17:00:57 <kushal> #startmeeting Cloud WG 17:00:57 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Nov 11 17:00:57 2015 UTC. The chair is kushal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:57 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:03 <kushal> #topic Roll Call 17:01:51 <kushal> .hellomynameis kushal 17:01:51 <zodbot> kushal: kushal 'Kushal Das' <mail@kushaldas.in> 17:01:59 <maxamillion> .hello maxamillion 17:02:02 <zodbot> maxamillion: maxamillion 'Adam Miller' <maxamillion@gmail.com> 17:02:09 <spstarr> .hello spstarr 17:02:10 <zodbot> spstarr: spstarr 'Shawn Starr' <shawn.starr@rogers.com> 17:02:16 <jbrooks> .hello jasonbrooks 17:02:17 <zodbot> jbrooks: jasonbrooks 'Jason Brooks' <JBROOKS@REDHAT.COM> 17:02:18 <adimania> .hello adimania 17:02:20 <zodbot> adimania: adimania 'Aditya Patawari' <adimania@gmail.com> 17:02:31 <dustymabe> .hellomynameis dustymabe 17:02:33 <zodbot> dustymabe: dustymabe 'Dusty Mabe' <dustymabe@redhat.com> 17:02:48 <dustymabe> adimania: glad to see you here 17:03:00 <adimania> :) 17:03:09 <rtnpro> .fas rtnpro 17:03:09 <zodbot> rtnpro: rtnpro 'Ratnadeep Debnath' <rtnpro@gmail.com> 17:03:13 <gholms> 'Morning, folks 17:03:47 <kushal> gholms, Good morning 17:03:48 <dustymabe> gholms: :) 17:04:08 <kushal> Is everyone in? 17:04:19 <kushal> #topic Action items from last meeting 17:04:23 <fhackdroid> o/ 17:04:34 <spstarr> \o 17:04:41 <dustymabe> fhackdroid: welcome 17:04:54 <fhackdroid> dustymabe, thank you :) 17:05:10 <kushal> fhackdroid, you can use .hellomynameis FAS_ACCOUNT like everyone :) 17:05:16 <kushal> * ACTION: dustymabe to integrate cloud WG and 2 week atomic efforts 17:05:16 <kushal> * ACTION: dustymabe to close ticket 94 and open a couple more specific tickets 17:05:23 <kushal> dustymabe, both on you. 17:05:25 <kushal> :) 17:05:29 <dustymabe> yep :) 17:05:51 <dustymabe> so I had a conversation with maxamillion and dgilmore about this 17:05:56 <dustymabe> 2 week atomic efforts 17:06:00 <kushal> Okay. 17:06:24 <maxamillion> we're doing stuff and things 17:06:27 <fhackdroid> .hellomynameis farhaan 17:06:28 <zodbot> fhackdroid: farhaan 'Farhaan Bukhsh' <farhaan.bukhsh@gmail.com> 17:06:30 <dustymabe> maxamillion: correct me if I am wrong but I think most of the work has already been done by releng but they need help with testing and notifications 17:06:35 <number80> o/ 17:07:14 <kushal> number80, Hello there 17:07:19 <number80> hi 17:07:24 <dustymabe> and would probably also be nice to have some of the cloud WG have a hand in the architecture so that it's not all on them and if we understand the architecture we can help make improvements rather than just complaining about the way things are 17:07:59 <number80> *nods* 17:08:00 <maxamillion> dustymabe: for the most part, yes ... a lot of the work is done, we need to add some things to cater to non-Atomic but it shouldn't be much, it's mostly going to be administrative and making sure we have our ducks in a row and have good enough test coverage to be confident in the tests for auto releasing 17:08:05 <kushal> dustymabe, I will also help maxamillion to get proper documentation up, so that it becomes easier to understand. 17:08:31 <kushal> maxamillion, dustymabe so for tests, and for https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/135 I have some update. 17:08:43 <kushal> I think it is better that we discuss it out now. 17:08:52 <dustymabe> ok 17:09:21 <maxamillion> kushal: +1 17:09:25 <kushal> I am working with a new set of volunteers who will help us to do manual qa of the cloud/atomic images, and will also help us to increase the test coverage for the automatic qa. 17:09:25 <maxamillion> kushal++ 17:09:26 <zodbot> maxamillion: Karma for kushal changed to 2 (for the f23 release cycle): https://badges.fedoraproject.org/tags/cookie/any 17:09:51 <adimania> kushal, point to the signup page please. :) 17:09:57 <dustymabe> kushal: would be great to open that up to anyone here today too :) 17:10:00 <kushal> I have asked for access to the fedora infra cloud fro the same. 17:10:06 <kushal> dustymabe, Yes, I will do a blog post :) 17:10:46 <kushal> Idea is to make sure that what we see from automated tests are same in manual tests. 17:10:53 <gholms> Nice 17:11:08 <dustymabe> kushal: yeah that would be nice 17:11:10 <kushal> and of course, more pairs of eyes are always better. 17:11:39 <kushal> #action kushal will blog post about getting more volunteers for manual qa + test coverage. 17:11:55 <kushal> and on related note, we now can have non-gating tests for tunir/autocloud 17:12:03 <dustymabe> kushal: giving readers of that post something specific they can do would be useful 17:12:22 <kushal> dustymabe, Yes, point taken. 17:12:59 <kushal> Non-gating tests: means they may fail, and we as a group have to decide which tests should be non-gating and which ones should be gating tests. 17:13:28 <dustymabe> lets start with all as gating and then handle them on a case by case basis I would say 17:13:33 <kushal> I have put all the tests from cloud/atomic test day + few more as gating tests as of now (expect atomic upgrade/rollback). 17:13:37 <kushal> dustymabe, Yes. 17:13:39 <dustymabe> and add comments as to why each one is not a gating test 17:13:47 <kushal> dustymabe, makes sense. 17:14:24 <kushal> dustymabe, to start with I have asked to get https://github.com/CentOS/sig-core-t_functional/tree/master/tests converted into python unittests and we can use them as non-gating 17:14:53 <maxamillion> +1 17:15:00 <dustymabe> kushal: would rather start with them gating 17:15:07 <dustymabe> more work up front 17:15:09 <dustymabe> but.. 17:15:17 <kushal> dustymabe, marking a test gating is simple 17:15:27 <kushal> dustymabe, I want the tests to be written first :) 17:15:35 <dustymabe> kk 17:15:39 <kushal> I am trying to track things at https://www.piratepad.ca/p/fedoracloud 17:15:50 <kushal> https://www.piratepad.ca/p/fedoracloud 17:16:09 <kushal> I will open up github tickets for the tests, and mark them as easyfix. 17:16:23 <kushal> So that more people get excited about them :) 17:16:49 <kushal> They will come up at https://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ 17:16:52 <kushal> https://fedoraproject.org/easyfix/ 17:16:56 <adimania> kushal, that is a great idea. infra team already does it and it works very well for them. :) 17:17:06 <kushal> adimania, Yes 17:17:28 <kushal> I think now we can move to other tickets :) 17:17:48 <kushal> #topic python3 only means ansible won't work https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/126 17:18:05 <kushal> We do have a blog post on the same iirc. 17:18:11 <kushal> dustymabe, do you have the link handy? 17:18:33 <dustymabe> kushal: one sec 17:18:36 <jbrooks> https://fedoramagazine.org/getting-ansible-working-fedora-23/ 17:18:42 <jbrooks> I used this yesterday :) 17:18:43 <dustymabe> jbrooks: you fast 17:18:59 <kushal> jbrooks, thanks :) 17:19:05 <dustymabe> kushal: I'll update the ticket 17:19:41 <kushal> dustymabe, also when you have time, may I get a PR for docs in https://github.com/fedora-cloud/fedoracloud on the same topic :) 17:19:53 <kushal> or someone else may want to take it up :) 17:20:16 <number80> btw, when you post urls without anything before in a meeting, it's a shortcut for #link url 17:20:17 <dustymabe> kushal: I have ti in rst format already 17:20:17 <kushal> I think I should start marking many of the docs work also as easyfix (if they actually are). 17:20:42 <kushal> number80, yup, that is why I am pasting them without #link :p 17:20:49 <kushal> dustymabe, cool. 17:21:02 <number80> kushal: yup, I wasn't sure for the others ;) 17:21:10 <kushal> #action dustymabe will do a PR to add ansible steps in https://github.com/fedora-cloud/fedoracloud 17:21:24 <dustymabe> kushal: can you use this: http://paste.fedoraproject.org/289286/26246914 17:22:09 <kushal> dustymabe, yes, just make line 2 and 3 into simple title i.e. without .. 17:22:17 <scollier> .hello scollier 17:22:18 <zodbot> scollier: scollier 'Scott Collier' <emailscottcollier@gmail.com> 17:22:21 <scollier> sorry i'm late 17:22:22 <kushal> scollier, welcome :) 17:22:31 <adimania> hi scollier! 17:22:43 <scollier> hey there 17:22:46 <kushal> next ticket 17:22:53 <kushal> #topic Producing Updated Cloud/Atomic Images https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/94 17:23:07 <kushal> Now with the new group of volunteers, we should be able to do this on time. 17:23:13 <kushal> any tips/suggestions? 17:23:38 <dustymabe> kushal: right 17:23:57 <dustymabe> overall plan now is to release cloud base images once a month 17:24:05 <dustymabe> and atomic every 2 weeks 17:24:29 <dustymabe> all the infra is in place.. just need the testing to be there so that we can give our stamp of approval to release 17:25:04 <dustymabe> I'm closing this ticket and opening up two tickets - one for two week atomic and one for Fed cloud base 17:25:51 <kushal> dustymabe++ 17:26:10 <maxamillion> +1 17:26:39 <kushal> Moving to next ticket then. 17:27:00 <maxamillion> Two Week Atomic is something that's going to continue being iterated on because there's certain points of the process we can absolutely improve on and once PDC is in place and we integrate with it, we're going to be able to be considerably more agile in the dev/build/compose cycles than just "nightly" 17:27:22 <kushal> +1 17:27:28 <maxamillion> for those not familiar with PDC and that work --> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ProductDefinitionCenter 17:27:51 <dustymabe> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/ProductDefinitionCenter 17:28:48 <scollier> dustymabe, that's cool 17:29:08 <number80> +1 17:29:15 <kushal> #topic Fedora Cloud FAD (late 2015/early 2016) https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/115 17:29:31 <dustymabe> on me still 17:29:32 <kushal> Sorry I did it too fast. 17:29:48 <dustymabe> now that f23 is out I can start to focus on this 17:29:53 <maxamillion> win 28 17:29:54 <kushal> dustymabe, my suggestion is to put it up with devconf 17:29:57 * maxamillion headdesks 17:30:03 <kushal> maxamillion, ? 17:30:07 <dustymabe> might be worth co-locating with a server FAD 17:30:18 <dustymabe> since there have been a lot of discussions in the server WG 17:30:20 <dustymabe> about cloud 17:30:36 <dustymabe> kushal: I think that time period might be too "busy" 17:30:41 <dustymabe> but we will see 17:30:46 <kushal> Okay 17:30:49 <number80> dustymabe: or just have an overlap 17:31:07 <number80> but budget-wise makes sense 17:31:17 <kushal> number80, +! 17:31:19 <kushal> number80, +1 17:31:24 <maxamillion> kushal: typo 17:31:30 <adimania> number80, +1 17:31:30 <kushal> maxamillion, :D 17:31:31 <dustymabe> yeah.. too many people may already have an agenda for devconf though 17:31:35 <dustymabe> we'll see 17:31:38 <dustymabe> next ticket? 17:31:42 <kushal> dustymabe, we will have just one more 17:31:49 <maxamillion> kushal: I was trying to change windows in irssi with '/win 28' but typed 'win 28' to the channel isntead 17:31:52 <maxamillion> instead* 17:32:11 <dustymabe> .fire maxamillion 17:32:11 <zodbot> adamw fires maxamillion 17:32:27 <maxamillion> dustymabe: Server WG FAD? ... you mentioned co-locating, I don't know anything about their FAD 17:32:44 <dustymabe> maxamillion: right. there isn't one right now 17:33:05 <dustymabe> what I am saying is that it might be of interest to have them have one and co-locate with ours 17:33:22 <dustymabe> so we can actually make a decision on the server WG + cloud WG collaboration 17:33:27 <dustymabe> does it make sense or not? 17:33:34 <dustymabe> I'm not asking the question here 17:33:36 <maxamillion> ahhh ok 17:33:41 <dustymabe> just saying that is the question we need to hash out 17:33:54 <dustymabe> random thought 17:33:57 <dustymabe> I'll add it to the ticket 17:34:36 <maxamillion> who would be a point of contact from that group to try and organize that/ 17:34:39 <maxamillion> ?* 17:34:51 <maxamillion> dustymabe: also, have there been any discussions about location and/or funding? 17:34:52 <kushal> sgallagh, may be. 17:35:08 <maxamillion> kushal: +1 17:35:11 <dustymabe> sgallagh: most likely 17:35:22 <dustymabe> maxamillion: right now no talks of funding yet. would need a proposal first 17:35:31 <dustymabe> if you'd like to work on it feel free :) 17:35:59 <number80> none yet, and we have to submit it early so it'll be early 2016 at best 17:36:48 <dustymabe> next topic? 17:37:03 <kushal> #topic Migrate all Dockerfiles / Images to systemd where possible https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/121 17:37:03 <number80> *nods* 17:37:46 <adimania> I have a doubt around this repo. 17:37:57 <adimania> Should we still maintain it? 17:38:30 <adimania> In one of the threads mattdm said that we would moved towards layered images which would make these files obsolete in some sense. 17:38:41 <kushal> maxamillion, any comments? 17:38:59 <adimania> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Layered_Docker_Image_Build_Service 17:39:28 <maxamillion> migrating or making those obsolete I think is at the discretion of the maintainers involved 17:40:01 <adimania> which is scollier for the repo and me for the package. 17:40:25 <maxamillion> we're just targeting delivering a build system and a workflow similar to how package maintainers maintain rpms in Fedora but for Docker images along with a distribution mechanism to go with it ... it's up to those doing the actual work of maintaining the containers to maintain them where they like 17:40:29 <adimania> scollier, around? 17:41:14 <adimania> ok. So we will continue our efforts to improve these and build packages for the repo. 17:42:21 <kushal> adimania,+1 17:42:26 <kushal> moving to next 17:42:39 <kushal> #topic fedora-dockerfiles: Clean up READMEs. https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/122 17:43:10 <kushal> any update on this ? 17:43:35 <adimania> i did not see any commits for this. 17:44:08 <maxamillion> adimania: also, as a point of reference, the layered image build service likely won't be in production until around Fedora 24 Alpha or Beta so there's a bit of time on that, we've got a lot of work to do around it 17:44:59 <adimania> maxamillion, cool. I will start picking up stuff on this repo and will comment on tickets as and when things get done. 17:45:16 <kushal> I guess scollier got busy. 17:45:19 <kushal> moving on. 17:45:25 <kushal> #topic Document process for using Fedora-Dockerfile branches https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/123 17:45:50 <kushal> adimania, any update? 17:46:07 <adimania> I have done this somewhat. I need scott to review it once. 17:46:22 <adimania> the wiki for the repo is updated. 17:47:08 <maxamillion> adimania: +1 thanks 17:47:12 <kushal> adimania, if possible please update the ticket :) 17:47:30 <adimania> https://github.com/fedora-cloud/Fedora-Dockerfiles/wiki/Guidelines-for-Creating-Dockerfiles 17:47:54 <adimania> kushal, I will do that. 17:48:00 <kushal> adimania, thanks :) 17:48:07 <kushal> Moving along. 17:48:11 <kushal> #topic Fedora-Dockerfiles examples for Kubernetes https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/125 17:48:33 <kushal> dustymabe, anything on this? 17:48:40 <kushal> rtnpro is missing :( 17:48:52 <dustymabe> kushal: I don't have anything right now 17:49:06 <kushal> dustymabe, i guess we can volunteer rtnpro for this, what do you think? :p 17:49:40 <adimania> I do have some examples ready which I used for a devops days talk 17:49:44 <dustymabe> haha.. :) 17:49:49 <dustymabe> sounds fine to me 17:49:51 <adimania> however, it does not use nulecule. 17:50:11 <adimania> it is a plain "kubernetes + 2 simple containers" example. 17:50:16 <kushal> #action rtnpro will help to create nulecule examples in fedora-dockerfiles 17:50:24 <kushal> I will inform him :) 17:50:40 <kushal> adimania, add that too as a separate example. 17:50:55 <adimania> ok. i will add them. 17:51:17 <kushal> adimania, thanks once again. 17:51:18 <kushal> #topic Working with the Server WG https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/127 17:51:57 <dustymabe> mhayden: I think talked with server WG this week about this 17:52:03 <dustymabe> not sure exactly what they talked about 17:52:12 <kushal> Okay. 17:52:22 <dustymabe> I'd say this is something that we don't exactly have any actions for right now 17:52:30 <dustymabe> can move to next ticket probably 17:52:39 <kushal> dustymabe, may be we can move meeting keyword from it. 17:52:43 * nirik has one thing to mention in open floor or whatever. 17:52:53 <kushal> #topic make docker archived image get imported with lowercase tag https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/131 17:52:55 <dustymabe> kushal: sure. you can do that 17:53:02 <kushal> nirik, will finish up fast :) 17:53:09 * adimania waves to nirik 17:53:30 * nirik waves 17:53:30 <dustymabe> kushal: I think this is something ian mcleod is working on but he is out this week 17:53:36 <dustymabe> so push til next week 17:54:04 <kushal> dustymabe, okay 17:54:09 <kushal> #topic Fedora 23 Retrospective https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/135 17:54:35 <kushal> I will update the manual qa details/ideas into the ticket. 17:54:48 <kushal> Any other details people want to add? 17:54:49 <dustymabe> jzb isn't here but short story is we failed at properly testing during F23 cycle and we need to make it better 17:54:57 <dustymabe> which is what kushal has been working on 17:55:25 <kushal> Btw, one suggestion. 17:55:55 <dustymabe> let's get to open floor soon 17:55:58 <gholms> #info F23 testing left something to be desired 17:56:03 <kushal> People here can randomly check https://apps.fedoraproject.org/autocloud/jobs/ , for any failed job, you can test the corresponding image manually :) 17:56:05 <dustymabe> nirik and spstarr have something 17:56:19 <kushal> last topic 17:56:25 <kushal> #topic vagrant boxes fixups https://fedorahosted.org/cloud/ticket/136 17:56:39 <kushal> skipping for now 17:56:43 <dustymabe> +1 17:56:45 <kushal> #topic Open floor 17:56:49 <scollier> back, had a phone call. 17:56:50 <kushal> nirik, spstarr go ahead 17:56:51 <dustymabe> nirik: ok 17:56:52 <nirik> So, I noticed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1279545 against spin kickstarts. How can I bring things like that to the attention of the cloud working group? Perhaps we should/could add some cloud folks to watch bugzilla there? 17:56:53 <dustymabe> go 17:57:06 <kushal> nirik, feel free to add me. 17:57:18 <dustymabe> nirik: sounds good 17:57:24 <dustymabe> me as well if you like 17:57:45 <nirik> well, you can add yourselves: https://admin.fedoraproject.org/pkgdb/package/spin-kickstarts/ 17:58:06 <kushal> but for this particular one, python3 is in default, correct 17:58:07 <kushal> ? 17:58:18 <nirik> I thought so, but didn't want to say that without checking 17:58:25 <kushal> nirik, :) 17:58:27 <dustymabe> done 17:58:41 <gholms> We even have a bug open because python3 is the *only* copy of python. 17:58:41 <dustymabe> kushal: python3 is not in cloud base image 17:58:42 <kushal> nirik, I will ping you after meeting. 17:58:44 <nirik> thanks. If you see cloud ks issues there, do chime in 17:58:44 <dustymabe> oops 17:58:47 <dustymabe> meant python2 17:59:18 <dustymabe> ok spstarr you still here? 17:59:20 <kushal> dustymabe, so this is not a bug. 17:59:32 <dustymabe> kushal: right. i'll ask a question in the BZ 17:59:36 <nirik> probibly needs some more investigation as to what exactly they are seeing and using 17:59:43 * gholms also has a thing for open floor 17:59:45 <nirik> thanks folks. 17:59:49 * number80 switches to fesco meeting 18:00:15 <kushal> gholms, go ahead 18:01:09 <kushal> gholms, spstarr ? 18:01:24 <gholms> In case you can't tell, I haven't had as much time to test images as I used to, so I haven't done a very good job with cloud-init maintenance. 18:01:47 <kushal> gholms, you still rock :) 18:01:48 <gholms> #help If anyone is interested in pitching in to help maintain cloud-init please let me know. 18:02:26 <gholms> I know it can be annoying at times, but people have come to expect it and it *is* rather flexible. 18:02:35 <kushal> gholms, :) 18:02:39 <dustymabe> gholms: ok. thanks for what you do. if it gets to be too much on you let me know and I can pitch in 18:02:40 <adimania> gholms, can you describe what will it involve? Packaging? coding? testing? 18:02:48 <dustymabe> right now I've got a lot going on too though 18:03:06 <adimania> I may be able able to help out somewhat. 18:03:10 <gholms> adimania: Package maintenance and testing, mostly 18:03:22 <gholms> It goes hand-in-hand with testing the base image. 18:03:35 <kushal> closing the meeting for now. 18:03:44 <adimania> gholms, I can co-maintain the package with you. 18:03:46 <kushal> we can continue on #fedora-cloud 18:04:01 <adimania> ok 18:04:10 <gholms> Thanks! 18:04:24 <kushal> #endmeeting