20:00:15 <rbergeron> #startmeeting 20:00:15 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Jul 6 20:00:15 2010 UTC. The chair is rbergeron. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:15 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 20:00:26 <rbergeron> #meetingname Fedora Marketing 20:00:26 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_marketing' 20:00:48 * rbergeron waves at everyone 20:01:00 <rbergeron> #topic Agenda 20:01:01 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing_meetings#Agenda 20:01:37 <rbergeron> Soooo - agenda hasn't really changed since last week, most of it is recurring stuff or things we continue to collectively plow forth 20:01:50 <rbergeron> #topic ticket 33: free media distribution 20:01:57 <rbergeron> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/33 20:02:10 <rbergeron> #info yn1v sent mail on this a bit ago - he is continuing to work forward on it. 20:02:44 * rbergeron notes nourishedcloud isn't here - he has ticket #35, the further planning ahead on release events marketing 20:02:54 <rbergeron> ianweller, you around? 20:03:08 <rbergeron> #topic Ticket 107 - Brand / Story Book 20:03:13 <rbergeron> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/107 20:03:39 * stickster hears crickets 20:03:39 <rbergeron> Soooo - I know here that ianweller is working with the design team a bit on some of the new fonts and so forth. 20:03:47 <rbergeron> i know it :) 20:03:50 <stickster> Yes, I saw a draft of a page he did -- it's pretty cool 20:03:57 <rbergeron> stickster: have a link? 20:04:01 <stickster> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ianweller/Brand_guidelines_%28draft%29 20:04:07 <rbergeron> woot. thanks :) 20:04:23 * rbergeron will look at that in a bit, exciting :))) 20:04:47 <rbergeron> Actually, design team's first thing they'll be doing with some of the new chosen fonts is to put together a OO impress template for us. 20:05:05 * stickster notes Design team was meeting in the last hour and discussing said fonts 20:05:17 <rbergeron> and by "us" i mean everyone who wants to make beautiful fedora presentations. That's their current bi-weekly bounty. 20:05:48 <rbergeron> #topic ticket 123 - ublog account changes 20:05:53 <rbergeron> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/123 20:06:03 <rbergeron> Stickster: would you like to do the weekly tweeting honors? 20:06:11 <stickster> rbergeron: I will! 20:06:17 * stickster scurries off to do it 20:06:22 <rbergeron> we're up to 316 followers. :) 20:07:19 <rbergeron> #topic SSSD Feature Profile - ticket 125 20:07:22 <rbergeron> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/125 20:07:42 <rbergeron> Stickster: sooo, I can't remember if i saw this last week, but I actually dropped kara an email last night 20:07:50 <rbergeron> (and by that I mean probably 4am this morning) 20:08:11 * mchua waves 20:08:13 * mchua reads up 20:08:16 <rbergeron> HAI MCHUA 20:08:20 <rbergeron> thanks for coming :) 20:08:43 <mchua> Sorry I'm late! Was finishing up another meeting in #teachingopensource. 20:08:54 <rbergeron> stickster: did you want to actually do this for me? I did want to sync up with kara on like... maybe longer-term thinking and stuff. 20:09:10 <stickster> rbergeron: Sure, I'll pick this one up 20:09:36 <rbergeron> stickster: I'd like to make sure we can figure out how to do this in the future 20:09:56 <rbergeron> maybe you can walk me through this one, and we can set something up with kara.... soon-ish, next couple weeks or so. 20:10:01 <stickster> rbergeron: All that's required, really, is a draft article 20:10:32 <rbergeron> stickster: what about her schedule and so forth? Should i ask her like... how much stuff we can send her? 20:10:36 <rbergeron> Work up a long-term schedule? 20:10:45 <stickster> Step 1: Ask Kara about space in the schedule and agree on subject matter; Step 2: write draft article and volley back/forth; Step 3: Kara posts 20:10:52 * rbergeron doesn't want to be all willy-nilly about it :) 20:10:53 <stickster> rbergeron: Exactly. 20:11:07 <ianweller> hi all 20:11:07 <rbergeron> ahhh. okay 20:11:15 <stickster> Usually she can fit in something every few weeks that's Fedora related -- more as we get toward a release. 20:11:25 <rbergeron> #info Step 1: Ask Kara about space in the schedule and agree on subject matter; Step 2: write draft article and volley back/forth; Step 3: Kara posts 20:11:29 <ianweller> rbergeron: i am on vacation and i have a bad data network right now, sorry 20:11:38 * stickster thinks weekly might be overkill, biweekly probably a good target to shoot for 20:11:44 <rbergeron> ianweller: no prob, why don't you step away and be vacationing? 20:11:47 <rbergeron> :) 20:11:55 <mchua> It would be nice to have a place to see the queue that's coming up. 20:11:56 <rbergeron> not that i don't enjoy your presence 20:12:11 <mchua> Of Fedora-related press - not just the stuff we send Kara, but the stuff that... anyone else sends her, or that she's thinking of pushing. 20:13:01 * rbergeron agrees that that would be nice to have 20:13:46 <rbergeron> okay then. moving on ;) 20:13:50 <stickster> rbergeron: mchua: We can set that up then. The only thing currently on the ticket is... SSSD :-) 20:14:12 * stickster notes we are in a clear phase before release mktg/PR, so it's a good time to do just tha. 20:14:13 <stickster> *that. 20:14:41 * stickster dpesm 20:14:42 <mchua> Should I pick up on the ticket again and keep nudging? 20:14:43 <stickster> argh. 20:14:59 * rbergeron throws stickster a mavis beacon 20:15:23 <rbergeron> mchua: that would be lovely :) i poked her last night - do you want to sync up with me in a day or two and see if i've heard back before we nudge further? 20:15:34 <mchua> rbergeron: I can do that. 20:15:37 * mchua updates ze ticket 20:15:49 * stickster is OK with creating a wiki page for a schedule, as long as it doesn't bitrot. 20:15:52 <rbergeron> #action mchua to follow up with rbergeron in a few days to see if rbergeron has heard back from kara. if not, then poke. 20:16:12 <rbergeron> #topic Fedora Insight 20:16:25 <rbergeron> Just to update here: 20:16:29 * rbergeron hunts for link 20:17:07 <rbergeron> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/logistics/2010-June/000665.html 20:17:28 <rbergeron> #info we've temporarily halted zikula stuff. 20:17:36 <rbergeron> stickster: are we having an FI meeting this week? 20:18:02 <stickster> rbergeron: Not this week 20:18:09 <stickster> rbergeron: I can definitely do one next week though. 20:18:49 <rbergeron> stickster: okeedokee. did we send out cancellation notice? 20:18:55 <rbergeron> sparks: ^^^^ remove from your calendar ;) 20:18:58 <stickster> I'll drive some status traffic on the logistics@ list. We need to figure out next steps, among which are figuring out what CMS-related work is going on out there 20:19:03 <Sparks> rbergeron: In progress 20:19:03 * rbergeron nods 20:19:09 <stickster> rbergeron: I had it on TODO for tomorrow, 24h ahead :-) 20:19:13 <stickster> But I'll send it now 20:19:17 <rbergeron> stickster: ah, you rock. 20:19:37 <rbergeron> #topic F14 Marketing schedule / tasks 20:19:40 <rbergeron> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/logistics/2010-June/000665.html 20:19:44 <rbergeron> no, no. 20:19:46 <rbergeron> #undo 20:19:46 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Link object at 0x111234d0> 20:19:51 <rbergeron> #link http://poelstra.fedorapeople.org/schedules/f-14/f-14-marketing-tasks.html 20:20:11 <rbergeron> I've gone through and recycled all the marketing wiki pages for F14. 20:20:51 <rbergeron> I still need to update the main release deliverables page - bumping things over, linking in the F14 pages for 'current release' here: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing#Release_deliverables 20:21:05 <rbergeron> Unless someone else wants to do that ;) 20:21:50 * rbergeron grins 20:22:19 <rbergeron> #topic Design team interviews 20:22:22 <stickster> rbergeron: OK to link to nonexistent pages there? 20:22:35 * stickster notes we've got actions coming up, but no #action nor responsible persons 20:22:42 <rbergeron> stickster: they exist - same format as the F13 people 20:22:46 <stickster> rbergeron: Woo! 20:22:51 <rbergeron> err 20:22:52 <stickster> I'll fix the main [[Marketing]] page then 20:22:52 <rbergeron> F13 pages 20:22:56 * rbergeron can't type at ALL today 20:23:06 <stickster> #action stickster fix [[Marketing]] page to point to F14 deliverables 20:23:20 <rbergeron> stickster: the only exception is the postmortem page - those still need to be renamed to "retrospectives" 20:23:27 <stickster> rbergeron: will do 20:23:58 <rbergeron> okay. back to design team interviews: 20:24:17 <rbergeron> #link http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/design-team/2010-June/002694.html 20:24:49 <rbergeron> We've got a nice list from the design team on interviews we can do. I'd like to start cranking these out at least every 2 weeks - but it would be great to have some volunteers doing some of the interviewing. 20:25:08 * rbergeron notes that mizmo had an awesome idea as well - 20:25:09 <rbergeron> I think for each interview you could have a little sidebar for the 20:25:09 <rbergeron> highlighted tool talking about the upstream website and the install 20:25:10 <rbergeron> instructions for getting it on Fedora. 20:25:57 <rbergeron> #action rbergeron to ping marketing list to recruit interviewers. 20:26:21 <rbergeron> #topic is this a bad meeting time???? 20:26:33 <rbergeron> We seem to be pretty anemic lately :( 20:27:04 * Sparks notes that it might not be the best time of day for east coasters (USA) 20:27:08 <rbergeron> mchua: can i woo you into pinging the list about maybe changing time slots? 20:27:16 <rbergeron> or... sparks? :) 20:27:21 <ke4qqq> thanks a lot :) /me wonders if asking the question of those who actually show up is what we are after. 20:27:36 <mchua> rbergeron: I can be woo'd. 20:27:44 <Sparks> rbergeron: Have you done a "whenisgood.net" survey lately? 20:27:51 <mchua> I have! I have! 20:27:56 <rbergeron> sparks: we haven't done one recently 20:28:17 <rbergeron> thistimeslotusedtobegood.net ? :) 20:28:26 <Sparks> heh 20:28:39 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: you mean people who generally show up but haven't recently? 20:28:59 * rbergeron knows that rrix is dancing, err, working on stuff at akademy; yn1v was tied up this week as well 20:29:18 <ke4qqq> rbergeron: I meant asking in a meeting if now is the best time. /me was just giving you a hard time - feel free to /ignore me 20:29:29 <rbergeron> ke4qqq: will do :) 20:29:42 * rbergeron is having a difficult time following people today in general, sorry 20:29:49 <Sparks> rbergeron: Just pointing out that unless I'm working from home this time slot is not going to be good for me 20:30:12 <Sparks> but I'll do what I can to help out where I can 20:30:14 <rbergeron> #action mchua to investigate the possibility of a better time slot for marketing meetings. 20:30:50 <rbergeron> #topic FUDCon EMEA Announcement 20:30:56 <rbergeron> #link https://fedorahosted.org/marketing-team/ticket/124 20:31:03 <rbergeron> Wonderer picked up this ticket (thank you, sir) 20:31:42 <rbergeron> #topic open floor 20:31:44 <rbergeron> I has nothing else. 20:31:53 <Sparks> that's a first 20:31:57 <rbergeron> I know it. 20:32:38 <mchua> How can we get new faces in here? 20:32:48 <mchua> I feel like we've got more opportunities than we can really handle 20:32:51 <rbergeron> #topic recruitment! 20:33:05 <mchua> and what we need is not necessarily more ticket-crunching minions, but spirited folks who want to DO STUFF and drive projects of their own 20:33:13 <mchua> like the microblogging thing! I think that's been an excellent example 20:33:23 <rbergeron> yes, it has :) 20:33:41 <rbergeron> and i know that nelson continues to work on SWOT stuff also, which is cool. 20:34:18 <rbergeron> perhaps we can recruit people at CLS / OSCON. :) 20:34:22 <mchua> Hrm 20:34:29 <mchua> one thought: fedora consumes a lot of upstream code 20:34:35 <mchua> or rather, we like working with upstreams 20:34:44 <mchua> and our code comes from upstream, rather than "hey let's carry lots o' patches in fedora" 20:35:01 <mchua> What does upstream marketing look like? That's something I've been trying to wrap my head around lately. 20:35:23 <rbergeron> in some cases.... non-existent 20:35:25 <mchua> Can we, for instance, get a feature profile on... say... gnome-shell (bad example, outdated, but bear with me) written... not "in Fedora" but for GNOME Journal, say? 20:35:33 <mchua> and then go "woo, creative commons! *REPURPOSE*" 20:35:45 <mchua> send Fedora folks upstream to help with their marketing, and then pull that stuff directly? 20:35:45 <ke4qqq> mchua: largely inexistent, very corporate, or in some cases very grassroots awesome 20:35:49 <rbergeron> mchua: aren't you and rrix working on something to that effect? 20:35:52 <mchua> I wonder if that is a way to pull folks in. 20:36:04 <mchua> rbergeron: ...yeeeeah, er, rrix - when you get back from Akademy... 20:36:10 <mchua> argh, we keep on having to reschedule writing sprints for that 20:36:51 <rbergeron> i think he's back soon. 20:36:54 <rbergeron> soon-ish. :) 20:37:10 <rbergeron> maybe we should get rrix on some kde / fedora marketing. ;) 20:38:10 * rbergeron looks around for other thoughts :) 20:38:54 <Sparks> stickster ianweller: Weren't we going to be working with CC a while back with a release from them on how FP had moved to CC-BY-SA? 20:39:22 <rbergeron> ooh. 20:39:24 <mchua> rbergeron: that sounds like an excellent #idea :D 20:39:27 <mchua> his blog posts already have a ton 20:39:28 * Sparks notes that Docs on both FP and RH moved to CC-BY-SA a couple months ago 20:39:28 <ke4qqq> it strikes me that 1. we don't have enough bodies to do things, and that needs to be rectified and 2. we have a lot of things that could be promoted but lack of long term strategy (which is hard with largely all volunteer base) 20:39:35 <stickster> Sparks: That was an ianweller + quaid project -- not sure about the PR side. 20:40:03 <Sparks> stickster: It's not too late is it? :) 20:40:45 <stickster> Sparks: Probably not. I can't drive it at this point, though. 20:40:58 <stickster> Sparks: Are you interested in doing that? 20:41:01 <Sparks> "Open licenses means open pathways to freedom for all" 20:41:07 <Sparks> stickster: I could be persuaded 20:41:15 * rbergeron presents sparks with cookies 20:41:18 <stickster> There you go. 20:41:20 <Sparks> :) 20:41:27 * ke4qqq thinks that could be an excellent print article too 20:41:32 <stickster> Is that a yes then? 20:41:39 <Sparks> rbergeron: As long as we are all on the same page... 20:41:57 <rbergeron> just let me know what page it is, and i'll be there :) 20:42:47 <stickster> rbergeron: That second tweet must have worked, I have an inbox full of follow notices again :-) 20:42:59 <rbergeron> stickster: awesome 20:43:44 <rbergeron> #action sparks to dive into Docs / FP / CC marketing interaction / story 20:44:02 <rbergeron> mchua: any other ideas? 20:44:10 <Sparks> rbergeron: Do you want a story or do you want to try to work with CC or upstream on that? 20:44:20 <mchua> I'd like to follow up with our potential POSSE minions. 20:44:37 <mchua> er, POSSE/TOS minions. If we have projects that could be taken on by uni students for a project class. 20:44:40 <mchua> Feature profiles was one. 20:44:49 <Sparks> Heck, a killer story would be to work with downstream... 20:44:49 <rbergeron> sparks: I think it would be great to do both, but I leave the ball in your court. 20:45:07 <rbergeron> mchua: that sounds excellent. 20:45:22 <rbergeron> I can load them up. believe me :) 20:45:28 <mchua> w00t. 20:45:42 <mchua> I'm going to be trying to get the profs into these meetings, but I don't know how soon they can do it 20:45:46 <mchua> and it's likely to be on short notice. 20:45:54 <mchua> so if you see a prof randomly popping in, just... warning you, that's why. 20:46:06 <rbergeron> mchua: works for me 20:46:10 <ke4qqq> mchua: what can we do to improve the experience this time around 20:47:22 <rbergeron> mchua: iirc, aren't these profs more into technical writing and so forth? 20:47:37 <rbergeron> which i think will benefit us more as far as - students more likely being interested, etc? 20:47:40 <mchua> Yep, I'm bringing the tech writing and journalism profs into mktg/docs (Sparks has met them). 20:47:51 <mchua> ke4qqq: That's a good question. 20:48:05 <rbergeron> I think the students having a more narrow focus / interest here is probably good 20:48:08 <rbergeron> what level are the classes, mchua? 20:48:36 <mchua> Honestly, I'm not sure what the answer is - the Allegheny profs have been too busy to debrief much. 20:48:39 * stickster ducks out for a few 20:48:39 <mchua> I'll try to find out, though. 20:49:00 <mchua> rbergeron: Relatively introductory - also containing non-majors - but they *are* focused, which is I think the biggest help. 20:49:10 <mchua> For instance, the journalism class is all about getting students to learn how to interview. 20:49:19 <rbergeron> so - I think the most important thing here is that having the professors involved BEFOREHAND - being in marketing meetings and such 20:49:29 <mchua> Interview, interview, interview. Not "generally speaking, here's how to be a college student" - it's *just* interviewing. Mmm, focus. 20:49:29 <rbergeron> will be a much better experience for all of us 20:49:35 <ke4qqq> wow - that will be nice - perhaps we can get jzb to help us a bit before tossing them to the volves.... 20:49:40 <mchua> Yeah, I think that is a very good idea. 20:49:50 <ke4qqq> wolves even 20:50:13 * mchua nods 20:50:26 <mchua> I think it will also help for us to have visibility into what they're trying to do with their classes 20:50:34 <mchua> to see a course description, syllabus, semester schedule, etc so we know where we're fitting in 20:50:51 <rbergeron> yep. 20:50:55 <mchua> we have our schedule laid out, but I felt like... randomly, STUDENTS APPEARED! and we had no context as to what they'd done 20:50:58 <mchua> or who they were. 20:51:29 * rbergeron thinks a defriefing / what can we do to improve discussion with the previous alleghenies faculty would be a wise move 20:51:41 <ke4qqq> mchua: same faculty? 20:51:46 <mchua> ke4qqq: Different faculty. 20:52:06 <mchua> ke4qqq: thing is, I think we learn more each time - this will be the third round, iirc, of trying to get a class involved 20:52:14 <rbergeron> in marketing? 20:52:15 <mchua> first time it sounds like y'all learned some hard lessons. 20:52:21 <mchua> rbergeron: I think docs was the first. 20:52:24 <rbergeron> ahhh 20:52:27 <ke4qqq> first time was painful 20:52:38 <mchua> second time was frantic but we squeaked through 20:52:41 <mchua> third time's the charm? 20:52:49 <rbergeron> have we retained any of the students as volunteers? 20:52:59 <ke4qqq> but I feel like in both instances we learned our lessons but didn't share them or post them anywhere (failure on my part I admit) 20:53:17 <mchua> rbergeron: not... yet. 20:53:18 <ke4qqq> and I'd like to know (esp from the .edu side) what we can do to make it a better experience for them 20:53:20 <rbergeron> I didn't notate anywhere either. 20:53:32 <mchua> Huh, that's a thought. I'd like to - for instance, "Hannah, the BTRFS profile was AWESOME, want to keep on doing stuff?" 20:53:49 <ke4qqq> I know what I'd say to make it better from our perspective, but not vice versa 20:53:49 * rbergeron nods 20:53:52 <ke4qqq> win 12 20:53:55 <mchua> Well, I will be seeing Matt Jadud at OSCON in 2 weeks. 20:54:03 <rbergeron> ooh. 20:54:04 <mchua> ke4qqq: actually, that may be a good way to start 20:54:17 <mchua> I've asked for feedback but I think it may be too blank a slate 20:54:49 <rbergeron> need more pointed questions? 20:54:58 <mchua> Yes. 20:55:04 * ke4qqq notes that we should probably document our perspective as well 20:55:16 <mchua> More pointed questions, and first random guesses from us - easier to revise/critique than to start from a blank page, etc 20:55:19 <mchua> ke4qqq: Oh yes. 20:55:21 <rbergeron> maybe you and I can meet with him and figure that stuff out - even, what are the questions to ask ona regular basis of outgoing classes 20:55:25 <mchua> rbergeron: That would be great. 20:55:37 <mchua> How about this - sometime this week, I will kick things off with a blog post 20:56:08 <mchua> ke4qqq, rbergeron: if you'd like to follow up with notes and such, that would be teh awesum, but in any case we'll have at least something to bring to jadudm at OSCON 20:56:15 <rbergeron> Allegheny postm^H^H^H^H^Hretrospective? :) 20:56:37 <ke4qqq> USC would have needed a post-mortem, don't think Allegheny was that bad :) 20:56:49 * mchua grins. 20:56:54 <mchua> I think we made it through alive, yeah 20:56:58 <mchua> "retrospective" 20:57:02 * rbergeron checks pulse 20:57:12 <rbergeron> i think i feel something 20:57:22 <Sparks> \ 20:57:30 <rbergeron> :) 20:57:53 <rbergeron> alllrighty then. anything else, anyone? 20:57:55 * rbergeron looks at the clock 20:59:16 <rbergeron> okee dokee. 20:59:18 <mchua> none from me! 20:59:20 * mchua has to jet 20:59:23 <rbergeron> thanks for coming all :) 20:59:30 <rbergeron> #endmeeting