15:39:52 <spevack> #startmeeting FAD NA 2010 day 2 15:39:52 <zodbot> Meeting started Sat May 22 15:39:52 2010 UTC. The chair is spevack. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 15:39:52 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:40:08 <spevack> #chair inode0 herlo dgilmore ianweller rbergeron ke4qqq makfinsky threethirty 15:40:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: dgilmore herlo ianweller inode0 ke4qqq makfinsky rbergeron spevack threethirty 15:40:23 <rbergeron> thank you for starting spevack :) 15:40:46 <spevack> #topic Fedora Marketing / Ambassadors relationship 15:40:52 <spevack> * List of Ambassador marketing materials needs to give to marketing to produce, prioritized. (rbergero) 15:40:55 <spevack> * SOP / Process for handing off Marketing information to Ambassadors each cycle. (rbergero) 15:40:58 <spevack> rbergeron has the floor 15:41:49 <spevack> Marketing portion of this event is two-pronged 15:42:07 <spevack> (1) Marketing produces stuff to possibly be used by ambassadors as messaging/talking points/feature lists, etc. 15:42:19 <spevack> No clear process exists for handing that off to Ambassadors!!!! 15:42:34 <spevack> This is an activity that is ON THE SCHEDULE but it's not clear how that's being done. 15:42:43 <spevack> Discuss. 15:42:58 <spevack> Where's the email sent out to? Fedora Ambassadors List. 15:43:24 <spevack> Right now, this communication is basically an email -- the email just mentioned above. 15:44:21 <spevack> inode0: Lots of NA ambassadors use the feature-related stuff. 15:45:52 <spevack> *lots of crosstalk* 15:47:24 <threethirty> +1 on the cd sleve with more info 15:49:35 <makfinsky> Perhaps putting the talking points or release page info on the sleeves. 15:50:00 <ke4qqq> spevack: talking about difference between release-specific mktg deliverables and the more timeless content... 15:50:18 <ke4qqq> about what Fedora is, why you wanna get involved, why it's important, what that makes us teh awesum 15:55:34 <ke4qqq> rbergeron: is drawing on the board - giving tasks out, asking questions 15:55:40 <ke4qqq> do you sit and study talking points? 15:55:46 <ke4qqq> some people do, some don't 15:56:06 <ke4qqq> herlo: people learn what people ask at the events. 15:58:40 <dgilmore> ke4qqq: and event specific messages 16:16:30 <ke4qqq> #action herlo - create really short message of awesome for a single page 16:17:21 <herlo> #ke4qqq help herlo create the really short message of awesome for a single page 16:17:27 <herlo> #action ke4qqq help herlo create the really short message of awesome for a single page 16:20:05 <spevack> #agreed #fedora-classroom session as a way to brief Ambassadors on Marketing team's deliverables, answer questions about them, and remind people of older materials that are now deprecated. 16:20:29 <spevack> #agreed Add agenda items to all regional ambassador meetings to ensure that the materials are known and read. 16:25:08 <smooge> rbergeron, thankyou for the long coherent blog :) 16:31:04 <rbergeron> smooge: i'm always here to .... be completely useless :) 16:31:53 <ke4qqq> smooge: you didn't like the chipmunk blog post from dgilmore ??? 16:31:53 <smooge> actually it was very useful. It dovetailed into a post that I was reading on a different planet 16:32:33 <smooge> ke4qqq, ground squirrel :) chipmunk's dont have tails... every disney movie has taught me that for years :) 16:33:09 <rbergeron> http://jjpmcd.livejournal.com/9046.html 16:33:26 <ke4qqq> spevack: http://jjpmcd.livejournal.com/9046.html <-- blog post worth your time to plow through. 16:34:07 <rbergeron> i was first 16:51:33 <herlo> #action lcafiero help herlo create the really short message of awesome for a single page 17:14:00 <rbergeron> so - here are generic talkinng points: 17:14:03 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing/TalkingPoints 17:14:35 <rbergeron> vs - release specific talking points - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_13_Talking_Points 17:49:35 <spevack> ke4qqq: reading it now 18:01:36 <spevack> #topic Mentoring 18:01:47 <spevack> herlo -- A lot of the mentoring that we currently do is good. 18:01:57 <spevack> Higher barrier requiring people who come into ambassadors actually know things about Fedora. 18:02:11 <spevack> This is good. It helps to ensure the quality of the message. 18:02:24 <spevack> Good things that we've solved in the past 2 years. 18:02:53 <ke4qqq> http://fpaste.org/CNUE/ <-- the mentoring form letter I use for first contact - largely stolen from susmit 18:02:59 <spevack> "We" defined as famsco and ambassadors worldwide who care about mentoring -- folks like kital 18:03:11 <spevack> How do we increase the mentor base? There's some problems there that we need to solve. 18:04:56 <smooge> spevack, my apologies to interrupt, but who from sysadmin is available at the moment? 18:05:13 <ke4qqq> smooge: what sysadmin groups? 18:05:24 <ke4qqq> we have a number, though our -main is checking on meat atm 18:05:47 <smooge> jds2001, and dgilmore were the ones I needed a quick talk with 18:05:54 <ke4qqq> jds2001: isn't local to us 18:06:04 <smooge> ah ok nb? 18:06:05 <ke4qqq> dgilmore is check on meat at John's house 18:06:10 <ke4qqq> nb isn't local 18:06:11 <ke4qqq> ianweller is 18:06:17 <ianweller> hi 18:06:42 <spevack> smooge: do you need us to call dgilmore and ask him to get to a computer? 18:07:05 <spevack> Goals: 18:07:25 <spevack> (1) If you are a prospective NA Ambassador, what's the process for confirming that and moving people from being mentored to being Ambassadors in the wild. 18:07:46 <spevack> (2) Figure out a way to take standard Ambassadors in the wild and convert them into mentors. 18:12:41 <ke4qqq> .fasinfo rbergero 18:12:42 <zodbot> ke4qqq: User: rbergero, Name: Robyn Bergeron, email: robyn.bergeron@gmail.com, Creation: 2008-06-03, IRC Nick: rbergeron, Timezone: US/Arizona, Locale: en, Extension: 5107194, GPG key ID: , Status: active 18:12:46 <zodbot> ke4qqq: Approved Groups: @cmswriters @cmseditors ambassadors @fedoraldc sysadmin-test +marketing cla_fedora cla_done +ols 18:15:49 <ke4qqq> #link https://fedorahosted.org/fama/ 18:20:33 * rbergeron wonders why she's being looked up 18:20:50 <makfinsky> Do we have stats on how many complaints have gone to famsco when fama/mentor hasn't replied? 18:20:54 <ke4qqq> trying to see when you signed CLA compared to join ambassadors 18:21:02 <ke4qqq> makfinsky: I am asking now 18:21:53 <jds2001> ke4qqq: whats up? 18:22:25 <ke4qqq> smooge is looking for you jds2001 18:23:10 <jds2001> smooge: whats up? 18:27:17 <smooge> jds2001, #fedora-noc 18:29:49 <spevack> rbergeron: "Becoming an Ambassador shouldn't be an emergency." 18:30:30 <ke4qqq> is a fedora fanclub a solution to this problem 18:30:42 <ke4qqq> ?? 18:30:59 <dgilmore> ke4qqq: whats a fan club 18:31:01 <threethirty> we could call it a street team... 18:31:15 <ke4qqq> yes but not alliteration 18:31:35 <ke4qqq> dgilmore: it's a collection of enthusiasts 18:32:21 <dgilmore> ke4qqq: i guess i mean whats it mean to us. what do we give/get etc 18:33:19 <ianweller> herlo: when you're not busy, i need a favor 18:38:36 <ianweller> .fasinfo ianweller 18:38:37 <zodbot> ianweller: User: ianweller, Name: Ian Weller, email: ian@ianweller.org, Creation: 2008-02-01, IRC Nick: ianweller, Timezone: US/Central, Locale: en, Extension: 5103066, GPG key ID: 00A44BC8, Status: active 18:38:41 <zodbot> ianweller: Approved Groups: gitfedora-web altvideos provenpackager bzrpython-fedora gitfedoracommunity designteam @gitspins @gitsupybot-fedora sysadmin-web sysadmin sysadmin-test cla_fedora art cla_done marketing fedorabugs +packager web wikiadmin @gitwikirename ambassadors @gitfedora-event-splash @gitsupybot-nocnag @gitfedorelli @gitfedora-wiki +docs freemedia 18:40:35 <ke4qqq> please proof, critique and edit this: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors#Who_are_we.3F 18:42:03 <makfinsky> < ke4qqq > http://fpaste.org/CNUE/ 18:43:46 <ke4qqq> #action ke4qqq redraft "who are we" in Ambassadors page 18:43:53 <ke4qqq> #undo 18:43:53 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x23151850> 18:44:02 <ke4qqq> #action ke4qqq redraft "who are we" in [[Ambassadors]] page 18:50:40 <ke4qqq> #action ianweller given the subset of people unapproved in fas for ambassadors, what is the delta between joining fas, and requesting membership in ambassadors 19:15:49 <ianweller> .fasinfo yzcswang 19:15:50 <zodbot> ianweller: User: yzcswang, Name: Cheng-Yu, Wang, email: yzcswang@gmail.com, Creation: 2007-04-09, IRC Nick: None, Timezone: UTC, Locale: C, Extension: 5101471, GPG key ID: 119BCDFC, Status: active 19:15:54 <zodbot> ianweller: Approved Groups: cla_fedora cla_done 19:23:52 <ianweller> here's the array 19:23:54 <ianweller> it's in seconds 19:23:54 <ianweller> [65, 71, 90, 100, 117, 157, 177, 359, 367, 390, 432, 455, 518, 1032, 4174, 4327, 10162, 14188, 17404, 18168, 19360, 19587, 21257, 27665, 33867, 34362, 35854, 40754, 51759, 57946, 60483, 61182, 66571, 80730, 82508, 84286] 19:26:22 <ianweller> that's the difference in time between getting approved in cla_done and clicking "join" on the ambassadors group page on FAS 19:27:59 * ke4qqq notes that Max is starting to sound more like gdk 19:28:15 <ke4qqq> in tone and cadence 19:28:25 <spevack> need MOAR whiskey 19:28:33 <herlo> no! 19:28:40 <herlo> shut your hole! I'm trying to talk! 19:28:46 * rbergeron tapdances in the corner 19:28:52 <ianweller> ke4qqq: i found the user that had the 65-second delta 19:28:54 <ke4qqq> where? 19:28:58 <ke4qqq> ianweller: who? 19:30:20 <ianweller> ke4qqq: in /msg 19:31:02 <ianweller> so basic summary of that data: the people who have joined ambassadors and have not been approved are all in between the CLA-to-join-ambassador delta of 1 minute and 1 day 19:31:06 <ianweller> which is very, very interesting data 19:31:23 <ianweller> this *does* ignore anybody before FAS2 because some of the timestamp data failed to transfer over 19:31:52 <spevack> http://www.google.com/search?q=moar%20boar 19:32:44 <ke4qqq> ianweller: can you change that to the approved group of ambassadors 19:32:52 <ke4qqq> as your beginning subset 19:32:52 <ianweller> ke4qqq: fairly easily, yes 19:32:56 <ianweller> i just change one line 19:33:08 <ianweller> like, you're wanting the same data, but for everyone who is already approved as an ambassador? 19:33:09 <spevack> ke4qqq: to see how long current ambassadors waited? 19:33:12 <ke4qqq> ianweller: have you posted the cdoe - I can run it if you want 19:33:14 <ke4qqq> spevack: yes 19:33:25 <ianweller> ke4qqq: i'll just go ahead and run it -- i'm going to blog it at some point 19:34:29 <ianweller> haha apparently it's not a 1-liner 19:34:37 <ianweller> the data i got back: [] 19:34:44 <spevack> heh 19:38:03 <herlo> #action ke4qqq define guidelines for email to be sent to potential ambassadors 19:38:16 <ianweller> #action ianweller blog about the code he just wrote 19:39:50 <herlo> #action inode0 help others to become mentors 19:40:11 <herlo> #action inode0 implement a 1-week waiting period 19:40:50 <herlo> #action ke4qqq make a formal request to FAmSCo for a 1-week waiting period for potential ambassadors 19:40:53 <herlo> done! 19:41:19 <herlo> #action lcafiero remind inode0 to do his task 19:41:53 <herlo> #action lcafiero help inform potential mentors that they *can* be mentors 19:42:11 <rbergeron> #action rbergero continue to be proud to be awesome 19:42:33 <herlo> rbergeron: that's my #action 19:46:15 <ianweller> hey guys i did it wrong :) 19:46:21 <makfinsky> .fasinfo makfinsky 19:46:22 <zodbot> makfinsky: User: makfinsky, Name: Ivan Makfinsky, email: ivan.makfinsky@endosys.com, Creation: 2008-12-27, IRC Nick: makfinsky, Timezone: US/Eastern, Locale: en, Extension: 5121693, GPG key ID: EF29FB50, Status: active 19:46:23 <ianweller> i thought it was a bit weird that they were all under a day 19:46:24 <dgilmore> .ext herlo 19:46:26 <zodbot> makfinsky: Approved Groups: freemedia ambassadors cla_fedora cla_done 19:46:31 <zodbot> dgilmore: 5101661 19:46:34 <lcafiero> .ext lcafiero 19:46:39 <zodbot> lcafiero: 5105587 19:46:50 <dgilmore> .ext ausil 19:46:51 <zodbot> dgilmore: 5100103 19:47:07 <dgilmore> .ext spevack 19:47:08 <zodbot> dgilmore: User spevack doesn't exist 19:47:11 <dgilmore> .ext mspevack 19:47:12 <zodbot> dgilmore: 5100466 19:47:55 <dgilmore> .ext notting 19:47:56 <zodbot> dgilmore: 5100045 19:48:40 <spevack> .ext stickster 19:48:41 <zodbot> spevack: User stickster doesn't exist 19:48:47 <spevack> .ext pfrields 19:48:48 <zodbot> spevack: 5100077 19:48:58 <spevack> .ext gdk 19:48:59 <zodbot> spevack: 5100025 19:49:02 <spevack> .ext jeremy 19:49:03 <zodbot> spevack: 5104953 19:49:18 <ianweller> we're on break :) 19:51:11 <ianweller> ok here is the More Valid(tm) data 19:51:12 <ianweller> [65, 71, 90, 100, 117, 157, 177, 359, 367, 390, 432, 455, 518, 1032, 4174, 4327, 10162, 18168, 21257, 66571, 120267, 122254, 230746, 451587, 904754, 1293886, 1378508, 2001388, 2619665, 3862083, 6272559, 10794330, 15915004, 19977760, 36867582, 39432762] 19:53:00 <dgilmore> .groupinfo fedora-ambasadors 20:01:44 <dgilmore> .helpfas 20:01:46 <dgilmore> .help fas 20:01:46 <zodbot> dgilmore: (fas <query>) -- Search the Fedora Account System usernames, full names, and email addresses for a match. 20:01:55 <dgilmore> .help group 20:01:55 <zodbot> dgilmore: (group <group short name>) -- Return information about a Fedora Account System group. 20:02:05 <dgilmore> .group fedora-ambasadors 20:02:06 <zodbot> dgilmore: There is no group "fedora-ambasadors". 20:02:13 <dgilmore> .group fedora-ambasaddors 20:02:14 <zodbot> dgilmore: There is no group "fedora-ambasaddors". 20:02:22 <rbergeron> .group fedora-ambassadors 20:02:25 <zodbot> rbergeron: There is no group "fedora-ambassadors". 20:02:48 <rbergeron> .fasinfo rbergeron 20:02:49 <zodbot> rbergeron: User "rbergeron" doesn't exist 20:02:54 <rbergeron> .fasinfo rbergero 20:02:57 <zodbot> rbergeron: User: rbergero, Name: Robyn Bergeron, email: robyn.bergeron@gmail.com, Creation: 2008-06-03, IRC Nick: rbergeron, Timezone: US/Arizona, Locale: en, Extension: 5107194, GPG key ID: , Status: active 20:02:57 <dgilmore> .group ambassadors 20:03:01 <zodbot> rbergeron: Approved Groups: @cmswriters @cmseditors ambassadors @fedoraldc sysadmin-test +marketing cla_fedora cla_done +ols 20:03:04 <zodbot> dgilmore: ambassadors: Fedora Ambassador Project 20:03:26 <dgilmore> .group-members ambassadors 20:04:42 <dgilmore> .groupmembers ambassadors 20:04:57 <dgilmore> .groupinfo ambassadors 20:07:32 <dgilmore> .members ambassadors 20:07:34 <zodbot> dgilmore: Members of ambassadors: aab aacosta aalcantara aalonso aarapov aaroncas abhradipm abompard acaleechurn acardenas acedip actown adamgogarty adil452100 adimania adliazaddin ador adora adrianalves aeperezt affix agk aguskov ahandajf ahmedelgamil ahoffsta ahsan ajamison ajoian akashmkj akrem001 aks alexh alexxed allisson alphonse alukin alyy amachu amaier amani amoncada amoupgu ananthgs anast andreasr angel (14 more messages) 20:07:40 <dgilmore> .more 20:07:40 <zodbot> dgilmore: ankit1999 ankur ankursinha anoochit anouar antoniomontag antoniosalles anujmore any0n3 ar29un aramrami arbiter arielch arkezis armandasj armelk arsenick arthurbuliva arturofernandez ascenseur asilva aslam atejeda ausil axelilly axjslack azneita aznemesis baig balajig8 balajivp bandolero baransels barbacchi barrera bbbush bckurera bcling behdad benedictus bertux bhaslinux biertie biggsk bjtoogood blablabla (13 more messages) 20:07:41 <dgilmore> .more 20:07:44 <zodbot> dgilmore: bm90fox bochecha bokal bonapart bouska bpepple bpowell01 brianhen buggz c4ri0c4 callkalpa casep cassmodiah cattaneop catur ccarreno cfikes cgrams chakrabortydipanjan chaostone charged charlymanja cheekyboinc chendra chgonzalez chicagonpg chitlesh cimpiko cjg cmaiolino cmpahar cobaleda colincunningham comzeradd constanton coolbung couf cprofitt crossbytes crossovo cvinchon cwickert cwtucker d33d dafahounko (12 more messages) 20:07:45 <dgilmore> .more 20:07:48 <zodbot> dgilmore: dahlan danyikki daoud dapidc davdunc davivercillo dbpatankar dbruno dca dduval dearova deathgazer dejavu87 delete delhage deneb derikonto devrim devspain dextone dezone diaa dichi diegobz dilipkhanolkar dmaphy dmaxel dnhodgson dougsland dowdle dp67 dramsey dreamer drewmeigs drkmafia drsys dthomasdigital duffy duli dushyanth dvation dyemes e1luca echerif edgabaldi edgates eduardoquiroz eduzamorano eerpini (11 more messages) 20:07:49 <dgilmore> .more 20:07:53 <zodbot> dgilmore: ehabkost elb17090 elijah eliotondo elquintu emigonza emmie empoweringlinux enchenu engels erheiner erqiyang erzakanano esteban estebansaavedra etali etank eteo eugenejvr evillagr ezq @fab fabriziolapiello faxe fbijlsma fcrippa fdagnino fdjaudinesjr fedora24by9 fhornain filiperosset fleite foxhaund frankiemangoa frankly3d freakrobot @fugolini fusion94 fzied gaaruto galania galdax gamaray1 ganesai gantu (10 more messages) 20:07:55 <dgilmore> .more 20:07:57 <zodbot> dgilmore: gbcox gbraad gdha gdk geroldka gezimmavric giallu giannisk glaksmono glezos glommer gmedeiro gmzysk gomix gonz0 gpirvan grantbow gregoryfenton greylite gsorian guardic gvarisco hacataka hagr182 hakmn hamadazahera hanafiah hans hanx harishpillay heffer heqichen heracias herlo heydemoura hguemar hiemanshu hilillos himam hiran hmdmph hnws hpachas hsiplabs hutchint hyeclass ianweller ibenk68th igor ilyes (9 more messages) 20:08:01 <dgilmore> .more 20:08:05 <zodbot> dgilmore: imtiaz inode0 iosifidis iranzo itamarjp itbegins itocamargo izaac izhar jack jadennh1 jaideep jainbasil jasonbenedict jasonbrown17 jasonk jassy jatin jay4rest jaymeayres jbasse jbizama jbwillia jcda jciacia jcsniper jczucco jdieter jeffreyt jens jensm jfautley jfsaucier jibeshpatra jjmartinez jkeating jlara jmbabich jmperro jnanney jnccneto johanhsn johannbg jonisk877 joseda josedamiangarrido josemm (8 more messages) 20:15:30 <threethirty> table is broken on the joing ambassadors page 20:15:57 <threethirty> the table is daunting 20:17:17 <makfinsky> A workflow may be a better way of walking new ambassadors through the join process. 20:17:22 <rbergeron> #idea don't use tables for anytyhing other than tabular data 20:17:42 <rbergeron> #action add a "2-week" rule to the joining_ambassadors wiki page 20:19:01 <makfinsky> #proposed action - Add a definition of what an ambassador for Fedora is, the work involved and the responsibility. 20:19:21 <rbergeron> i don't know that #proposed gets added to the notes? 20:19:36 <makfinsky> Ah. 20:20:26 <makfinsky> That's for a different page I just realized. 20:20:47 <rbergeron> #help 20:21:01 <rbergeron> #undo 20:21:01 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Help object at 0x17eadf50> 20:21:47 <rbergeron> meetbot commands are here: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot 20:22:27 <makfinsky> Thanks, I'll have to read up on it. 20:24:48 <rbergeron> discussing if we want to find 15 ambassador pages that need loving, 20:24:59 <makfinsky> And add to wiki challenge. 20:25:36 <rbergeron> max says, a while back he went through all pages looking for ambassadors pages via a special page index. 20:25:43 <rbergeron> he did a decent amount of cleanup, but it was difficult. 20:26:09 <rbergeron> A great way to see all pages related to Ambassadors 20:26:41 <makfinsky> The search was done by searching for "Special Prefix - Ambassadors". 20:26:47 <rbergeron> what is the special pages prefix direct link? 20:26:55 <rbergeron> ianweller do you know offhand? 20:27:59 <rbergeron> we'er all going to take a look at http://www.fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors 20:28:01 <makfinsky> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages 20:28:07 <rbergeron> and try to find some of thepages that need love. 20:28:07 <makfinsky> rbergeron: ^ 20:28:51 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Special:PrefixIndex 20:28:52 <makfinsky> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Special:PrefixIndex 20:28:59 <spevack> https://fedoraproject.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3APrefixIndex&from=Ambassadors&namespace=0 20:29:47 <rbergeron> so - this page https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Drafts/NA/Goals 20:29:54 <rbergeron> i recognize that it says drafts - 20:30:06 <rbergeron> but it is from 2008 - people may still see goals and be interested 20:30:29 <rbergeron> #action add an admon saying this page is out of date - or UPDATE page - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Drafts/NA/Goals 20:30:35 <rbergeron> #undo 20:30:35 <zodbot> Removing item from minutes: <MeetBot.items.Action object at 0x22d18910> 20:30:47 <rbergeron> #action add an admon saying this page is out of date - or UPDATE page - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Drafts/NA/Goals 20:31:44 <rbergeron> #action ambassadors FAQ should be sanity checked and also has two random }}'s at the bottom, https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/FAQ 20:32:10 <rbergeron> is ambassador's FAQ page linked directly and / or prominently from teh ambassador's main page? 20:32:25 <rbergeron> if not- should we make an effort to weed out stuff by using the FAQ? 20:33:30 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee/CleanUpPages 20:33:47 <lcafiero> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Meetings -- needs updating 20:34:38 <rbergeron> #action https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/AnswerQuestions has some interesting content - but is not linked anywhere except a spanish-language page, and the ambassadors-wiki-pages-to-clean-up. 20:34:40 <ianweller> {{needs love}} 20:36:31 <rbergeron> #link https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Booth_questions 20:36:55 <rbergeron> #action we have a TON of ambassadors questions pages - why are we being so redundant? why do we have a FAQ, booth questions, answer questions, etc. pages? 20:37:06 <rbergeron> can't we group all of these into one document? 20:37:42 <makfinsky> rbergeron: Because different ambassadors in different regions aren't aware of work that's already been done. 20:38:26 <rbergeron> what do you mean? 20:38:37 <rbergeron> #action https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/EventTracking needs admon note saying this is old / no longer in use 20:39:19 <ianweller> that would be teh {{delete}} tag 20:40:05 <rbergeron> #action https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NA/Expectations This page links nowhere. 20:40:34 <ianweller> is it even needed? 20:40:38 <rbergeron> do we even care what is on pages if those pages link nowhere? 20:42:14 <rbergeron> #action assess whether we want to say "don't be a douche" on a wikipage. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NorthAmerica/WDP 20:42:22 <herlo> rbergeron: we can :) 20:42:26 * herlo put that there 20:42:31 <ke4qqq> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/FedoraProject:Deletion 20:43:06 <rbergeron> what are we doing with https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/NorthAmerica/WDP 20:43:11 <rbergeron> it links to... nowhere 20:53:37 <rbergeron> we could redirect this page to ambassador_whuffie https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Awards 20:53:40 <rbergeron> lol 20:55:32 <rbergeron> ianweller: can we get like... a WTF wiki admon note / category? 20:55:35 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Hoarding 20:55:52 <rbergeron> what is a hoarding? 20:56:00 <rbergeron> is this some US centric view of mine that makes me ignorant 20:56:17 <herlo> ~lart rbergeron 20:56:31 <rbergeron> lart? 20:58:24 <herlo> rbergeron: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luser <-- this 21:00:10 <ianweller> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Category:Delete 21:00:14 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/Mentors_Survey 21:00:21 <rbergeron> is that the survey stuff kital wanted to do? 21:00:25 <rbergeron> ke4qqq? ^^^ 21:01:56 <rbergeron> oky, that's a yes 21:02:13 <rbergeron> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EventBox/PersonalEventBox <-- this page links to nothing. should we see if it's uesful to add somewhere? 21:06:37 <herlo> no 21:06:40 <herlo> rbergeron: ^^ 21:06:52 <herlo> just my opinion 21:07:11 <rbergeron> okay :) 21:12:21 <ianweller> https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-wiki/browser/fix_double_redirects.py 21:12:22 <ianweller> THERE 21:21:43 <makfinsky> http://fpaste.org/i3ZD/ 21:21:58 <ianweller> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/MembershipService#Membership_Check 21:42:48 <threethirty> rbergeron: what do you think should be done with that page... I know we might want to examine the terminology on it but I dont have an idea where it should go 21:43:11 <rbergeron> which page? 21:43:17 <rbergeron> the membership service page? 21:43:19 * rbergeron is really slow 21:43:22 <threethirty> https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/EventBox/PersonalEventBox 21:43:27 * threethirty is the slow one 21:45:44 <ianweller> < spevack> if you would give FAMNA a grade as a whole, what would you give it 21:45:47 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> an F 21:45:58 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> because there were only 10 people who cared enough to say "i want to go to FAD NA" 21:46:03 <ianweller> < herlo> or 10 people who had enough time 21:46:20 <ianweller> < rbergeron> i blogged a thousand times if you think you should come, say something! 21:46:29 <ianweller> < makfinsky> how many show up to a typical FAD? 21:46:32 <ianweller> < spevack> about this many 21:46:34 <ianweller> < makfinsky> not an F 21:46:43 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> but we have hundreds of ambassadors! 21:46:52 <ianweller> < makfinsky> but how many actually show up to the weekly meetings? 10! 21:47:09 <ianweller> < herlo> there are a lot of people that have jobs that have things more important than this. not that this isn't important, they just might not have time to come. 21:47:24 <ianweller> < herlo> if you took half of the ambassadors that are out there, you can throw those away because of that. 21:47:35 <ianweller> < spevack> ambassadors is fairly opportunistic, compared to other areas in fedora 21:48:08 <ianweller> < spevack> we've talked about budget, wiki, best practices, mentoring... but nobody really wanted to say from the very beginning when the agenda was set "things are in total chaos/disarray" 21:48:33 <ianweller> < dgilmore> most ambassadors only care about the program when it's something local to them 21:48:56 <ianweller> < makfinsky> well how else can they be an ambassador? 21:49:16 <ianweller> < makfinsky> i know that i can because i'm here but the avg ambassador probably ins't going to participate in those types of things remotely because we're freakin' lazy 21:49:30 <ianweller> < inode0> but there are people like nirik helping in #fedora, he's being an ambassador every day 21:49:40 <ianweller> < herlo> that goes back to -- life does get in the way 21:50:04 <ianweller> < inode0> there's a core bunch of business ambassadors are doing adequately well 21:50:22 <ianweller> < inode0> we get people swag. 21:50:38 <ianweller> [ sudden digression thanks to makfinsky about dgilmore smelling like BBQ ] 21:50:42 <ianweller> [ ke4qqq moves towards dgilmore ] 21:51:02 <ianweller> < lcafiero> i'm with ke4qqq becaues i'm thinking more people could have come 21:51:09 <ianweller> < spevack> in my mind i'm trying to figure out -- 21:51:17 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> i think we're doing a decent job of showing up at events 21:51:35 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> which used to be the mandate. when ambassadors was started, it was to have a presence at linux events. i think we're doing a poor job of representing the public face of fedora 21:51:41 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> we're not having a presence on fedora forums 21:52:28 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> there should not just be a few people at fedora fourms 21:52:33 <ianweller> (excuse my spelling) 21:52:52 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> i think we do a poor job of representing fedora outside events 21:53:15 <ianweller> < spevack> won't disagree. most of the events i go to, we're at a point where we usually have the nicest booth and the most professional presence. banners, polo shirts, we look good, we generally represent fedora very ewll 21:53:19 <ianweller> well* 21:53:54 <ianweller> < dgilmore> contributors tend to tune out of messages that come across. 21:55:19 <ianweller> < dgilmore> there could be a bunch of ambassadors that, had they realized this was going on, they could have come, but there is a sheer volume of noise going on that is not ok. when i brnached EPEL for RHEL 6 i sent mails to devel@, devel-announce@ that this is what we're doing, this is how we're doing it and if you don't want your package branched then you need to take these steps, and some people listened, when the branching happened ... 21:55:25 <ianweller> ... they built their packages and were kind of moving forward with it, but the vast majority of people have not updated their cvs checkout and have not built the package for RHEL 6, and packages that should not have been branched at all didn't bother making one commit 21:55:29 <ianweller> < herlo> i got that. i was confused 21:55:45 <ianweller> < herlo> just because you use a certain language doesn't mean everyone else does, and that's part of what we're trying to accomplish is that we want to talk in the same language 21:56:17 <ianweller> < inode0> i don't *see* hundreds of ambassadors in the US 21:56:33 <ianweller> < inode0> i would estimate more like 50 based on the ones who i am exposed to 21:56:38 <ianweller> < inode0> i haven't seen much growth in that number 21:57:03 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> i think leadership is a place where we've failed to turn it over. 21:57:34 <ianweller> [ talk about taking leadership away from RHT ] 21:57:41 <rbergeron> #idea blame it all on gdk. :) 21:57:54 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> why did you ask your question? 21:58:29 <ianweller> < spevack> i look around the room, see 10 people who are very active in fedora, but i look at someone like rbergeron who has moved mountains within fedora ,and we've had a relatively unambitious two days -- is that because things are kind of ok or is that because we had a lack of ambition at the beginning 21:58:52 <ianweller> < spevack> we talked about a lot of things and there's things we could do but i'm just confused 21:58:57 <ianweller> < makfinsky> you need BBQ. 21:59:25 <ianweller> < herlo> i think i see what you're kind of getting at -- i came here expecting more or less what we did in FAD NA 2008 -- come up with problematic things and find solutions for them 21:59:50 <ianweller> < herlo> a lot of it was stuff that we couldn't do today 21:59:59 <ianweller> < rbergeron> we could solve these in an extended email, and probably more productively 22:00:42 <ianweller> < herlo> not the point -- at the last FADs there were clear problems to solve. these are much harder problems to solve in much cases 22:00:54 <ianweller> < herlo> specifically, we have this FAMNA thing that we have to go through to solve stuff 22:00:57 <ianweller> < herlo> we're past that 22:01:15 <ianweller> < herlo> we're looking at bigger fish to fry -- in the same sentence, i think part of it is that we're debating a lot of what the value of those questions were in the first place 22:01:20 <ianweller> < makfinsky> that'd take a while on a mailing list 22:01:47 <ianweller> < spevack> i see sad faces, little energy, and that makes me sad and worried 22:02:27 <ianweller> < rbergeron> we came with a list of things to do but they weren't targeted around a greater -- when talking about these little tasks, we maybe have found we have a bigger problem? 22:02:36 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> spevack: do you see more deliverables at europe's FADs? 22:02:46 <ianweller> < spevack> we had a bunch but they didn't all get done. lots of actiosn coming out of it 22:03:22 <ianweller> < spevack> a lot of the same kind of "grumbling" i suppose -- mentoring, joreg had strong visions of that, garold saying we want a single supplier of all swag in EU but nobody wants to make it happen, etc 22:03:43 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> do you think the larger issues within the project relate to attitudes? 22:03:47 <ianweller> < rbergeron> morale? 22:03:49 <ianweller> < spevack> maybe 22:03:54 <ianweller> < inode0> what were your expectations? 22:04:04 <ianweller> < herlo> that was going to be my next question. did we have any expectations at hte last FAD? 22:04:32 <ianweller> < rbergeron> well some of us went through and put items on the list of stuff we wanted to accomplish. i feel good about that. 22:05:03 <ianweller> < spevack> my expectations are, does everybody say "i'm glad i took 2 days of my life to work on this" (or 3 weeks for lcafiero) 22:05:48 <ianweller> [ talk about morale and how seeing people in person is a morale booster ] 22:07:02 <ianweller> < herlo> on expectations.. in other FADs, there's a clear leader of who runs each of the conversations. i didn't feel that was true at any point 22:07:12 <ianweller> < herlo> when i was at the events FAD, spevack or mchua_afk were running stuff 22:07:18 <ianweller> < herlo> we have a lot of leaders here (not a bad thing) 22:07:28 <ianweller> < makfinsky> this has felt like an extended brainstorming session on lots of topics 22:07:31 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> those worry me 22:07:35 <ianweller> < makfinsky> why? brainstorming is necessary 22:07:43 <ianweller> < ke4qqq> the problem -- does something come out o fit? 22:07:51 <ianweller> < spevack> as long as they're not all the same 22:14:02 * ianweller has stopped transcribing. everybody's packing up and hungry 23:33:35 <VileGent> i guess everyone is asleep eating BBQ by now 23:51:49 <nb> asleep eating bbq 23:51:50 <nb> nice :) 23:52:41 <VileGent> thats one thing about pork no triptophane 23:57:37 <threethirty> actually we are all playing pool, bbq not served yet 01:11:35 <VileGent> threethirty, i met one of your buddies this week 03:52:16 <dgilmore> #endmeeting