The Google Summer of Code project period
officially begins on May 23rd. Students will officially begin
working on their projects starting next Monday. Expect to see a few
new faces in some parts of the project as they get started!(jflory7,
PyCon Stickers have been ordered(decause,
=== [INCOMPLETE] jflory7 Open discussion on
Marketing mailing list about needs for password storage and
distribution to pass on to Infrastructure team based on feedback
from Infra team about what we need ===(jflory7,
ACTION: jflory7 Open
discussion on Marketing mailing list about needs for password
storage and distribution to pass on to Infrastructure team based on
feedback from Infra team about what we need(jflory7,
=== [COMPLETE] jflory7 File tickets with
fedora-websites team for adding links to the for and fp.o/easyfix ===(jflory7,
=== [IN PROGRESS] jbishop / jflory7 Post to the
Ambassador list (with jflory7 if needed) and council-discuss list
introducing Affiliate program concept and asking for input /
feedback ===(jflory7,
ACTION: jbishop /
jflory7 Post to the Ambassador list (with jflory7 if needed) and
council-discuss list introducing Affiliate program concept and
asking for input / feedback(jflory7,
=== [COMPLETE] bkp Check in with mizmo about
adding the changes in to the Python brochure and getting a
print-ready copy ===(jflory7,
"Create Python talking points for
ACTION: jflory7 Close
Ticket #219, everything needed is complete! Take churchyard's
feedback into Design ticket for updating for later prints (just one
or two minor typos)(jflory7,
AGREED: jbishop has
the drafts ready for review and posted a request for feedback on the
Marketing list. jflory7 will forward his email on to the Ambassadors
and council-discuss mailing lists to get a broader amount of
feedback from the Fedora community too.(jflory7,
The Fedora Magazine is looking for new writers!
If you're interested in writing for the Magazine, check out the
"Getting started" page for more info. Watch for an article on the
Fedora Magazine about the same thing too!(jflory7,
decause actually link to the pycon sprint wiki page :P
jflory7 Open discussion on Marketing mailing list about needs for password storage and distribution to pass on to Infrastructure team based on feedback from Infra team about what we need
jbishop / jflory7 Post to the Ambassador list (with jflory7 if needed) and council-discuss list introducing Affiliate program concept and asking for input / feedback
decause Reach out to Docs team and get their input on the Marketing task pipeline
jflory7 Close Ticket #219, everything needed is complete! Take churchyard's feedback into Design ticket for updating for later prints (just one or two minor typos)
jflory7 File a Marketing Trac ticket for the F24 final release announcement
jflory7 Create a ticket for screenshots in F24, CC mailga, decause, cprofitt
decause ask council about objective co-ownership
Action items, by person
decause actually link to the pycon sprint wiki page :P
decause Reach out to Docs team and get their input on the Marketing task pipeline
jflory7 Create a ticket for screenshots in F24, CC mailga, decause, cprofitt
decause ask council about objective co-ownership
jbishop / jflory7 Post to the Ambassador list (with jflory7 if needed) and council-discuss list introducing Affiliate program concept and asking for input / feedback
jflory7 Open discussion on Marketing mailing list about needs for password storage and distribution to pass on to Infrastructure team based on feedback from Infra team about what we need
jbishop / jflory7 Post to the Ambassador list (with jflory7 if needed) and council-discuss list introducing Affiliate program concept and asking for input / feedback
jflory7 Close Ticket #219, everything needed is complete! Take churchyard's feedback into Design ticket for updating for later prints (just one or two minor typos)
jflory7 File a Marketing Trac ticket for the F24 final release announcement
jflory7 Create a ticket for screenshots in F24, CC mailga, decause, cprofitt