18:10:44 <alexsaezm> #startmeeting Go SIG meeting
18:10:44 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Mar 15 18:10:44 2021 UTC.
18:10:44 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
18:10:44 <zodbot> The chair is alexsaezm. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:10:44 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:10:44 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'go_sig_meeting'
18:12:21 <alexsaezm> I don't see anything recent on the go-sig issue page so I guess we can go to the open floor
18:12:41 <alexsaezm> looks like today we are very few :)
18:12:49 <alexsaezm> #topic Open Floor
18:13:12 <obudai> any news regarding the GOPATH deprecation?
18:13:29 <alexsaezm> kind of, yes, I've been playing a little with the package
18:13:55 <alexsaezm> I still don't have anything functional but I think the go mod cache is the best approach and it's going to work
18:14:26 <alexsaezm> but I need to work a little on the macros side to understand how it works right now
18:14:54 <alexsaezm> the idea is as simple as instead of using the GOPATH, use the go mod cache which is another path
18:15:34 <obudai> yeah, that should work
18:15:41 <alexsaezm> Apart from that... I just need a little more time, I've been kind of busy these past days (it's not excuse at all)
18:16:14 <obudai> I hope we don't need to do any shenanigans with cache validation.
18:16:22 <alexsaezm> oh
18:16:23 <alexsaezm> good point
18:16:29 <alexsaezm> I don't think so, but could be...
18:16:30 <alexsaezm> hmmm
18:16:40 <alexsaezm> hmmm didn't think about that tbh
18:17:07 <alexsaezm> I don't remember anything weird from when I was reading the documentation
18:17:33 <obudai> I think we should be fine... The worst case I can image is that we need to calculate some hashes.
18:17:38 <obudai> s/image/imagine
18:17:50 <obudai> and do you think we can make it in F34?
18:18:04 <alexsaezm> I'll try, I don't think so
18:18:13 <obudai> no worries :)
18:18:18 <obudai> Thanks for working on this!
18:18:31 <alexsaezm> I mean, my intention for this week is to have something real to say about this apart from tests
18:18:33 <obudai> Someone will just need to backport it into CentOS Stream 9. :)
18:18:40 <obudai> Should be fairly simple with the new workflow.
18:18:56 <alexsaezm> oh yeah, if we work on rawhide that should be transparent
18:19:28 <obudai> OK, thanks for all the information! This was everything I had for today. :)
18:19:53 <alexsaezm> apart from that, the other thing I have is that F32 is almost EOL and I made the 1.14.15 release
18:19:59 <alexsaezm> which is going to be the last one
18:20:01 <alexsaezm> https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2021-bc83e3d0fe
18:20:10 <obudai> +1
18:20:30 <obudai> I'm looking forward to get rid of F32. :)
18:20:45 <alexsaezm> you do?
18:20:55 <alexsaezm> I don't use it anymore but I liked it :)
18:21:10 <obudai> As every Fedora release, it was very nice.
18:21:36 <obudai> But you know, maintaining Go packages that iterate fast on older distros can be painful.
18:21:45 <alexsaezm> yeah, totally get it
18:21:51 <alexsaezm> that reminds me another thing
18:22:24 <alexsaezm> right now, the latest golang container image is for f32
18:23:05 <alexsaezm> https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/9614
18:23:33 <alexsaezm> I guess we should work on that but I need to figure out how :)
18:24:21 <obudai> *nods*
18:24:39 <alexsaezm> and that's pretty much it
18:25:46 <alexsaezm> anyone else has something to add? :)
18:25:55 <obudai> nah :)
18:26:30 <alexsaezm> ok, that was quick :)
18:26:47 <obudai> Thanks for chairing the meeting! :)
18:26:47 <alexsaezm> #endmeeting