Our purpose in this meeting is to review
proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept
them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted
blocker and nice-to-have bugs.(bcotton_,
We'll be following the process outlined
AGREED: 1879127 -
RejectedBlocker (Beta) AcceptedBlocker (Final) - Violates "The
installer must be able to use all supported local and remote package
and installer sources."(bcotton_,
(1863041) systemd-resolved.service not work with DNS server placed behind VPN (openconnect)(bcotton_, 16:10:48)
This was previously accepted as a betablocker,
but the scope has narrowed since(bcotton_,
In the ticket: BetaBlocker (+0, 1, -4),
Accepted BetaFE (+0, 0, -0)(bcotton_,
AGREED: 1863041 -
RejectedBlocker (Beta) - The problem case seems to be tied to a
relatively specific VPN config and it's not clear that there's a
broadly-applicable bug(bcotton_,
(1880499) rpm-ostree rebase fails when using aarch64 disk images(bcotton_, 16:16:19)
In the ticket: BetaBlocker (+3, 0, -0)(bcotton_,
We should treat this as a proposed
PreviousRelease blocker(bcotton_,
AGREED: 1880499 -
RejectedBlocker (Beta) - The fix is needed for F32 so this is either
a PreviousReleaseBlocker or not a blocker at all(bcotton_,
AGREED: 1880499 -
Defer decision (punt) on PreviousReleaseBlocker - We will add this
to CommonBugs for F33 until the F32 update is available and make a
decision on blocker status after that(bcotton_,
(1880096) Include Plasma 5.19.5 in F33 Beta(bcotton_, 16:30:28)
AGREED: 1880096 -
AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is accepted as a major useful
change that affects live images, but we will only pull it in if we
slip this week and it tests out well in the meantime(bcotton_,
(1880772) fedmsg in F33 has lower version than in F32, breaks upgrade to F33(bcotton_, 16:45:50)
AGREED: 1880772 -
RejectedFreezeException (Beta) - This can be fixed in a 0-day update
and does not negatively impact the Live experience(bcotton_,
(1856098) Obsolete packages that used to require Python 3.8 but are gone in Fedora 33(bcotton_, 16:54:18)
AGREED: 1850698 -
AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - this is a low-risk update and it
will help people with some upgrade issues if they try to upgrade on
the release day(bcotton_,
(1880628) FreeIPA server doesn't get along well with systemd-resolved (need to manually disable it)(bcotton_, 17:01:42)
AGREED: 1880628 -
AcceptedFreezeException (Beta) - This does not qualify as a Beta
blocker, but it's worth including a fix if it's available for the
Beta release(bcotton_,
(1880778) file conflict between gst-transcoder and gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free(bcotton_, 17:06:00)
AGREED: 1880769 -
RejectedFreezeException (Beta) - This can be fixed in a 0-day update
and does not negatively impact the Live experience(bcotton_,
(1880596) Include Python 3.9.0rc2 in Fedora 33 Beta(bcotton_, 17:22:27)
AGREED: 1880596 -
RejectedFreezeException (Beta) - We're already behind schedule, so
it does not seem worth the risk to bring in a change to a major
(1880777) file conflict between texlive-texlive-scripts and texlive-kpathsea(bcotton_, 17:26:53)
AGREED: 1880777 -
RejectedFreezeException (Beta) - This is caused by a mix of F32 and
F33 packages and does not appear to affect default package
(1878317) Can't report a crash (even with local processing) due to "Could not resolve host: retrace.fedoraproject.org"(bcotton_, 17:34:10)
In ticket: FinalBlocker (+1, 0, -0)(bcotton_,
AGREED: 1880833 -
Defer decision (punt) - The scope of affected hardware is unclear at
this point, so we don't have enough information to make a decision
(1876162) anaconda storage configuration is extremely slow with an existing btrfs filesystem containing hundreds of snapshots(bcotton_, 18:19:17)
Last time, on Fedora Blocker Review: The
decision to delay the classification of this as a blocker bug was
made as we would like more evaluation from anaconda team and also
testing with a real-world case (not identical snapshots) to figure
out what's really plausible in an f33 timeframe before voting on
AGREED: 1876162 -
Delay decision (punt) - We would like more evaluation from anaconda
team and also testing with a real-world case (not identical
snapshots) to figure out what's really plausible in an f33 timeframe
before voting on this(bcotton_,
(1870476) Google Account doesn't work during initial setup(bcotton_, 18:26:37)
AGREED: 1870476 -
AcceptedBlocker (Final) - Violates First Boot Experience: "If an
initial setup utility is run or intended to be run after the first
boot of the installed system, then it must start successfully and
each page or panel of the initial setup utility should withstand a
basic functionality test. "(bcotton_,
(1880752) Documents preview doesn't work with Nautilus(bcotton_, 18:31:22)
In ticket: FinalBlocker (+3, 0, -1)(bcotton_,
AGREED: 1880752 -
Defer decision (punt) - We lack a common understanding of what
"basic" functionality entails. Workstation WG would like to raise
the bar, so we will wait to make a decision until they decide what
"basic" means(bcotton_,