20:00:47 <sgallagh> #startmeeting Fedora Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2018-06-19)
20:00:47 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jun 19 20:00:47 2018 UTC.
20:00:47 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
20:00:47 <zodbot> The chair is sgallagh. Information about MeetBot at
20:00:47 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_server_sig_weekly_meeting_(2018-06-19)'
20:00:47 <sgallagh> #meetingname serversig
20:00:47 <sgallagh> #topic Roll Call
20:00:47 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'serversig'
20:00:54 <sgallagh> .hello2
20:00:55 <zodbot> sgallagh: sgallagh 'Stephen Gallagher' <>
20:01:00 <mjwolf> .hello2
20:01:01 <zodbot> mjwolf: mjwolf 'Michael Wolf' <>
20:01:08 <nirik> morning
20:03:11 <sgallagh> Not a lot of people around this week, which is fair because I didn't send an agenda.
20:03:29 <smooge> is here
20:03:44 <sgallagh> #topic Agenda
20:04:09 <sgallagh> #info Agenda Item: Aging PRD and FreeIPA requirements
20:04:18 <sgallagh> Anyone have another topic for this week?
20:04:45 <mjwolf> I dont have any topics for this week
20:05:04 <sgallagh> #topic Aging PRD and FreeIPA requirements
20:05:36 <sgallagh> So, on the topic thread around new FreeIPA release criteria, it was pointed out that our criteria are all based around phrasing in the Server Edition PRD
20:05:56 <sgallagh> Specifically around the concept of roles (and therefore by extension, implying a requirement of rolekit)
20:06:46 <sgallagh> I think it's pretty clear that this document is out of date and no longer valid, so I'd like to raise a motion to annotate it as such and then deal with the requirements independent of it.
20:07:38 <sgallagh> Proposal: Archive the current Server Edition PRD as a historical document and move our specific release criteria out of it and into the general Release Criteria wiki pages.
20:07:57 <sgallagh> adamw, kparal: ping ^^ this is highly relevant to you
20:08:06 <sgallagh> ab: you too
20:09:26 <sgallagh> ...
20:09:33 <nirik> seems fine.
20:09:37 <smooge> seems fine
20:09:42 <smooge> sync
20:10:39 <sgallagh> I feel like the PRD right now is too far out of date to be served by a few updates and we have a perfectly good (and maintained) Release Criteria set that we could use instead.
20:11:12 <smooge> I agree
20:11:28 <sgallagh> I'm not sure we have sufficient representation to make this a binding decision in this meeting, so I'll move the proposal to the mailing list if those present agree with the general idea.
20:12:06 <langdon> i can vote if you like.. if you think that would help.. but you probably should send to the ML anyway
20:12:14 * langdon was lurking
20:12:28 <nirik> vote early, vote often
20:12:32 <langdon> ha
20:12:38 <langdon> im +1 for the record
20:12:38 <sgallagh> langdon: Mostly I'm looking to see if anyone has a strong opposition to this approach
20:12:52 <sgallagh> (And would by extension be volunteering to rewrite the PRD ...)
20:14:43 <sgallagh> #info Those present generally agree with the proposal "Archive the current Server Edition PRD as a historical document and move our specific release criteria out of it and into the general Release Criteria wiki pages." but it will be sent to the mailing list for further discussion.
20:14:48 <sgallagh> #topic Open Floor
20:14:53 <sgallagh> Short meeting today? :)
20:15:13 <nirik> guess so
20:16:21 <sgallagh> OK, I'll close it out in two minutes if no one has anything else.
20:18:08 <sgallagh> #endmeeting