jonatoni jflory7 other members .. please submit a contributor story
saying thanks or showing appreciation towards Fedora community
members soon(bee_,
Will also act as a bridge to onboard new
members to the team and community members can learn to take part in
D&I team activities like organizing Fedora womens day in their
local community(bee_,
Imposter Syndrome workshop and Unconscious bias
training for Fedora community(bee_,
International Candy Swap can also act as an
opportunity to Create new community oriented content at
ACTION: team Publish
a Community Blog post introducing Fedora Event Guidelines rough
draft and asking for feedback from community through offline
channels and at FLOCK..(bee_,
ACTION: reCursedd
start a pitch for introducing Fedora Event Guidelines on Community
Blog before FLOCK(bee_,
Issue 60: Fedora Classroom Sessions from
D&I Team(bee_,
ACTION: jflory7
followup with RH internal on workshop for first time speakers at
FLOCK 2017 - Is it happening again this year? Is it open to non RH
community members?(bee_,
2017 video ticket, and do outreach for it with FLOCK 2018
Issue 60: Fedora Classroom Sessions from
D&I Team(bee_,
ACTION: jflory7 to
followup off list about first time speaker workshop - how will
Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team support in this collaboration?
How do we ensure that community beyond RH knows about it?(bee_,
Amita jonatoni jflory7 other members .. please submit a contributor story saying thanks or showing appreciation towards Fedora community members soon
bee2502 open a new ticket in Mindshare pagure to discuss logistics on Fedora Women stickers allocation to Mindshare
team Publish a Community Blog post introducing Fedora Event Guidelines rough draft and asking for feedback from community through offline channels and at FLOCK..
reCursedd start a pitch for introducing Fedora Event Guidelines on Community Blog before FLOCK
jflory7 followup with RH internal on workshop for first time speakers at FLOCK 2017 - Is it happening again this year? Is it open to non RH community members?
jflory7 to followup off list about first time speaker workshop - how will Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team support in this collaboration? How do we ensure that community beyond RH knows about it?
jflory7 update fedocal with FWD only meeting next week, same time
Action items, by person
Amita jonatoni jflory7 other members .. please submit a contributor story saying thanks or showing appreciation towards Fedora community members soon
bee2502 open a new ticket in Mindshare pagure to discuss logistics on Fedora Women stickers allocation to Mindshare
Amita jonatoni jflory7 other members .. please submit a contributor story saying thanks or showing appreciation towards Fedora community members soon
jflory7 followup with RH internal on workshop for first time speakers at FLOCK 2017 - Is it happening again this year? Is it open to non RH community members?
jflory7 to followup off list about first time speaker workshop - how will Fedora Diversity and Inclusion team support in this collaboration? How do we ensure that community beyond RH knows about it?
jflory7 update fedocal with FWD only meeting next week, same time
team Publish a Community Blog post introducing Fedora Event Guidelines rough draft and asking for feedback from community through offline channels and at FLOCK..
reCursedd start a pitch for introducing Fedora Event Guidelines on Community Blog before FLOCK