09:56:55 <cwickert> #startmeeting 09:56:55 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat Nov 20 09:56:55 2010 UTC. The chair is cwickert. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 09:56:55 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 09:57:22 <cwickert> #meetingname Fedora EMEA FAD 2010 09:57:22 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_emea_fad_2010' 09:58:05 <jenskuehnel> EMEA Events for 2011 09:58:18 <jenskuehnel> List of events: 09:58:27 <jenskuehnel> FOSDEM (Feb) 09:58:42 <jenskuehnel> Chemnitzer Linux Tag CLT (March) 09:58:55 <jenskuehnel> Linuxtag Berlin (May) 09:59:09 <cwickert> #topic events 09:59:39 <jenskuehnel> OpenExpo Bern March/April 10:00:09 <jenskuehnel> Froscon Bonn (Aug) 10:00:35 <jenskuehnel> Open Rhein Ruhr (Okt) 10:01:34 <jenskuehnel> Linuxtage Austria Graz (April) 10:02:06 <jenskuehnel> LinuSolution Paris (10.-12. May) 10:03:24 <cwickert> #chair jenskuehnel kital twoerner fabian_a jsmith AndreasR_ rsc 10:03:24 <zodbot> Current chairs: AndreasR_ cwickert fabian_a jenskuehnel jsmith kital rsc twoerner 10:03:55 <cwickert> #chair GeroldKa 10:03:55 <zodbot> Current chairs: AndreasR_ GeroldKa cwickert fabian_a jenskuehnel jsmith kital rsc twoerner 10:04:09 <GeroldKa> bonjour a toutes 10:05:07 <kanarip> boe 10:05:13 <rsc> #chair kanarip 10:05:13 <zodbot> Current chairs: AndreasR_ GeroldKa cwickert fabian_a jenskuehnel jsmith kanarip kital rsc twoerner 10:05:48 <jenskuehnel> IDLELO - Africa (Okt-Nov) 10:06:54 <kital> #topic Events EMEA 2011 10:06:59 <jenskuehnel> SZabad-SW-Conf - Hungaria (Okt-Nov) 10:08:09 <jenskuehnel> #info List of all known and important events 10:10:59 <cwickert> LIT-OL , February, 12th Oldenburg, http://www.lit-ol.de/ 10:16:59 <kanarip> kital, bert desmet definitely is the event owner for FOSDEM 2011 10:17:10 <kanarip> kital, verified on the Event Wiki Page 10:18:31 <jsmith> #info Bert Desmet is the event owner for FOSDEM 2011 10:18:59 <rsc> #info Joerg Simon is the event owner for Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2011 10:23:20 <cwickert> #info Fedora will hold a FAD at CLT 10:24:46 <jsmith> #action kital to also try to organize a Fedora talk track (mostly German-language talk) 10:26:42 <jsmith> #action kital to talk to Zoltan to see if he's interested in leading LinuxTAGE in April in Gratz, Austria 10:30:55 <jsmith> #info GeroldKa interested in attending LinuxTAGE in Gratz as well, if his costs are covered 10:32:44 <jsmith> #action marcus to take care of LinuxDay in Austria this year, and probably next year as well 10:35:07 <jsmith> #info Cebit off the radar for now 10:35:45 <jsmith> #agreed 1000 Euros for CLT is OK 10:39:08 <jsmith> #info OpenExpo not a primary event, but still will be handled 10:39:47 <jsmith> #action cwickert, twoerner, jenskuehnel to own the LinuxTAG event in May 10:40:21 <jsmith> #info Let's not make it a huge event -- but we need a presence there 10:43:56 <jsmith> #info Planning on presence at FrosCon as well 10:44:20 <jsmith> #action cwickert to contact owners of FrosCon event 10:44:47 <jsmith> #action cwickert to own the OpenRheinRuhr event 10:44:49 <rsc> #info FrOSCon event owners could be heffer or dmaphy 10:47:10 <jsmith> #info Zoltan to be the owner of LinuxWochen -- he'll need help 10:50:34 <jsmith> #info GeroldKa may also go to Vienna for LinuxWochen, if his expenses are covered 10:51:36 <jsmith> IDLELO wanted $10,000 USD for a booth, but accepted $150 USD for a booth 10:52:17 <jsmith> #info kital has connections for IDLELO -- FSF Africa? 10:53:08 <jsmith> #action kital to organize the event, but cannot be there for the event 10:53:29 <jsmith> #undo 10:53:29 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x4259c50> 10:53:36 <jsmith> #action kital to organize the IDLELO event, but cannot be there for the event 10:54:05 <jsmith> #info s2abad-sw-conf is a one-day Hungarian event 10:54:34 <jsmith> Seems to be a pretty good place to attract new users 10:55:00 <rsc> #info Szabad Szoftver Konferencia will get owned by Zoltan Hoppar 10:55:17 <jsmith> #info kital to attend Szabad Szoftver Konferencia as well 10:55:54 <jsmith> #info Bert Desmet is the event owner and event organizer for LOAD in Belgium 10:56:10 <jsmith> #info kanarip will likely attend as well 10:57:42 <jsmith> #info FAMSCo to take care of LinuxExpo in Prague 10:58:20 <jsmith> #info Local Greek ambassadors to handle GFOSS in Greece 10:59:26 <fabian_a> #info OSSConf at Zilina, Slovak Republic was owned by Marek Mahut 10:59:51 <jsmith> #info Athens Digital Week to be handled by local Greek ambassadors 11:00:10 <cwickert> #info LIT-OL will likely be owned by Michael Spahn, Christoph Wickert will also attend 11:00:43 <jsmith> #info FSCONS is a two-day conference in Scandinavia 11:02:18 <rsc> #info FSCONS takes place in Gothenborg, rsc will be event owner 11:02:28 <jsmith> OK, we're going to take a 15 minute break 11:02:34 <rsc> Gothenborg, Sweden 11:19:18 <jsmith> And now people are wandering back 11:20:35 <rsc> we're only missing fabian_a 11:29:07 <rsc> #info From the people at the FAD the planned attend numbers are: FOSDEM 7, LinuxTag, 7, CLT 5, OpenExpo 5, Linux Solutions Paris 0, FrOSCon 3, OpenRheinRuhr 1, LinuxTge Graz 1, Linux-Wochen 2, LinuxDay 1, Idelo 0, Szabad Szoftware Konferencia 2, LOAD 1, LinuxExpo 0, GFOSS 0, OSSCon 0, LIT-OL 1, Athens Digital 0, FSCONS 1 11:30:37 <rsc> #action jsmith is taking care about paying the bill FUDCon Zurich 2010 t-shirts, because bill got forwarded from Red Hat Munich to kital who forwarded it to mspevack, but still unpaid so far 11:32:03 <rsc> Jared is talking about the situation about organisation/planning of FUDCon in general and in the US. 11:32:26 <rsc> including the decision making 11:33:16 <rsc> kital pointed out his script for trend analysis and possible decision making 11:33:46 <kital> it is just a calc sheet - lot room for improvement https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0Ao95bHUyeo-KdEpOM1pnbXFaMDdHdWpZcmN2VXotTFE&authkey=CM607IkH&hl=de 11:34:00 <rsc> Stuttgart could be a candidate for FUDCon 2011 ;-) 11:36:12 <rsc> kital proposed Gran Canaria 11:37:12 <rsc> jsmith would like to see more transparency in the FUDCon planning compared to the US planning 11:37:23 <rsc> and compared to the last EMEA one 11:38:02 <rsc> #topic FUDCon 2011 11:38:17 <rsc> broken zodbot ;) 11:38:57 <rsc> Francesco from Bytecode/Italy and liknus from Greece could be asked for hosting a FUDCon in their country 11:39:32 <rsc> Barcelona or Mallorca were mentioned as ideas 11:41:37 <rsc> #topic New regions - Middle East and Africa from EMEA 11:42:21 <rsc> cwickert's opinion is that the African people have to organize themself, because whenever white people came to Africa, it made trouble... 11:42:50 <rsc> Fedora shipped 1000 media to Africa which made trouble at the customs/duty 11:43:21 <rsc> kital and cwickert mentioned that it is important to have media in Africa because of the slow Internet 11:44:14 <rsc> cwickert mentioned that media in Africa should not only be given out at events, but also e.g. at a Internet cafe or similar 11:45:09 <rsc> cwickert is seeing great potential in Africa, but 11:45:42 <rsc> #info conclusion is that Africa has to do the job themself, Europe can just support them e.g. by media 11:46:19 <rsc> jsmith mentioned the idea of FUDCon in Africa or bringing African contributors to European events 11:46:56 <rsc> jsmith is telling, that some LATAM people were invited to the FUDCon into the US 11:47:26 <rsc> cwickert pointed out, that there's no local community in Africa at the moment, so a FUDCon would be maybe a problem 11:50:18 <rsc> kital talked about enablement of Fedora in a similar way like Edubuntu in eastern europe countries (countries which formerly belonged to the Sowjet union) - classes/teachers etc. 11:50:30 <rsc> but he explicitly talked about Europe, not Africa. 11:51:51 <rsc> kital asked about develop and support and mentoring of new regions 11:52:30 <rsc> kital would like to know whether to focus on small things vs. a huge strategy regarding that 11:53:05 <rsc> jsmith is seeing both somehow as a focus, e.g. shipping media while anyway having a goal 11:54:26 <rsc> cwickert talks about translation in Arabia and possible support of translation 11:55:48 <rsc> jsmith mentioned that we need to be very sensitive regarding religious/political things 11:55:59 <rsc> #info jsmith mentioned that we need to be very sensitive regarding religious/political things 11:56:50 <rsc> cwickert told about the first upcoming event in Saudi Arabia, kital about one in Dubai 12:00:20 <rsc> #agreed Fedora should (or try to) have an event (no matter how big or small) in Eastern block countries, Saudi Arabia and Africa (based on proposal from kital) 12:00:47 <rsc> #info jsmith is seeing that as a great goal for the next year and a great chance for Fedora & community 12:01:49 <jsmith> Ok, we're now going to break for lunch... we'll be back in an hour 12:02:42 <rsc> #topic Lunch break 13:07:58 <rsc> it's more than a hour later and all the pizza people are still missing 13:22:09 <gentth> hi 13:23:52 <kital> gentth: topic Lunch break 13:23:54 <kital> ;) 13:24:01 <gentth> :) 13:24:17 <gentth> hows it going? 13:25:09 <kital> gentth: backlog http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-fad/2010-11-20/fedora_emea_fad_2010.2010-11-20-09.56.log.txt 13:25:36 * gentth reads 13:29:26 <fabian_a> kital: are you ready? 13:34:12 <jsmith> OK, most people are back from lunch 13:34:14 <jsmith> We'll get started again shortly 13:56:13 <rsc> #topic Fedora EMEA e.V. - Membership Meeting 14:12:34 <jsmith> Discussing closing Fedora EMEA e.V. 14:14:52 <jsmith> #agreed to close down the entity at the end of the year (voted on by members) 14:15:34 <jsmith> #agreed Fedora EMEA e.V. board to deal with finalizing the paperwork, accounting, and so forth 14:17:28 <rsc> #info jsmith appologizes on behalf of Red Hat for the trouble and issues due to Red Hat related to Fedora EMEA e.V. 14:31:36 <jsmith> Discussing legal liability issues 14:33:41 <rsc> #topic Swag / Budget / Sponsorship / T-Shirts / Reimbursement 14:34:19 <rsc> GeroldKa mentions that reimbursement should happen as soon as possible 14:34:35 <rsc> jsmith is +1'ing 14:43:57 <rsc> Discussions around what do we expect by Red Hat 14:47:44 <rsc> Discussion concentrates currently around the fact, that Red Hat is involved into the Fedora Project and controls it somehow and that everything has borders and Fedora contributors just can move and act as long as they don't hit the borders 15:08:30 <rsc> #topic Break for 10 minutes 15:24:51 <GeroldKa> #info dinner at 9 p.m. at http://www.restaurant-amazonica.de/ 15:26:40 <GeroldKa> #info social event: starts at 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. http://www.impulsiv-loerrach.com/sport_bowling_kegeln.html 15:56:13 <rsc> Discussions about swag ongoing... 16:08:41 <rsc> #info Swag we would like to have somehow: t-shirts, caps, stickers (big ones with F and good notebook metallic ones), umbrellas, balloons, usb-sticks, pens, pins, frosted mugs, scarfs, notepads, bags, lanyards 16:11:50 <rsc> #info usb-sticks seem to get removed from the list again 16:12:39 <rsc> #action kital gets offers for t-shirts, caps, umbrellas, scarfs, bags 16:13:01 <rsc> #action marcus gets offers for stickers 16:13:18 <rsc> #action jared gets offers for balloons and notepads 16:13:38 <rsc> #action kanarip gets offers for pens (together with the france ones or with Zoltan) 16:13:50 <rsc> #action cwickert gets offers for pins 16:13:59 <rsc> #revert 16:14:12 <kanarip> i refute that 16:14:37 <kanarip> xavier will maybe get the quote, or whomever in france got the quote before 16:14:51 <kanarip> i just know nice pens had been made before 16:14:54 <rsc> #action cwickert gets offers for pins, frosted mugs, lanyards 16:17:18 <rsc> #action kanarip will talk to whoever made the nice pens before (France?) rather get the offer himself, strike the previous action item of kanarip 16:17:24 <rsc> kanarip: better? ;-) 16:19:05 <rsc> #info Fedora metallic high-quality stickers for notebook/computers were produced by Lustre Cal Cooperation (www.lustrecal.com) - maybe contact them again? 16:21:40 * jsmith watches folks run around and examine each other's laptop stickers, and debate the merits of various designs 16:23:48 <rsc> twoerner: I was told by the producer of the white laptop stickers, that they can't produce them anymore, don't have the equipment etc. no more - but I don't have more details 16:55:44 <rsc> okay, that's it for today... 16:55:55 <rsc> ...switching to social part as mentioned by Gerold 16:55:57 <rsc> #endmeeting