
#fedora-blocker-review: F28-blocker-review

Meeting started by adamw at 16:00:40 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Roll Call (adamw, 16:00:40)
  2. Introduction (adamw, 16:06:52)
    1. Our purpose in this meeting is to review proposed blocker and nice-to-have bugs and decide whether to accept them, and to monitor the progress of fixing existing accepted blocker and nice-to-have bugs. (adamw, 16:06:53)
    2. We'll be following the process outlined at: (adamw, 16:06:53)
    3. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA:SOP_Blocker_Bug_Meeting (adamw, 16:06:54)
    4. The bugs up for review today are available at: (adamw, 16:06:54)
    5. http://qa.fedoraproject.org/blockerbugs/current (adamw, 16:06:56)
    6. The criteria for release blocking bugs can be found at: (adamw, 16:06:58)
    7. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Basic_Release_Criteria (adamw, 16:07:00)
    8. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Beta_Release_Criteria (adamw, 16:07:04)
    9. https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_28_Final_Release_Criteria (adamw, 16:07:06)
    10. 4 Proposed Blockers (adamw, 16:07:19)
    11. 6 Accepted Blockers (adamw, 16:07:22)
    12. 3 Proposed Freeze Exceptions (adamw, 16:07:26)
    13. coremodule will secretarialize (adamw, 16:07:35)

  3. (1537253) Add-On Modularity (adamw, 16:07:50)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1537253 (adamw, 16:07:50)
    2. Proposed Blocker, Changes Tracking, ON_QA (adamw, 16:07:50)
    3. AGREED: 1537253 - AcceptedBlocker (Final) - we accept this as a Final blocker in line with FESCo's decision that the Change as a whole blocks F28. We will use the bug to check that whatever criteria FESCo decides on for Final are met. (adamw, 16:13:41)

  4. (1561768) Requires python-smbios, which doesn't exist (adamw, 16:13:47)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1561768 (adamw, 16:13:47)
    2. Proposed Blocker, firmware-addon-dell, NEW (adamw, 16:13:47)
    3. AGREED: 1561768 - AcceptedBlocker (Final) - accepted as a violation of "There must be no errors in any package on the release-blocking images which cause the package to fail to install". We note that removing the package from the DVD would be a sufficient fix. (adamw, 16:17:42)

  5. (1561864) Keyboard layout selected during anaconda is ignored (adamw, 16:17:50)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1561864 (adamw, 16:17:50)
    2. Proposed Blocker, gnome-initial-setup, ON_QA (adamw, 16:17:50)
    3. AGREED: 1561864 - AcceptedBlocker (Final) - accepted as a violation of "If a particular keyboard layout has been configured for the system, that keyboard layout must be used: ... When logging in via the default login manager for a release-blocking desktop" (and other points) (adamw, 16:20:55)

  6. (1555292) Fedora Workstation Live can't resume after suspend when booted from DVD connected via an external drive (adamw, 16:21:05)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1555292 (adamw, 16:21:05)
    2. Proposed Blocker, kernel, NEW (adamw, 16:21:05)
    3. AGREED: 1555292 - punt (delay decision) - we are still gathering data on this one, will make a decision once we have more information (adamw, 16:26:02)
    4. moving onto proposed freeze exceptions (adamw, 16:27:28)

  7. (1561853) Update check / install requires authentication on FAW 28 (adamw, 16:27:30)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1561853 (adamw, 16:27:30)
    2. Proposed Freeze Exceptions, fedora-release, POST (adamw, 16:27:30)
    3. AGREED: 1561853 - AcceptedFreezeException (Final) - this affects polish of first boot on FAW installs and cannot be fixed with an update, thus it's worth a freeze exception (adamw, 16:33:04)

  8. (1552668) Gnome: ibus input methods are active on the screen locker password input (adamw, 16:33:13)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1552668 (adamw, 16:33:13)
    2. Proposed Freeze Exceptions, mutter, NEW (adamw, 16:33:13)
    3. AGREED: 1552668 - AcceptedFreezeException (Final) - this is clearly incorrect for input method-based languages and can affect authentication on first boot after install, so it deserves an FE (adamw, 16:36:24)

  9. (1561730) Import PKCS#12 file into dogtag sqlite database fails (adamw, 16:36:32)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1561730 (adamw, 16:36:32)
    2. Proposed Freeze Exceptions, nss, NEW (adamw, 16:36:32)
    3. AGREED: 1561730 - RejectedFreezeException (Final) - this can be fixed sufficiently with an update, most Server users will update before attempting replication, and can easily update if replication fails (adamw, 16:41:09)
    4. moving onto accepted blockers (adamw, 16:41:48)
    5. we are not re-voting on these, just checking the status of fixes (adamw, 16:41:57)

  10. (1558027) The network.service failed LSB in Fedora Cloud. (adamw, 16:42:02)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1558027 (adamw, 16:42:03)
    2. Accepted Blocker, distribution, ON_QA (adamw, 16:42:03)
    3. this was fixed from both ends in Beta, so we can close it. (adamw, 16:42:37)

  11. (1560738) procps-ng update fails with file conflicts (adamw, 16:43:36)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1560738 (adamw, 16:43:36)
    2. Accepted Blocker, man-pages-pl, ON_QA (adamw, 16:43:36)
    3. an update for this is in-flight, should be resolved soon (adamw, 16:45:50)

  12. (1556132) ppp: FTBFS in F28; DES code needs to be ported to OpenSSL (adamw, 16:46:00)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1556132 (adamw, 16:46:00)
    2. Accepted Blocker, ppp, ON_QA (adamw, 16:46:00)
    3. again, an update for this is pending, just needs karma (adamw, 16:46:26)

  13. (1557472) Anaconda installing in text mode fails to report errors to Bugzilla. (adamw, 16:46:42)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1557472 (adamw, 16:46:42)
    2. Accepted Blocker, python-simpleline, ASSIGNED (adamw, 16:46:42)
    3. ACTION: adamw to poke jiri about the fix for this one (adamw, 16:48:02)

  14. (1518032) dnfdragora notifies of available updates in Plasma live session (adamw, 16:48:46)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1518032 (adamw, 16:48:46)
    2. Accepted Blocker, spin-kickstarts, ASSIGNED (adamw, 16:48:46)
    3. This is currently working correctly, per https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1554550 and openqa testing: will close bug (adamw, 16:50:19)

  15. (1557655) FCoE install fails to boot, stops at "Failed to start udev Wait for Complete Device Initialization" (adamw, 16:50:58)
    1. https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1557655 (adamw, 16:50:58)
    2. Accepted Blocker, systemd, NEW (adamw, 16:50:58)
    3. ACTION: adamw to see if lili can test FCoE without the HPSA storage issue, and try to move the bug along (adamw, 16:53:21)

  16. Open floor (adamw, 16:56:00)

Meeting ended at 16:58:26 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. adamw to poke jiri about the fix for this one
  2. adamw to see if lili can test FCoE without the HPSA storage issue, and try to move the bug along

Action items, by person

  1. adamw
    1. adamw to poke jiri about the fix for this one
    2. adamw to see if lili can test FCoE without the HPSA storage issue, and try to move the bug along

People present (lines said)

  1. adamw (127)
  2. Southern_Gentlem (21)
  3. lruzicka (19)
  4. coremodule (17)
  5. frantisekz (16)
  6. zodbot (6)
  7. sumantrom[m] (4)
  8. satellit (2)
  9. sumantro (1)
  10. southern_gentlem (0)

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