
#fedora-meeting-1: Infrastructure (2018-06-28)

Meeting started by smooge at 14:00:42 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. aloha (smooge, 14:00:42)
  2. New folks introductions (smooge, 14:03:55)
    1. This is a place where people who are interested in Fedora Infrastructure can introduce themselves (smooge, 14:03:55)

  3. announcements and information (smooge, 14:07:44)
    1. bowlofeggs is on PTO (smooge, 14:07:44)
    2. abompard is on PTO (smooge, 14:07:44)
    3. pingou is on PTO (smooge, 14:07:44)
    4. tflink is going on extended PTO (smooge, 14:07:45)
    5. major Ibiblio outage 2018-07-10 (smooge, 14:07:46)
    6. all staging virthosts have been moved (smooge, 14:07:47)
    7. only 1 virthost is at - CPU (smooge, 14:07:48)
    8. there will be a short outage on proxy14 today (smooge, 14:07:50)
    9. FLOCK in Dresden is 2018-08-08 (smooge, 14:07:52)
    10. visit to PHX2 will be happenening 2018-08-15->2018-08-18 (smooge, 14:07:54)
    11. HSTS for has been enabled, make sure everything * uses HTTPS (puiterwijk, 14:08:51)
    12. New release of greenwave is being prepared dcallagh is double checking that bodhi integration still works before we push anything out. (threebean, 14:12:49)
    13. mass update reboots next monday/tuesday. outages to be filed soon. (nirik, 14:14:39)

  4. Oncall (smooge, 14:20:34)
    1. Smooge is on call from 2018-06-27->2018-07-05 (smooge, 14:20:35)
    2. Kevin is on call from 2018-07-06->2018-07-12 (smooge, 14:20:35)
    3. ?? is on call from 2018-07-13->2018-07-19 (smooge, 14:20:35)

  5. Office hours - how did it go? - kevin (smooge, 14:22:30)
  6. Flock again - kevin (smooge, 14:29:53)
    1. (nirik, 14:30:54)

  7. pkgdb retirement - kevin (smooge, 14:32:34)
    1. currently pkgdb serves gnome-software and taskotron. (smooge, 14:41:55)
    2. and maybe soemthing else (smooge, 14:42:05)

  8. bugzilla5 in September - aikidouke (smooge, 14:45:17)
    1. (smooge, 14:45:18)
    2. (aikidouke, 14:48:25)

  9. Tickets discussion (smooge, 14:48:50)
    1. (smooge, 14:48:50)
    2. ticket 6470 will be done after this meeting (smooge, 14:52:46)
    3. ticket 6459 will be worked on next tuesday by nirik and suanand (smooge, 14:58:10)

  10. Open Floor (smooge, 15:01:11)
    1. ticket #6470 should now be finished (puiterwijk, 15:01:20)

Meeting ended at 15:07:29 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. smooge (95)
  2. nirik (65)
  3. puiterwijk (17)
  4. zodbot (16)
  5. tflink (16)
  6. aikidouke (15)
  7. cverna (12)
  8. suanand (11)
  9. mizdebsk (10)
  10. threebean (7)
  11. relrod (7)
  12. mklvr (6)
  13. mboddu (5)
  14. clime (4)
  15. bhavin192 (2)
  16. creaked (2)
  17. ksinny (1)
  18. vgolwala (1)
  19. sapo (1)
  20. pingou (0)

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