
#fedora-golang: Go SIG meeting

Meeting started by alexsaezm at 19:00:09 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (alexsaezm, 19:00:21)
  2. Discuss current docker/moby/containerd ecosystem brokenness https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-sig/issue/43 (alexsaezm, 19:06:16)
    1. https://github.com/moby/moby/tree/master/libnetwork (eclipseo, 19:32:57)
    2. ACTION: gotmax and/or eclipseo to work on simplifying moby-engine and investigate whether it can be unbundled (gotmax[m], 19:43:49)

  3. Leaf Go library packages https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-sig/issue/48 (alexsaezm, 19:46:41)
    1. https://mikel.olasagasti.info/tmp/fedora/goquery/possible_retirable.txt specifically (gotmax[m], 19:55:39)
    2. ACTION: $PERSON_WITH_COPIOUS_FREE_TIME to work on identifying leaves and/or writing a script to do so (gotmax[m], 19:57:59)

  4. Open Floor (gotmax[m], 19:58:29)
    1. https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-57f5a7a572 (gotmax[m], 20:02:28)
    2. https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2022-6667416d75 (gotmax[m], 20:02:28)
    3. https://endoflife.date/go (mikelo, 20:06:45)
    4. https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/doc/go1.20.html (alexsaezm, 20:07:38)
    5. ACTION: alexsaezm will talk with FESCo for a mid-release rebase approval so F36 can have 1.19 instead of 1.18 (alexsaezm, 20:09:55)

Meeting ended at 20:20:38 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. gotmax and/or eclipseo to work on simplifying moby-engine and investigate whether it can be unbundled
  2. $PERSON_WITH_COPIOUS_FREE_TIME to work on identifying leaves and/or writing a script to do so
  3. alexsaezm will talk with FESCo for a mid-release rebase approval so F36 can have 1.19 instead of 1.18

Action items, by person

  1. alexsaezm
    1. alexsaezm will talk with FESCo for a mid-release rebase approval so F36 can have 1.19 instead of 1.18
  2. eclipseo
    1. gotmax and/or eclipseo to work on simplifying moby-engine and investigate whether it can be unbundled
  3. gotmax
    1. gotmax and/or eclipseo to work on simplifying moby-engine and investigate whether it can be unbundled

People present (lines said)

  1. gotmax[m] (71)
  2. eclipseo (43)
  3. alexsaezm (28)
  4. zodbot (11)
  5. mikelo (11)
  6. copperi[m] (3)
  7. mikelo_m[m] (1)
  8. gotmax (0)

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