
#fedora-meeting-1: Server Working Group Weekly Meeting (2016-11-01)

Meeting started by sgallagh at 20:00:07 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (sgallagh, 20:00:07)
  2. Agenda (sgallagh, 20:02:37)
    1. Agenda Item: Node.js for alternative architectures (sgallagh, 20:02:54)
    2. Agenda Item: Common requirements for server roles (sgallagh, 20:03:08)

  3. Node.js for alternative architectures (sgallagh, 20:04:49)
    1. AGREED: We will add s390x to the %{nodejs_arches} macro in time for the F26 mass rebuild. We are abstaining from a decision on EPEL. (sgallagh, 20:27:39)

  4. Common requirements for server roles (sgallagh, 20:28:01)
    1. After much discussion, we largely agreed on "You can use either containers or bare-metal for a role, but if you choose not to containerize, you'll have to justify it strongly" (sgallagh, 21:13:00)

Meeting ended at 21:15:06 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. sgallagh (115)
  2. vvaldez (24)
  3. smooge (21)
  4. dperpeet (20)
  5. jds2001 (20)
  6. sharkcz (15)
  7. zodbot (12)
  8. langdon (12)
  9. mhayden (9)
  10. nirik (4)
  11. mjwolf (3)
  12. adamw (2)

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