21:00:42 <rbergeron> #startmeeting Fedora Marketing 21:00:43 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Dec 14 21:00:42 2010 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:43 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 21:00:55 <rbergeron> #meetingname Fedora Marketing 21:00:55 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 21:01:20 <rbergeron> #topic Roll call ;) 21:01:28 * rbergeron failed to send out a notice, and that is on her list for today. 21:01:51 * rbergeron looks about 21:01:55 <rbergeron> rrix: you around? :) 21:03:02 * rbergeron will hold for a bit to see if anyone pops in 21:03:11 * rbergeron wonders if it's the riht day of the week 21:04:42 * jsmith is here 21:04:51 <jsmith> (Sorry, IRC proxy rebooted) 21:11:11 <rbergeron> hey jsmith. 21:11:26 * rbergeron is juggling 12 emails, hang on ;) 21:21:54 <rbergeron> okay. 21:22:11 <rbergeron> #topic HOLIDAYS ARE ALMOST HERE, what do you want for the holidays? :) 21:22:20 <rbergeron> Marketing, as y'all know, is sort of.... quiet right now. 21:22:39 <rbergeron> I'd like to take to the list a topic about "what could we do over the holidays" - 21:22:48 <rbergeron> maybe things that aren't even on the schedule. 21:23:08 <rbergeron> But a lot of folks spend their holiday vacations doing their other "fun hobbies," and I'd like to make sure that we have stuff for people to do. 21:23:19 <rbergeron> jsmith: any thoughts / brainstorms on "nice to haves" that people could do? 21:35:10 <jsmith> #1 on my list would be a presentation on Fedora that would be applicable to LUG meetings, etc. 21:35:32 <jsmith> Something that talks about what Fedora is, the four foundations, and brief highlights from the latest version of Fedora 21:37:41 <rbergeron> interesting. 21:37:45 <rbergeron> hmmmm 21:38:09 <rbergeron> #idea presentation on Fedora applicable to LUG meetings, etc. Four foundatoins, what is fedora, brief highlights from the latest version of Fedora. 21:38:30 * rbergeron has one idea: MAKE A CRON JOB to send out meeting reminders so I don't have to remember to do it. 21:38:36 <rbergeron> because that's obviously not working. 21:38:37 <rbergeron> :) 21:38:55 <rbergeron> #idea rbergeron needs a meeting reminder cron job. 21:41:06 <rbergeron> OH! 21:41:12 <rbergeron> The other idea I've had: 21:41:25 <rbergeron> (your talking about boy scouts reminded me) 21:41:46 * rbergeron would *love* to see a Fedora Patch that we can use to give out to Boy Scouts / Girl Scouts. 21:52:29 * rbergeron will concatenate this into an emali. Jus tto give a heads up that some folks will be on break, etc, and here's some stuff folks can do if they get a fedora itch over break. 21:52:50 <jsmith> Sounds great 21:53:00 <jsmith> Other than that, I have nothing to add to the meeting 21:53:16 <rbergeron> me either. 21:53:19 <rbergeron> :) 21:53:32 <rbergeron> #endmeeting