ACTION: commops New
members, please introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [
For the next two Fedora release cycles, bt0
replaces jwf as the Mindshare Committee representative. More details
in the above two links. ¡Buena suerte, bt0!(jwf,
How This Works: We look at past #action items
from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed,
we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and
re-action if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update
and move forward.(jwf,
=== [COMPLETE] "bt0 Create a FAW announcement
draft for the Fedora Magazine to review by Monday, Oct. 15"
=== [COMPLETE] "jwf Start Discourse thread
about Ticket #159 (Docs hack-fest) and post to Join SIG + Docs
mailing list asking for participation" ===(jwf,
jwf is planning to schedule the remaining
Contributor Story excerpts on the Community Blog over the weekend
(i.e. by Sunday, Nov. 4)(jwf,
ACTION: x3mboy Send
an email to announce@lists.fp.o with Appreciation Week announcement
and link to Fedora Magazine article before end of day on Wednesday,
Oct. 31(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Schedule
tweet excerpts of Contributor Stories on Twitter by Sunday, Nov.
ACTION: jonatoni
Schedule Instagram posts during Appreciation Week to correspond with
Contributor Story excerpts on CommBlog(jwf,
What is the feedback from using Discourse so
far? Is now a good time to consider archiving the mailing
x3mboy: New tab in browser still annoying, but
since no email access at work anyways, Discourse is preferred(jwf,
jwf: Finding it easier to use. Also noticing
older conversations getting more traffic (e.g. after a few days,
someone might reply). Also feels like more people outside of our
team are participating in threads.(jwf,
AGREED: Overall, core
contributors agree that Discourse is more convenient and better to
use for our sub-project. We plan to set commops@lists.fp.o to
read-only on Wednesday, Nov. 14th.(jwf,
ACTION: bt0 Post a
reminder to commops@lists.fp.o that we migrated to Discourse,
mailing list will be archived on Nov. 14th, and share link to
Discourse CommOps category(jwf,
ACTION: commops
Remember to send a second reminder about CommOps mailing list going
away to Discourse on Wednesday, Nov. 7th(jwf,
commops New members, please introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
bt0 Complete a first draft of new CommOps docs page on suggested Pagure tags (due: post-FAW, revisit later)
x3mboy Send an email to announce@lists.fp.o with Appreciation Week announcement and link to Fedora Magazine article before end of day on Wednesday, Oct. 31
jwf Schedule tweet excerpts of Contributor Stories on Twitter by Sunday, Nov. 4th
jonatoni Schedule Instagram posts during Appreciation Week to correspond with Contributor Story excerpts on CommBlog
bt0 Post a reminder to commops@lists.fp.o that we migrated to Discourse, mailing list will be archived on Nov. 14th, and share link to Discourse CommOps category
commops Remember to send a second reminder about CommOps mailing list going away to Discourse on Wednesday, Nov. 7th
Action items, by person
bt0 Complete a first draft of new CommOps docs page on suggested Pagure tags (due: post-FAW, revisit later)
bt0 Post a reminder to commops@lists.fp.o that we migrated to Discourse, mailing list will be archived on Nov. 14th, and share link to Discourse CommOps category
commops New members, please introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
bt0 Post a reminder to commops@lists.fp.o that we migrated to Discourse, mailing list will be archived on Nov. 14th, and share link to Discourse CommOps category
commops Remember to send a second reminder about CommOps mailing list going away to Discourse on Wednesday, Nov. 7th
jonatoni Schedule Instagram posts during Appreciation Week to correspond with Contributor Story excerpts on CommBlog
jwf Schedule tweet excerpts of Contributor Stories on Twitter by Sunday, Nov. 4th
x3mboy Send an email to announce@lists.fp.o with Appreciation Week announcement and link to Fedora Magazine article before end of day on Wednesday, Oct. 31