
#fedora-meeting-1: Fedora Cloud Working Group

Meeting started by jzb at 19:01:50 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Cloud/Governance (dustymabe, 19:02:44)
    2. images for UID/GID change (jzb, 19:12:47)
    3. http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/tasks?state=all&owner=masher&view=flat&method=createImage&order=-id (jzb, 19:12:54)
    4. http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/taskinfo?taskID=9716685 is a direct link that won't involve scraping the relational database (walters, 19:13:35)
    5. ACTION: jzb send patch for release notes about UID/GID change, verify text with walters for sanity before sending. (jzb, 19:16:06)
    6. ACTION: mattdm to look at string freeze as it relates to release notes (mattdm, 19:18:46)
    7. https://github.com/docker/docker/issues/12811 (dustymabe, 19:32:30)

  1. Talking Points for F22 (jzb, 19:34:29)
    1. ACTION: jzb follow up on rpm-ostree article w/walters (jzb, 19:39:24)
    2. philosophy 101 in here today (mattdm, 19:47:07)
    3. ACTION: mattdm to ping lsm5 about f22 upload readiness (mattdm, 19:48:31)
    4. ACTION: kushal create release checklist for Cloud (jzb, 19:52:35)
    5. ACTION: jzb apologize to kushal for assigning tasks when he's not here. (jzb, 19:52:46)

Meeting ended at 19:55:10 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. jzb send patch for release notes about UID/GID change, verify text with walters for sanity before sending.
  2. mattdm to look at string freeze as it relates to release notes
  3. jzb follow up on rpm-ostree article w/walters
  4. mattdm to ping lsm5 about f22 upload readiness
  5. kushal create release checklist for Cloud
  6. jzb apologize to kushal for assigning tasks when he's not here.

Action items, by person

  1. jzb
    1. jzb send patch for release notes about UID/GID change, verify text with walters for sanity before sending.
    2. jzb follow up on rpm-ostree article w/walters
    3. jzb apologize to kushal for assigning tasks when he's not here.
  2. mattdm
    1. mattdm to look at string freeze as it relates to release notes
    2. mattdm to ping lsm5 about f22 upload readiness
  3. walters
    1. jzb send patch for release notes about UID/GID change, verify text with walters for sanity before sending.
    2. jzb follow up on rpm-ostree article w/walters

People present (lines said)

  1. jzb (83)
  2. mattdm (46)
  3. dustymabe (46)
  4. walters (25)
  5. zodbot (6)
  6. jbrooks (4)
  7. scollier (1)
  8. oddshocks (1)

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