18:03:12 <jcajka> #startmeeting Go SIG meeting
18:03:12 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Jan  4 18:03:12 2021 UTC.
18:03:12 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
18:03:12 <zodbot> The chair is jcajka. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
18:03:12 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
18:03:12 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'go_sig_meeting'
18:03:27 <jcajka> #topic Roll call
18:03:37 <jcajka> #chair alexsaezm
18:03:37 <zodbot> Current chairs: alexsaezm jcajka
18:08:45 <QuLogic> .hello qulogic
18:08:45 <zodbot> QuLogic: qulogic 'Elliott Sales de Andrade' <quantum.analyst@gmail.com>
18:09:08 <jcajka> #chair QuLogic
18:09:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: QuLogic alexsaezm jcajka
18:09:15 <QuLogic> I have nothing to talk about really
18:10:01 <jcajka> Sorry for missing the meeting prior to the Christmas
18:10:25 <jcajka> I have taken liberty to tag the issue with the go1.17 Gopath retirement
18:10:47 <jcajka> #topic https://pagure.io/GoSIG/go-sig/issue/35 GOPATH deprecated on Go 1.17
18:11:12 <jcajka> But I think that there haven't been much new to discuss
18:12:57 <jcajka> if there is nothing from anyone else I would keep the issue tagged as I think it would be good to check on it as it threatens the Fedora's Go packaging system in the F35 timeframe
18:13:08 <jcajka> and we can move to Open Floor
18:16:34 <jcajka> seems that we can move to the Open Floor
18:16:41 <jcajka> #topic Open Floor
18:17:42 <alexsaezm> thanks for tagging the issue jcajka
18:18:38 <jcajka> From my side I have spend some time on rebuild for Go 1.16, unfortunately I have first hit already known/fixed issue in mock and then I have started to have some issue with my local x86_64 server(still investigating) that really slowed me down
18:19:40 <jcajka> I have started scratch rebuilds on ppc64le and aarch64 machines that I have access to while I'm figuring out what is wrong with mine x86_64 server.
18:19:56 <jcajka> I hope that I will be able to report some results by end of the week.
18:21:04 <jcajka> From container side, I have been rebuilding golang container images, picking up the aarch64 build of it in the process and introducing the golang container to all the current releases that might have missed it.
18:21:31 <jcajka> And that is all from my side for the time from the last meeting.
18:21:46 <alexsaezm> that's a lot! and awesome :D
18:22:55 <jcajka> alexsaezm: np
18:23:25 <jcajka> it is not really that much, container updates takes 7 days in bodhi
18:23:49 <jcajka> if there are no other topics it can be short meeting this time
18:24:06 <alexsaezm> not from my side
18:28:08 <jcajka> seems none
18:28:15 <jcajka> #endmeeting