ACTION: commops New
members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing
list [ ](jwf,
Justin W. Flory; UTC-5; CommOps, Diversity,
Ambassadors, sysadmin-badges(jwf,
A first draft of our FAD proposal is complete.
The goals for the event are outlined. We'll cover this more in-depth
later in the meeting.(jwf,
=== "Heroes of Fedora (HoF) – F27 Final"
Huzzah to the QA heroes of Fedora! This article
gives shout-outs to all the people who helped test, break, and
improve Fedora before the general public had their hands on it.
Thank you to our heroes! coremodule++(jwf,
=== "Holiday Reminder" from Fedora
Infrastructure team ===(jwf,
Many people won't be around as often in the
next few weeks. If you need help from the Infra team, the best bet
is to file a ticket this month.(jwf,
How This Works: We look at past #action items
from the last meeting for quick follow-up. If a task is completed,
we move on to the next one. If it isn't, we get an update and
re-action if needed. If no status, we'll try to get a quick update
and move forward.(jwf,
=== [MOSTLY COMPELTE] "jwf With FAD proposal,
create a proposal draft and logic model flowchart, create new
sub-tasks to divide and conquer FAD planning" ===(jwf,
Draft is done, but logic model flowchart is
pending. We'll figure out the rest during the meeting(jwf,
=== "skamath Add comment to ticket #114
(Grimoire ticket) that estimates a timeline for the Perceval fedmsg
plugin development. What is required? About how much work is
involved? Do you foresee any possible blockers?" ===(jwf,
=== [COMPLETE] "Rhea Create the wiki page for
the CommOps FAD, using the 2017 Diversity FAD page as a base"
=== [COMPLETE] "jwf Reach out to CommOps
members and confirm participants, add to wiki page" ===(jwf,
=== [COMPLETE] "Rhea Research hotel costs in
Brno for the duration of the FAD (preferably near DevConf venue, but
not required)" ===(jwf,
Rhea put a hold on two rooms in one hotel
already ($30/night); will revisit later in meeting(jwf,
=== "bt0 For 50% of all drafts in CommBlog,
reach out to authors and confirm if they want their articles
published or discarded (due: 2017-12-11)" ===(jwf,
Complete! bt0 emailed draft authors and I
emailed mattdm on one, so all articles were covered.(jwf,
The purpose of the CommOps FAD is to…(jwf,
1. Pursue plan of deploying a GrimoireLabs
dashboard, visualizing fedmsg data(jwf,
2. Launch Fedora Appreciation Day in
3. (secondary) Analyze Fedora Elections and
develop year-long plan to improve community engagement in
4. (secondary) Evaluate critical areas of
Fedora that fedmsg integration would be helpful; create development
plan for them (e.g. Fedora Magazine / Community Blog)(jwf,
The purpose of the FAD objectives is to take
advantage of our time together for collaborative discussion and
planning. We should avoid individual-type of work like research and
programming, unless really necessary. We want to take advantage of
our time together to the fullest!(jwf,
IDEA: Emphasize how the
community could utilize metrics in a Grimoire dashboard. Why is it
relevant? How could the community benefit? We should try to give a
concrete example of our vision.(jwf,
What problem does visualizing fedmsg data
Visualizing fedmsg data in a dashboard allows
us to create charts, tables, and other visual aids to understand the
data in fedmsg. Right now, to use it, you have to write code /
scripts to interact with the data. The dashboard lets anyone,
regardless of tech knowledge, see easy-to-understand visualizations
about the health of their project / sub-project in Fedor.(jwf,
For example, a maintainer of a large project
(say, Pagure) might see the number of commits over time, the number
of new contributors in a month, etc. The localization team may have
a geographic chart for languages, so if a new language suddenly
starts receiving translations, the community could reach out and
support the new translators in their efforts.(jwf,
IDEA: Figuring out what
times/days/months people contribute the most with bar graphs(jwf,
IDEA: Seeing if new
contributors enter the community after an event is organized /
IDEA: Planning internal
Fedora team sprints when more people are contributing(jwf,
IDEA: Understand new
contributors better and where they snap off (if they do)(skamath,
IDEA: The Epic Journey
of the New Fedora Contributor (i.e. using the visualizations to see
pathways / successes / failures of new contributors entering the
community for the first time)(jwf,
NOTE: The Hubs team did a lot of research into
the pathways of new contributors with almost a full-year of
research. Make sure we don't duplicate work that's already done and
lightyears ahead of us already!(jwf,
ACTION: commops FAD
attendees, please research your travel costs and add them to the
wiki as soon as possible!(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Create a
logic model based on the current FAD template(jwf,
ACTION: jwf Submit
FAD proposal to Council by Tuesday evening, US EST(jwf,
ACTION: skamath Add
comment to ticket #114 (Grimoire ticket) that estimates a timeline
for the Perceval fedmsg plugin development. What is required? About
how much work is involved? Do you foresee any possible
=== Ticket #121: "Follow up with authors of
CommBlog drafts" ===(jwf,
AGREED: Will mark
ticket as blocked for now, pending feedback from all authors. Once
we receive an answer from all authors, we can close the ticket.
Articles that are given a +1 will make it onto the publishing
ACTION: dhanesh95
Reach out to Fedora Magazine team to get feedback on helpful data to
incorporate into fedmsg via WordPress's REST API (note limitations
of REST API too – what's helpful for what we can extract?)(jwf,
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
commops FAD attendees, please research your travel costs and add them to the wiki as soon as possible!
jwf Create a logic model based on the current FAD template
jwf Submit FAD proposal to Council by Tuesday evening, US EST
skamath Add comment to ticket #114 (Grimoire ticket) that estimates a timeline for the Perceval fedmsg plugin development. What is required? About how much work is involved? Do you foresee any possible blockers?
dhanesh95 Reach out to Fedora Magazine team to get feedback on helpful data to incorporate into fedmsg via WordPress's REST API (note limitations of REST API too – what's helpful for what we can extract?)
Action items, by person
commops New members, make sure you introduce yourself on the CommOps mailing list [ ]
commops FAD attendees, please research your travel costs and add them to the wiki as soon as possible!
dhanesh95 Reach out to Fedora Magazine team to get feedback on helpful data to incorporate into fedmsg via WordPress's REST API (note limitations of REST API too – what's helpful for what we can extract?)
jwf Create a logic model based on the current FAD template
jwf Submit FAD proposal to Council by Tuesday evening, US EST
skamath Add comment to ticket #114 (Grimoire ticket) that estimates a timeline for the Perceval fedmsg plugin development. What is required? About how much work is involved? Do you foresee any possible blockers?