18:03:16 <shaiton_> #startmeeting FUDCon Paris Planning Meeting 18:03:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Apr 17 18:03:16 2012 UTC. The chair is shaiton_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:03:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:03:22 <shaiton_> #meetingname fudcon-paris 18:03:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fudcon-paris' 18:03:25 <shaiton_> Hi there 18:03:32 <shaiton_> #topic Roll Call 18:03:58 * jsmith lurks 18:04:34 <misc> hi 18:04:43 * shaiton_ Kévin Raymond 18:04:53 <shaiton_> #chair misc 18:04:53 <zodbot> Current chairs: misc shaiton_ 18:05:07 <misc> hu hu 18:05:14 <shaiton_> eseyman told me that he is going to be on late 18:05:27 <shaiton_> Achrg: ping :) 18:05:42 <misc> shaiton_: well, i was technically going to be late too 18:06:33 <shaiton_> ;) 18:06:50 <misc> ( in act, i should be going out to hunt for food :/ ) 18:07:20 <shaiton_> do you use a bow? 18:07:41 <misc> for sushi ? no way, i fish them :) 18:07:45 <shaiton_> :) 18:08:00 <shaiton_> ok, let's start in few mitutes 18:10:40 <shaiton_> go! go! go! 18:10:45 <shaiton_> #topic Accommodation status 18:11:50 <misc> guess that's your topic, shaiton_ :) 18:11:57 <shaiton_> #info 50% of the price have to be paid by the 28th of… August. We have time :) 18:11:59 <shaiton_> yep ! 18:12:28 <shaiton_> Still have one question: We don't want to book for breadfast, right? 18:12:40 <shaiton_> (9€/people) 18:12:50 <shaiton_> s/breadfast/breakfast/ 18:13:30 <misc> i would expect people to decide by themself, cause 9e/day/people is expensive if your are on a budget ( even if that's the usual price I have seen around europa ) 18:13:44 <shaiton_> sure, I'll drop that 18:14:20 <shaiton_> An other question, on the contract, should I write my name, or should (could) we use our NPO? 18:14:22 <shaiton_> jsmith: spot ^ 18:14:51 <misc> shaiton_: I would use the NPO, bus factor, etc 18:15:51 <shaiton_> misc: yes, I think so, but I don't have the only voice. We will discuss that on the list 18:16:22 <shaiton_> #action shaiton to see if we can have our NPO on the accomodation contract 18:16:45 <shaiton_> #action shaiton sending back the accomodation contract filled, with breakfast dropped 18:16:53 <jsmith> shaiton_: Shouldn't matter that much one way or the other -- NPO is fine 18:17:08 <shaiton_> jsmith: thanks :) 18:17:14 <misc> and i think that would be better for reimbursment 18:17:50 <shaiton_> #info there will be free wifi on this hostel 18:18:04 <shaiton_> #info FUD 18:18:08 <shaiton_> #undo 18:18:08 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Info object at 0x254000d0> 18:18:58 <misc> free wifi, or free access to a portal ? 18:19:45 <shaiton_> #info FUDCon date: 13th−15th, accomodation reservations 12th−15th (morning). People who wish to stay more will have to get back to me shortly (using the incomming wiki page) 18:20:05 <shaiton_> misc: if you're there, it's the same 18:20:07 <shaiton_> lol 18:20:38 <shaiton_> misc: Free internet by free wifi access to guests 18:21:57 <shaiton_> next topic 18:22:20 <misc> yep 18:23:05 <shaiton_> #topic FUDPub status 18:23:33 <misc> flams ? 18:23:39 <shaiton_> France is not the best for beer… I've got two quotes for the flams 18:24:28 <shaiton_> we need to decide how to handle that ;) 18:24:36 <spot> bad beer? 18:24:44 * spot cancels his trip to FUDCon Paris 18:24:51 <shaiton_> :) 18:25:00 <misc> we can still invade belgium to have good beer 18:25:03 <shaiton_> spot: less beer ! 18:25:26 <shaiton_> but we will have plenty of pubs around 18:26:19 <shaiton_> 18€ for ulimited "french pizza" + 50cl of beer, or 20€ with 75cl of beer +unlimited soft… 18:26:48 <shaiton_> with free aperitif… 18:27:31 <shaiton_> #action team to see about which menu to choose 18:27:35 <shaiton_> next topic 18:27:48 <misc> shaiton_: we should see if we can bring our own beer, that's how we reduce cost when we do a party at the office 18:28:10 <shaiton_> misc: you mean the Red hat office ? 18:28:12 <shaiton_> :p 18:28:41 <Bouska> I can export beer from belgium :-P 18:28:57 <shaiton_> #action Bouska to bring beer :) 18:29:01 <Achrg> not sure the pubs will allow us to do so. They will probably charge us for the beer we bring 18:29:02 <shaiton_> /set 18:29:08 <Achrg> :p 18:29:16 <Bouska> I'm not even sure to come /o\ 18:29:20 <shaiton_> #action Achrg to see if feasable :) 18:29:33 <misc> Achrg: they do charge, but we can still have it for a cheaper amount 18:29:46 <shaiton_> Bouska: you could bring beer before :) 18:29:48 <misc> so we can just check 18:30:19 <shaiton_> next topic 18:30:34 <shaiton_> #topic Schedule proposal 18:30:54 <shaiton_> Ok, from http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon_organization_process I can see some steps 18:31:38 <shaiton_> #action to start see about airline discount 18:31:50 <shaiton_> (not sure that we could get some) 18:32:17 <shaiton_> #action NOW to book the accomodation 18:32:29 <misc> just contact a travel agency, there is enough in paris to help :) 18:32:33 <shaiton_> #action SOON to book the FUDPub 18:32:44 <shaiton_> #action misc to contact travel agencies 18:32:47 <shaiton_> :p 18:33:01 <misc> shaiton_: I have hardly the time for my own travel :/ 18:33:02 * shaiton_ understand why nobody speacks when he leads 18:33:13 * nchauvet is around 18:33:22 <shaiton_> great 18:33:44 <shaiton_> #action to design booklets and tshirt by August 18:34:07 <shaiton_> #action to define lunch caterer in May 18:35:03 <shaiton_> #action to pay 50% of the accomodation price by the 28th of August (the whole price by the 27th of Sept) 18:35:17 * shaiton_ should have written that on a wiki :( 18:35:27 <shaiton_> #action to fill a wiki page 18:35:31 <shaiton_> grrr 18:35:36 <shaiton_> #undo 18:35:36 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x33dca150> 18:35:43 <shaiton_> #action shaiton to fill a wiki page 18:35:54 <Achrg> :) 18:36:05 <shaiton_> that should be all for the schedule 18:36:48 <shaiton_> #topic Ongoing actions 18:37:02 <shaiton_> Who want to create the main wiki page? 18:37:39 <shaiton_> something like http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FUDCon:Blacksburg_2012 18:38:11 * misc has to leave for food 18:38:23 <shaiton_> ok… 18:38:35 <shaiton_> #action shaiton to create the above wiki page 18:38:44 <shaiton_> (and someone to feed him) 18:39:45 <shaiton_> #action shaiton to get back to the OWF organization comitee 18:41:07 <shaiton_> #help French people to give Universities contact for our communication 18:41:49 <Achrg> i can give you some contacts in different universities and schools 18:41:49 <shaiton_> #help to get sponsorts (everyone is welcome to join us in this effort) 18:41:56 <shaiton_> last topic 18:43:10 * nchauvet is with a Red Hat -fr representative for other purpose at work 18:43:56 <shaiton_> #topic Open Floor 18:44:05 <shaiton_> anything to add? 18:44:28 <jsmith> Sounds like things are shaping up very nicely :-) 18:44:49 <Casper_v2> that's the french touch :D 18:47:26 <shaiton_> Okay, let's speak about that… 18:47:37 <shaiton_> Casper_v2: will you take the lead for our next meeting? 18:47:39 <shaiton_> lol 18:47:43 <Casper_v2> ^^ 18:49:19 <shaiton_> from the organiziton page, I read "meeting: 6-2 months in advance: bi-weekly" 18:49:32 <shaiton_> We will definetly not do that, 18:50:33 <shaiton_> we have a recurrent topic in our French weekly meetings 18:51:10 <misc> what about irl meeting ? 18:51:24 <shaiton_> either we drop it and set a bi-monthly meeting until june, or we keep it and switch in english for this topic… 18:51:27 <misc> or sprint session for some topic 18:51:42 <shaiton_> misc: +1, but we need to report to the wide community 18:52:21 <misc> shaiton: i can tzke care of writing report 18:52:30 <shaiton_> ok 18:53:57 <shaiton_> #info our weekly meetings are on Monday, during the French weekly meeting. Everyone could ask English questions there during the FUDCon topic. (#fedora-meeting-1 @ 18:30UTC) 18:54:24 <shaiton_> #action team to report on the fudcon-planning mailing list our irl meetings 18:55:04 <shaiton_> I'll close this meeting shortly if you have nothing to add 18:56:16 <misc> not for me 18:56:40 <Achrg> nothing to add 18:57:17 * shaiton_ is still there :) 18:57:21 <shaiton_> #endmeeting