18:03:22 <kital> #startmeeting
18:03:23 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Feb  1 18:03:22 2010 UTC.  The chair is kital. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:03:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:03:37 <kital> #Roll Call
18:03:43 <spevack> .fas mspevack
18:03:44 <kital> #topic Roll Call
18:03:46 <zodbot> spevack: mspevack 'Max Spevack' <mspevack@redhat.com>
18:03:56 <kital> Joerg Simon
18:04:01 <ke4qqq> David Nalley
18:04:02 <susmit> Susmit Shannigrahi
18:04:02 <kital> #chair spevack
18:04:03 <tatica> Maria Leandro
18:04:03 <zodbot> Current chairs: kital spevack
18:04:12 <lfoppiano> hi
18:04:25 <susmit> hi lfoppiano we are having roll call
18:04:41 <spevack> RodrigoPadula was here a few mins ago.  he's probably still around somewhere
18:05:35 <spevack> I guess we should move on?
18:05:37 <kital> ok before we start - i want to remind everyone that we have a code of conduct which also applies how we communicate
18:06:03 <kital> so please all be nice to each other
18:06:07 <RodrigoPadula> Rodrigo Padula
18:06:35 <spevack> kital: was there a problem with communication, or is this just a general reminder?
18:07:03 <kital> just a general reminder - related to discussions that appeared on irc and ml
18:07:21 * susmit thinks we should move a bit faster. We have  a lot to discuss
18:07:32 <RodrigoPadula> susmit, +1
18:07:35 <kital> even i tend sometimes to get to emotional and just wanted to remind everyone
18:07:51 <kital> #topic January's FAMSCO monthly report
18:08:12 <spevack> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_report_2010-01
18:08:18 <kital> so i see spevack and susmit put a lot effort in it
18:08:18 <spevack> I think it's coming together pretty well.
18:08:24 <lfoppiano> !
18:08:29 <susmit> #link http://susmit.fedorapeople.org/FAmSCo-Report/tmp/en-US/html-single/index.html
18:08:29 <kital> lfoppiano:
18:08:58 <lfoppiano> about the events  budget is missing the Cerea event. I have to send the expenses for Cerea to max. I'll do it tomorrow
18:09:09 <lfoppiano> I can starts sending him the sunmmary
18:09:12 <lfoppiano> EOF
18:09:33 <susmit> !
18:09:36 <RodrigoPadula> !
18:09:56 <ke4qqq> ?
18:09:58 <kital> susmit:
18:10:01 <susmit> feedbacks required about the link I provided..is the template fine?
18:10:05 <susmit> eof
18:10:12 <ke4qqq> !
18:10:15 <spevack> !
18:10:24 <kital> RodrigoPadula: then ke4qqq then spevack
18:11:20 <RodrigoPadula> I'm working to organize all information from latam to add to the report
18:11:30 <RodrigoPadula> eof
18:11:37 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: when will it be ready?
18:11:45 <RodrigoPadula> this week I think
18:12:05 <RodrigoPadula> because I had an important meeting at Red Hat with my boss on Thursday
18:12:14 <RodrigoPadula> * I will have
18:12:15 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: we need it ASAP.  It's already February 1.
18:12:23 <spevack> and you need it for your meeting anyway :)
18:12:25 <susmit> Sorry to interrupt. RodrigoPadula send as much as you can
18:12:46 <susmit> the rest will be added in the next report.
18:12:47 <RodrigoPadula> yep
18:12:54 <kital> susmit it looks great and i think it will work out well
18:12:56 <RodrigoPadula> I'm working on it
18:13:08 <kital> links that i tested work fine
18:13:33 <lfoppiano> !
18:13:36 <kital> ke4qqq:
18:13:49 <ke4qqq> 3 things susmit: where is source stored?
18:14:10 <susmit> temporarily at the fama git
18:14:11 <ke4qqq> I'd also like the Documentation logo replaced with Ambassadors if it's possible, and I am willing to help make that happen
18:14:36 <ke4qqq> finally, love the budget breakdown!
18:14:46 <susmit> ke4qqq, I am providing with the git checkout link
18:15:07 <spevack> ke4qqq: it's the same information that's elsewhere, just re-printed.  But the increased visibility is what gives it value
18:15:16 <ke4qqq> yes!
18:15:18 <ke4qqq> exactly
18:15:24 <ke4qqq> eof
18:15:26 <susmit> spevack, right
18:15:26 <kital> spevack:
18:15:33 <spevack> I have three comments
18:15:41 <susmit> ke4qqq, git clone git://git.fedorahosted.org/fama.git
18:15:43 <susmit> eof
18:15:57 <ke4qqq> tnx
18:16:15 <spevack> (1) I worry about the amount of time it takes to produce this each month.  I think the format on the wiki page is good enough, and that having an extra step to turn it into another document isn't necessary, and just means that every time we revise the wiki page, susmit has extra work.
18:16:23 <spevack> I think that the wiki page is good enough for this task.
18:16:39 <spevack> (2) We still have some sections that are not finished -- they need to get finished today!
18:17:00 <spevack> (3) I want to hear people's thoughts about the first section "Basic FAMSCO Activity"
18:17:04 <spevack> EOF
18:17:10 <susmit> !
18:17:41 <spevack> susmit: go :)
18:18:03 <lfoppiano> !
18:18:16 <kital> lfoppiano:
18:18:19 <susmit> Its true that I have spend six hours on this..but I think subsequent revisions will take much less time. ~1hour/month which I can happily afford
18:18:20 <kital> then susmit
18:19:04 <spevack> susmit: as long as we are 100% sure that the final HTML report you produce matches the final version of that month's wiki page, it is ok with me.
18:19:38 <ke4qqq> does that mean we need firm deadlines?? where are we going to host the finished product long term?
18:20:21 <spevack> ke4qqq: also part of why I think the wiki page is good enough
18:20:35 <kital> susmit: where do we want to store it ?
18:20:38 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FAmSCo_tasks#Monthly_report
18:20:45 <spevack> with the wiki format, we can store it ^^^^^^^
18:20:55 <spevack> and then worry about the next month
18:21:35 <susmit> I have no problem with the wiki...but its ugly :)
18:22:06 <kital> i agree with your arguments - but i remember that all agreed that we wanted to have it in a "pretty" pdf or something else
18:22:12 <spevack> Ok, here's my proposal:
18:22:27 <spevack> The wiki page is the "upstream" for each month, and we can store those links on the tasks page like I just said.
18:22:48 <spevack> After the month's report is done, Susmit can create the pretty version, and we can send the pretty link and the wiki link both to the Ambassadors.
18:23:09 <spevack> Then the wiki link serves for all-time archiving, but people can read the pretty version, and if it goes away, it's ok because no info is lost.
18:23:16 <susmit> ok..should work.
18:23:19 * spevack thinks we need to just decide and move on because we have a lot to discuss
18:23:40 <susmit> let's move
18:23:41 * lfoppiano asked to speak
18:23:44 <kital> lfoppiano: you wanted to say something
18:23:59 <lfoppiano> I like the "basic FAMSCO activity", it's a bit a way to monitor us but if I look it from an ambassador point of view is a good indicator
18:24:09 <lfoppiano> I propose to add maybe even the regional meeting we attended
18:24:12 <lfoppiano> EOF
18:24:35 <kital> ok
18:25:04 <kital> spevack you wanted to finish the report today - so we do not wait until Rodrigo has finished
18:25:08 <kital> ?
18:25:27 <spevack> i think we can wait one more day -- but I want it done, and sent to the Ambassadors before I get on a plane for FOSDEM
18:25:35 <spevack> and then tatica can work on getting the first town hall scheduled
18:25:45 <tatica> ok
18:25:52 <kital> perfect
18:26:01 <spevack> The people who still have FIXMEs in the report are Max, Susmit (india events?), and Rodrigo.
18:26:14 <spevack> Then one last check for overall correctness, and we're done.
18:26:18 <kital> #action Rodrigo finish his part of the famsco report
18:26:23 <susmit> spevack, there was no events in India in Jan
18:26:28 <spevack> susmit: that was easy :)
18:26:50 <kital> #undo
18:26:51 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x11af6d50>
18:27:17 <kital> #action RodrigoPadula finish his part of the famsco report till 02.February 18:00 UTC
18:27:46 <spevack> #action spevack final editing of famsco report after 1800 UTC on Feb 2
18:27:52 <RodrigoPadula> this week will be a very looong week for me :-)
18:27:55 <kital> should we do the town hal next monday instead of the famsco meeting
18:27:59 <kital> ?
18:28:06 <spevack> #action susmit create final pretty version of the report after final edits are done by spevack
18:28:30 <spevack> kital: I have no preference.  But I will be on an airplane back from FOSDEM next Monday, so I will miss whatever meeting we have at this time.
18:28:48 <RodrigoPadula> I think is important to add a Local Meetings report too
18:28:57 <RodrigoPadula> with links to the minutes and logs
18:29:35 <kital> RodrigoPadula: i think this is stored in the wiki
18:29:39 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: i will add that to the first section
18:29:46 <kital> RodrigoPadula: i would only see highlight in the famsco report
18:29:48 <susmit> RodrigoPadula, from the next report perhaps...
18:29:55 <spevack> I can add it to this report, today
18:30:04 <spevack> then it will be very easy to use this report as a template for next month
18:30:08 <susmit> spevack, ok
18:30:35 <kital> ok can we schedule the town hall please?
18:30:42 <RodrigoPadula> basically, January was a meeting/planning month :-)
18:31:18 <susmit> kital, Next Monday should be fine
18:31:55 <kital> +1 for monday 08.February
18:32:02 <ke4qqq> worksforme
18:32:06 <tatica> ok
18:32:24 <lfoppiano> +1
18:32:45 <spevack> !
18:32:50 <kital> spevack:
18:33:05 <spevack> susmit: you wrote "Philippines post healthy growth in number of contributors."  Where do we get that information from?
18:33:15 <susmit> blog
18:33:23 <susmit> azenita posted it
18:33:29 <spevack> susmit: you should link to that
18:33:36 <susmit> ok...
18:33:39 <lfoppiano> !
18:33:42 <kital> lfoppiano:
18:34:07 <lfoppiano> I want to point your attention to my proposal to add even the presence on the regional meetings int he FAMSco reports
18:34:13 <lfoppiano> nobody say nothing
18:34:15 <lfoppiano> EOF
18:34:17 <spevack> kital, lfoppiano -- is there anything for the "news" section from EMEA?
18:34:21 <spevack> lfoppiano: i said that I would add it.
18:34:39 <lfoppiano> ops sorry I didn't see it
18:34:42 <spevack> no prob :)
18:35:24 <lfoppiano> about the news I don't know, maybe we can add something about the fosdem organization?
18:35:43 <kital> #agreed first monthly town hall on Monday 08.February
18:35:49 <kital> lfoppiano: already added
18:36:09 <kital> in susmits version
18:36:25 <lfoppiano> ah ok
18:36:37 <spevack> ok, let's move on.
18:36:39 <kital> should we make the invitation to the town hall today
18:36:53 <kital> or should we wait until the report is done?
18:36:55 <susmit> kital, in the list will be better
18:37:07 <kital> ok
18:37:10 <lfoppiano> +1 after the report
18:37:39 <kital> tatica: will you send the invitation and set up the wiki page where people can post questions infront of the town hall
18:38:01 <tatica> yes, I'll do it when the meeting is over
18:38:27 <kital> i am confused
18:38:46 <susmit> kital, about what?
18:39:17 <kital> my question was not related where to send the invitation
18:39:23 <kital> it was when
18:40:00 * ke4qqq thought we had already had enough +1s to decide the issue
18:40:02 <susmit> oh..you said 'make' I thought it meant 'to create'..never mind
18:40:32 <kital> so i would say send the invitation today
18:40:41 <kital> to the ambassador list
18:40:50 <susmit> kital, +1
18:41:11 <kital> and a reminder together with the link to the report as soon as we finished
18:41:14 <kital> the report
18:41:18 <kital> ok
18:41:44 <kital> any more to this topic?
18:42:08 <lfoppiano> what say the other about it?
18:42:37 <lfoppiano> because I voted for send it after or toghether with the report, because so people have a good motivation to read it and maybe participate...
18:43:06 <lfoppiano> like the town hall is something after the report
18:43:08 <lfoppiano> eof
18:43:38 <kital> lfoppiano: you are right but i think the timeframe from wednesday is to short
18:43:49 <kital> for the ambassadors to collect questions
18:43:50 <susmit> lfoppiano, we have six days to organise it...better not to wait for the  report
18:44:23 <spevack> There is *nothing* to stop tatica from sending a note to ambassadors saying something like this:
18:44:23 <lfoppiano> uhm, ok :) maybe for this time is better to send the invitation before
18:44:35 <spevack> The first monthly report for FAMSCo is almost ready.  When it is, Joerg will send it to the list.
18:44:44 <spevack> But we want to schedule a town hall chat for all Ambassadors for next monday.
18:44:46 <kital> #action tatica send a town hall invitation today along with the creation of a wikipage where people can post questions we can discuss during the town hall
18:44:48 * inode0 wonders what the rush is? why not the following week when everyone on famsco could attend (in theory)?
18:44:57 <spevack> You'll be able to read the report before then, but we want to give people time.
18:45:11 <spevack> Here's the wiki page for your questions, and with the information for the IRC (date, time, channel)
18:45:23 <spevack> We'll move this time around every month, because people are in different time zones.
18:45:39 <spevack> We *really* need to move on.  45 minutes on our first agenda topic is not good :)
18:45:45 <kital> spevack: right
18:46:41 <kital> #topic Max -- report on the Events FAD and what that means for all FUDCons in 2010.
18:47:00 <spevack> We skipped two items, but we can go back.
18:47:15 <spevack> I will be quick, mostly because I'll put my report about the events FAD into the monthly report ;)
18:47:24 <spevack> ke4qqq was also at this FAD, along with several others.
18:47:37 <spevack> The biggest accomplishment was a new, more clear framework for fudcon organization worldwide.
18:47:56 <spevack> It allowed LATAM to decide on the FUDCon location for 2010, and it will allow us to make a decision about FUDCon in EMEA probably during FOSDEM.
18:48:06 <spevack> More links and reports will be in the famsco january report, to save time here.
18:48:13 <spevack> EOF
18:48:18 <ke4qqq> !
18:48:33 <kital> ke4qqq:
18:49:00 <ke4qqq> we also had a document developed regarding sponsoring events/attendees that I think we've long had as an unwritten rule and is now codified
18:49:10 <spevack> oh, yeah!
18:49:16 <spevack> this document is VERY USEFUL for FAMSCO
18:49:21 <ke4qqq> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Sponsoring_event_attendees
18:49:25 <kital> i read that - very good!
18:49:36 <spevack> it's linked on the [[FAMSCO]] page and the [[Events]] page
18:50:05 <susmit> agreed...
18:50:38 <kital> any more to add?
18:50:50 <spevack> of the remaining topics on our agenda, I think the FAMSCO trac instance (private or open) is th emost important one to discuss
18:50:50 <kital> next topic -
18:50:57 <kital> #topic Can we make the FAMSCO trac instance completely open? Max thinks yes.
18:51:04 <spevack> I think yes.
18:51:32 <kital> during the last emea meeting the request to open the trac instance was posted
18:51:41 <kital> you read the conversation on ml
18:51:45 <spevack> or at least "open to people logged in to trac with their FAS account"
18:52:25 <susmit> As we operate on a global scale, it will really be wise to take some time and discussions before deciding on this. We need more discussions about making private data open. -1
18:52:33 <kital> most confidential data will be transfered by private email gpg encrypted anyway
18:52:50 <spevack> #link https://fedorahosted.org/famsco/report/6
18:52:54 <spevack> that is a link to every single ticket
18:52:55 <lfoppiano> I vote -1 too
18:53:35 <spevack> we could go through and see which tickets have private data.
18:53:54 <spevack> The general request for more transparency into FAMSCO's tickets is a fair one.  How can we provide that?
18:54:14 <ke4qqq> what's the benefit to seeing reimbursement data?? perhaps we shouldn't be using trac for non-reimbursement stuff - which is what it was setup for iirc
18:54:21 <kital> spevack did you already reviewed the tickets for private data?
18:54:29 <spevack> kital: not every single one.
18:54:38 <spevack> kital: there are definitely some tickets that have bank account info.
18:55:03 <kital> ke4qqq: it is not only reembursment also general famsco business
18:55:04 <spevack> susmit: is there no way to make the "Budget" component private, and the others open?
18:55:38 <susmit> spevack, most probably no. But I shall look..but that does not solve the problem eother.
18:55:43 <susmit> either
18:56:30 <spevack> what about each week showing a list of the subjects of the open tickets?  that would help a little bit
18:56:34 * ke4qqq will have to go back and look in the archives, but I thought it was setup expressly for reimbursements - and that's what the wiki seems to indicate
18:57:01 <susmit> we need to talk about it in famsco list...can we continue it there? I need time to think.
18:57:33 <kital> i also recommend to read the arguments here
18:57:35 <kital> http://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/ambassadors/2010-January/013564.html
18:57:59 <kital> the fesco argument is a bit weak because they have a closed mailing list
18:58:29 <spevack> #agreed We agree that the need for transparency exists, but need to think about how to provide that while not opening up private information.
18:58:30 <kital> but we have promised to be more open and should consider it
18:58:43 <susmit> kital, we shall be violating fedora's privacy policy for sure.
19:00:16 <ke4qqq> mspevack: famsco-list at redhat isn't allowing me to search the archives because I am no longer a member - can you make me a nomail member?
19:00:27 <spevack> ke4qqq: yeah
19:00:34 * spevack fixes that
19:00:46 <spevack> ke4qqq: under which email addy?
19:00:51 <ke4qqq> david@gnsa.us
19:00:51 <kital> susmit: if we have a hard argument i have no problem with keeping it closed
19:00:58 <susmit> #link http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Legal/PrivacyPolicy
19:01:01 <kital> but i think cwickert has strong arguments
19:01:12 <kital> cwickert: Bank account data is confidential for sure, and IMO this doesn't belong into trac at all.
19:01:23 <susmit> kital, I am not against opening this up..all i am saying that we need to discuss it
19:01:31 <susmit> more
19:02:28 <ke4qqq> kital: even if it isn't bank info it's likely to violate the priv policy
19:02:52 <spevack> ke4qqq: done
19:03:02 <ke4qqq> spevack: thanks
19:03:39 <kital> ok should we clarify it during this week over the ml?
19:03:46 <spevack> yes
19:04:16 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: was there a LATAM ambassador meeting in January?
19:04:18 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings#2010
19:04:44 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings#Next_Meeting
19:04:52 <spevack> it says the next meeting is May 2009!
19:04:56 <RodrigoPadula> scheduled not yet
19:05:01 <spevack> who is in charge?  (hint: you are)
19:05:08 <RodrigoPadula> but we had some meetings
19:05:31 <spevack> where are the links?
19:05:31 <RodrigoPadula> we have a problem here with timezones
19:05:52 <kital> RodrigoPadula: my boss always say "if it is not written down it never happened" ;)
19:06:09 <RodrigoPadula> we are using our local lists
19:06:36 <ke4qqq> logs?
19:06:37 <RodrigoPadula> I will define and fix the date today
19:06:54 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: all I'm saying is that when someone looks, it looks like there has been no LATAM meeting in 8 months
19:06:59 <RodrigoPadula> but here, I cant send one email or message in the IRC and I receive some rocks in my had
19:07:01 <spevack> and if there has been, then no one knows about it
19:07:02 <kital> ok i think my two point from last week will also work over the list
19:07:10 <RodrigoPadula> so.. somethings is very complicated to define :-)
19:07:39 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: I don't mean to be harsh, but this stuff is your full time job.  "It's complicated" is not a good answer.
19:07:42 <kital> just list the logs here -> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings#2010
19:07:42 <RodrigoPadula> "are"
19:08:26 <RodrigoPadula> spevack, dont worry about, we are having meetings, but we are using more frequently our lists
19:08:30 <tatica> !
19:08:45 <kital> i would say lets have open floor
19:08:46 <RodrigoPadula> great part of our ambassadors dont use the wiki or read english
19:08:47 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: But if you are not showing that information to anyone, then it *looks* like nothing is happening
19:09:00 <spevack> And I end up with a giant hole in the LATAM section of the monthly report.
19:09:08 <kital> so just join the discussion tatica
19:09:17 <RodrigoPadula> as I told you, I'working on the reports
19:09:20 <spevack> And you should see that hole and think "holy shit!  if the rest of famsco doesn't know what I'm doing, how can I expect anyone else in the world or my boss to know"
19:09:26 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: good!
19:09:28 <RodrigoPadula> so, I will add all information to the wiki
19:09:35 <tatica> http://tatica.fedorapeople.org/Fedora-LATAM/Reuniones/ <== this is my personal log if anyone need it. I didn't save the first latam meeting cause was only 1 day of advice and I was from my cellphone (I can't save logs from there). Latam has only 1 meeting and was only to Fudcon-LATAM issues
19:09:38 <tatica> eof
19:09:42 <spevack> tatica: thanks!
19:09:46 <tatica> np
19:10:27 <spevack> kital: i will update our famsco agenda page to show that next week is the town hall, and the things that are still "open" that we discuss either on the list or in a future meeting.
19:10:31 <tatica> btw, as far as i know there was another fudcom-latam meeting with you spevack
19:10:39 <tatica> but I didn't knew anything about it
19:10:44 <spevack> #action spevack get things ready for next famsco meetings
19:10:54 <kital> i will move my "old" point to the famsco mailing list
19:10:57 <kital> for discussion
19:11:08 <kital> thanks max you are a big help for me
19:11:46 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: here's the thing -- it's very simple.
19:11:46 <kital> last chance to bring another important point up
19:11:51 <tatica> http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-latam/2010-01-23/fedora-latam.2010-01-23-01.15.log.html <== this is the other log
19:11:55 <spevack> Even is someone doesn't speak ANY SPANISH AT ALL
19:12:21 <spevack> it should still be EASY for them to find information about WHERE and HOW the LATAM community is organized.  Show them everything, even if they can't understand it -- because at least they can see the scope of what is happening.
19:12:42 <spevack> There is a #fedora-de IRC channel.
19:12:45 <spevack> And I have no idea what they say
19:12:56 <spevack> But kital or Gerold or cwickert will tell me if there is something I need to know!
19:13:04 <spevack> I think that feedback loop is what is missing in LATAM.
19:13:16 <RodrigoPadula> spevack, ok
19:13:20 <spevack> We are almost done with the quarter and FAMSCO has spent ZERO MONEY in LATAM.  How is that POSSIBLE?
19:13:46 <spevack> Is there no Fedora 12 media in LATAM?
19:13:47 <RodrigoPadula> everyone can request money when they need, right ?
19:14:13 <RodrigoPadula> I requested for many latam ambassadors the costs of local production
19:14:19 <ke4qqq> ok, so if everyone can, why isn't anyone
19:14:22 <RodrigoPadula> and I didn't received emails about it
19:15:12 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: well, when your boss asks you about the LATAM community on Thursday, I hope you have a better answer than "no one emails me"
19:16:06 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: if I send an email to the embajadores-fedora-latam list and say "is there anything we need to spend money on in LATAM for Fedora to get ready for 2010" I bet I'll get some emails with requests.
19:16:17 <ke4qqq> would a trac instance help?
19:17:04 <RodrigoPadula> yn1v, is working on the local free media support
19:17:16 <RodrigoPadula> he requested material or money support ?
19:17:32 <RodrigoPadula> tatica is working from venezuela and she is a famsco member
19:17:35 <kital> ke4qqq: good point regional trac instances are a great interface to handle and encourage this
19:17:39 <RodrigoPadula> she requested money support ?
19:17:39 <tatica> o0
19:17:45 <tatica> yes, we both did
19:17:50 <spevack> RodrigoPadula: why are you asking me?  It's YOUR JOB to make sure he gets what he needs, and you know that you have budget from FAMSCO to use.
19:17:57 <tatica> the answer is "we can help countries where RH has not office"
19:18:00 <tatica> wof
19:18:00 <RodrigoPadula> Iḿ not asking you...
19:18:03 <tatica> *eof
19:18:06 <tatica> oh... ok
19:18:46 <spevack> Nowhere in FAMSCO's "mission" does it say "FAMSCO will only help countries where RH has an office."  I have said this many many times.
19:19:07 <RodrigoPadula> tatica, I told that some budget provided in Brazil cant be transfered to another countries
19:19:11 <spevack> kital: i think the meeting is officially over :)
19:19:19 <kital> #endmeeting