
#fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2018-11-15)

Meeting started by smooge at 15:00:34 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. aloha (smooge, 15:01:05)
  2. New folks introductions (smooge, 15:04:04)
    1. This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves (smooge, 15:04:14)
    2. Getting Started Guide: (smooge, 15:04:23)

  3. announcements and information (smooge, 15:07:35)
    1. tflink is on extended PTO (smooge, 15:07:42)
    2. osuosl03 died. infinote is down currently (smooge, 15:08:01)
    3. the cake was a lie (smooge, 15:08:10)
    4. we are close to a new openstack cloud... it's been a long road. (nirik, 15:08:46)
    5. bodhi-3.11.0 beta deployed on staging. this time with python 3… and it kiiinda works too! (bowlofeggs, 15:08:50)
    6. : upcoming release of fedmsg_meta_fedora_infra (pingou, 15:09:48)

  4. Oncall (smooge, 15:12:22)
    1. puiterwijk is on call from 2018-11-15->2018-11-22 (smooge, 15:12:41)
    2. nirik is on call from 2018-11-22->2018-11-29 (smooge, 15:12:48)
    3. smooge is on call from 2018-11-29->2018-12-06 (smooge, 15:12:56)
    4. ??? is on call from 2018-12-06->2018-12-13 (smooge, 15:13:03)
    5. Summary of last week: (from bowlofeggs ) (smooge, 15:13:15)

  5. Tickets discussion (smooge, 15:16:03)
    1. (smooge, 15:16:12)

  6. Open Floor (smooge, 15:48:16)

Meeting ended at 15:54:17 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. smooge (64)
  2. bowlofeggs (42)
  3. nirik (32)
  4. mkonecny (24)
  5. aikidouke (22)
  6. suanand (21)
  7. zodbot (20)
  8. puiterwijk (17)
  9. pingou (12)
  10. SmootherFrOgZ (8)
  11. cverna (4)
  12. piston (4)
  13. kushal (2)
  14. threebean (0)
  15. tflink (0)
  16. relrod (0)

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