <cverna> I don't have much update on my side, except that I am still working to get aarch64 cluster for OSBS
13:05:25 <cverna> and we have bodhi updates available for contianers :)
13:05:38 * jcajka hopes it is going well
13:05:52 <jcajka> cverna: if you need any help let me know
13:06:40 <cverna> jcajka: sure for now I am blocked by some firewall rules, hopefully that will be solved this week
13:07:15 <cverna> Anybody else has some updates ? or should we look a tickets ?
13:07:21 <ttomecek> cverna, so the contaainer updates via bodhi work fine?
13:07:55 <cverna> ttomecek: yes, and a PR for fedpkg was merged this morning so next version of fedpkg will support it
13:08:14 <ttomecek> awesome!
13:08:28 <ttomecek> no updates for our sig devconf session yet
13:08:30 <cverna> one remark was given on devel about the build nvr
13:08:48 <cverna>
13:09:32 <cverna> If the container has the same name as the rpm we use the same nvr and OSBS will bump the release number, so that can mess up the rpm builds
13:10:22 <cverna> I am not sure yet how to fix this, but I can open a ticket in our tracker and we can look at it there
13:11:18 <ttomecek> cverna, the easiest solution is probably to rename the component, not sure if that's a good idea; +1 on opening the ticket
13:11:39 <cverna> I ll create the ticket after this meeting
13:12:11 <cverna> #topic Tickets
13:12:29 <jcajka> quick note from me, if anybody have spare time I will much appreciate a review of any on the (now they all should build as latest origin update hit stable), i will be happy to review back(preferring containers and Go packages;))
13:12:30 <cverna> #topic Remove the $FGC from the container name
13:12:52 <cverna> jcajka: I ll give it a look
13:13:06 <cverna> jcajka: oh man that's a big list :)
13:13:21 <jcajka> just a few containers ;D
13:13:54 <cverna> so about issue 2 -->
13:14:01 <cverna> I have some news
13:14:18 <cverna> I finally manage to build a container using OSBS custom tag feature
13:14:36 <cverna>
13:15:49 <cverna> hum src.fp.o is odd in stg
13:16:50 <cverna> so by using a container.yaml file in dist git we can set the tags used during the build
13:16:53 <cverna> see
13:17:09 <cverna> that was we will not have the latest tag applied to every build
13:18:43 <jcajka> cverna: awesome, and latest will set by bodhi or by the thing that pushes it in to the stable registry?
13:19:24 <jlanda> cverna: i'm on another meeting
13:19:25 <cverna> jcajka: yes bodhi will first set a testing tag, then create a latest tag once the update is pushed to stable
13:19:34 <cverna> jlanda: np enjoy :)
13:20:10 <ttomecek> cverna, that's pretty good! that should also address the problem with automatic tagging on images based on RPM versions inside, to some extent
13:20:45 <cverna> hopefully we should be able to move to early next year, so I think this will be a good opportunity to drop the namespacing
13:21:36 <cverna> I ll add some info in the ticket and we can start working on updating the guidelines ( ie how to use the container.yaml file)
13:22:04 <ttomecek> +1
13:22:11 <bhavin192> So it would be like container-image:version-tag and we won't have this tied to a specific version of Fedora, right?
13:22:40 <cverna> yes
13:23:16 <cverna> or just container:latest which should use the latest fedora base image
13:24:53 <cverna> Anything else on this ticket ?
13:26:30 <cverna> Ok moving on to next ticket
13:26:58 <cverna> #topic  Bodhi Container Update Policy
13:28:49 <ttomecek> cverna, what's the intent?
13:29:49 <cverna> so currently we have the same settings as for rpms on container updates, I think these policies are not well defined for containers
13:30:39 <cverna> ie for a update to move from container-image:testing tag to container-image:latest we currently need either +3 karma or 7 days in testing
13:30:40 <ttomecek> cverna, so you want container images to be more relaxed?
13:30:49 <cverna> ttomecek: yes :)
13:31:08 <cverna> I think we could ask for no karma and maybe 2-3 days in testing
13:31:31 <cverna> keeping in mind that we will also have CI and gating for containers
13:31:34 <ttomecek> cverna, what's the status of container testing? last time I checked, I saw some infra-related errors
13:31:52 <ttomecek> cverna, +1, 2-3 days
13:31:58 <jcajka> cverna: IMO +3 karma for auto-push or 2-3days
13:32:10 <jcajka> and no negative karma
13:32:10 <cverna> ttomecek: I have not checked in a while :(
13:32:43 <cverna> ttomecek: jcajka can you add your proposal on the ticket, then we can find a consensus and make a fesco ticket
13:33:07 <jcajka> cvernaL sure
13:33:15 <jcajka> cverna
13:33:48 <cverna> Also it is to be noted that for container depending on other layered image as base image, you should be able to use the testing tag during the OSBS build
13:34:58 <cverna> I am not sure we want to recommend that, but that's a way for not having to wait 3 days before building the containers
13:36:17 <jcajka> cverna: it would be great to have some equivalent to buildroot override so we can create batched(multiple image) updates
13:37:21 <cverna> jcajka: yes it is on bodhi roadmap, and Randy had some though about it already
13:37:29 <cverna> but not sure when this will happen
13:38:09 <jcajka> ack, I will comment in to the thicket with that on my mind
13:38:11 * cverna thinks that we CI + automatic update we would already have a good solution
13:38:52 <cverna> #topic Open Floor
13:39:17 <cverna> Anything else to add ?
13:39:42 <ttomecek> (not from me, good progress!)
13:40:02 <jcajka> nothing else from me
13:40:49 <cverna> ok thanks all for coming :)
13:41:09 <ttomecek> cverna++ thank you for organizing the meeting! and thank you all for updates
13:41:10 <cverna> and talk to you in 2 weeks
13:41:21 <cverna> #endmeeting