
#fedora-meeting-1: Server SIG Weekly Meeting (2015-04-28)

Meeting started by sgallagh at 15:00:36 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. roll call (sgallagh, 15:00:36)
  2. Agenda (sgallagh, 15:03:54)
    1. Agenda Item: Websites and Design Team Update (sgallagh, 15:05:28)
    2. Agenda Item: Offline/Online Updates (sgallagh, 15:05:47)
    3. Agenda Item: API/ABI Guarantees (sgallagh, 15:06:07)

  3. Websites and Design Team Update (sgallagh, 15:07:58)
    1. No update right now, Design Team is still working on the new websites for fedora that are getting launched so the getfedora.org updates are a bit backburner atm (sgallagh, 15:08:21)
    2. Websites team wants to update the quotes and add a logo for Cockpit (sgallagh, 15:09:10)
    3. ACTION: sgallagh to assist with writing copy for the Database Server Role (sgallagh, 15:10:41)
    4. getfedora.org/server to be updated with new quotes, cockpit logo, and db role info (mizmo, 15:10:59)
    5. ACTION: sgallagh to test "warm" updates and report back. (sgallagh, 15:16:18)
    6. abicheck is another tool to look into (sgallagh, 15:43:13)

  4. Open Floor (sgallagh, 15:45:48)

Meeting ended at 15:58:34 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. sgallagh to assist with writing copy for the Database Server Role
  2. sgallagh to test "warm" updates and report back.

Action items, by person

  1. sgallagh
    1. sgallagh to assist with writing copy for the Database Server Role
    2. sgallagh to test "warm" updates and report back.

People present (lines said)

  1. sgallagh (84)
  2. nirik (19)
  3. mitr (14)
  4. mizmo (12)
  5. adamw (10)
  6. zodbot (8)
  7. danofsatx (3)
  8. stefw (0)
  9. tuanta (0)
  10. simo (0)

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