19:00:33 <smooge> #startmeeting Fedora Infrastructure Ops Daily Standup Meeting
19:00:33 <smooge> #chair cverna mboddu nirik relrod smooge
19:00:33 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar  3 19:00:33 2020 UTC.
19:00:33 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:00:33 <zodbot> The chair is smooge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
19:00:33 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:33 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'fedora_infrastructure_ops_daily_standup_meeting'
19:00:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: cverna mboddu nirik relrod smooge
19:00:33 <smooge> #info meeting is 30 minutes MAX. At the end of 30, its stops
19:00:33 <smooge> #info agenda is at https://board.net/p/fedora-infra-daily
19:00:33 <smooge> #topic Tickets needing review
19:00:34 <adamw> i'll be back in like...four hours?
19:00:34 <smooge> #info https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issues?status=Open&priority=1
19:00:50 * nirik arrives back
19:00:55 <smooge> adamw, I will look at the boxes and let you know what I find. my day ends in 2 hours
19:00:59 <adamw> kk
19:01:16 <nirik> .ticket 8710
19:01:17 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8710: Error 503 from cdn.registry.fedoraproject.org - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8710
19:01:30 <nirik> we are gonna look at this after this meeting. so, move to waiting on asignee
19:01:31 * mboddu waves
19:01:36 <nirik> .ticket 8714
19:01:37 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8714: fedpkg update / Bodhi not answering - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8714
19:01:57 <nirik> not sure what to do here. This sounds like the upstream bodhi one, but not also...
19:02:31 <nirik> cverna: you around?
19:02:46 <mboddu> Or maybe fedpkg
19:02:48 <cverna> yes
19:03:00 <cverna> there is an upstream bug for that
19:03:03 <cverna> let me find it
19:03:16 <nirik> yeah, but I thought it was only multiple updates.
19:04:06 <cverna> no I think it is general and performance related since multiple updates works just fine in the dev environment
19:04:24 <cverna> I think we can close with this ticket as a link https://github.com/fedora-infra/bodhi/issues/3918
19:04:25 <nirik> ah, ok.
19:04:29 <cverna> I ll update the ticket
19:04:33 <nirik> sure.
19:04:51 <nirik> .ticket 8715
19:04:52 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8715: Koji sometimes fails to clone repos - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8715
19:05:03 <nirik> I think we already had a issue on this... let me look for it.
19:06:05 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- cverna edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8714 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8714
19:06:06 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- cverna commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8714: "fedpkg update / Bodhi not answering" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8714#comment-630233
19:06:13 <nirik> .ticket 7787
19:06:15 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #7787: Intermittent build failures due to git clone failure - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7787
19:06:51 <pingou> this is a dup
19:07:04 * pingou was just looking at it
19:07:34 <pingou> dup of https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7787 I think
19:07:35 <nirik> yeah, so lets dupe it to the older one and then decide if it's still/again happening?
19:08:24 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8715: "Koji sometimes fails to clone repos" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8715#comment-630235
19:08:45 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- pingou edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8715 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8715
19:08:48 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- sagitter commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8654: "New F32 test machine" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8654#comment-630237
19:09:09 <nirik> ok, thats all the needs reviews.
19:09:10 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- pingou commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#7787: "Intermittent build failures due to git clone failure" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7787#comment-630238
19:09:20 <nirik> I have a number of other ones I wanted to bring up/ping on/discuss...
19:09:36 <nirik> .ticket 7364
19:09:37 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #7364: src.fedoraproject.org does not send some commit notifications - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/7364
19:10:13 <nirik> not sure if this is still happening... also, can we finally fix the traceback on https pushing?
19:10:25 <nirik> I think moving off gitolite would do it?
19:11:10 <cverna> we could close and ask to reopen if it happens again
19:11:24 <nirik> or even ask if it is... ?
19:11:24 <pingou> nirik: I think we are off gitolite atm
19:11:44 <nirik> pingou: I think the traceback is still happening. I can check if you like
19:12:05 <pingou> for the traceback, it may be
19:12:10 <pingou> it might be*
19:13:04 <nirik> yep. it does
19:13:14 <pingou> I think I had an idea of where to put the USER, but iirc Patrick didn't like it, but I don't remember why
19:13:15 <pingou> :/
19:13:24 <pingou> (sorry that's not very helpful)
19:13:31 <nirik> https://paste.centos.org/view/4583eab3
19:14:04 <nirik> I can try and dig up logs.
19:15:30 <smooge> ok next ticket?
19:15:49 <cverna> yeah
19:16:28 <nirik> oh, well, will have to look later.
19:16:32 <nirik> not finding it fast enough
19:16:46 <nirik> .ticket 8092
19:16:47 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8092: [Jenkins] missing f30 + rawhide - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8092
19:17:03 <nirik> can we ask siddharthvipul to look at this on the next EU standup?
19:17:11 <cverna> will do
19:17:13 <nirik> .ticket 8157
19:17:15 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8157: ansible: enable ansible-report as a hook - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8157
19:17:22 <nirik> do we want to just close this?
19:17:39 <nirik> or... use the pre-receiv
19:18:01 <cverna> I think we can just close
19:18:39 <nirik> ok
19:18:58 <nirik> .ticket 8279
19:18:59 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8279: Current status and future of jenkins-continuous-infra and dist-git tests infra - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8279
19:19:05 <nirik> another one for siddharthvipul if he knows
19:19:16 <nirik> .ticket 8302
19:19:17 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8302: add goern to communishift group - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8302
19:19:39 <nirik> shall we just add them, or close? I don't care which... I feel bad it languished so I am inclined to just add them
19:19:52 <cverna> +1 for adding them
19:20:26 <pingou> should we ping them first?
19:20:34 <nirik> ok, will just do it and close it.
19:20:36 <nirik> well, we could...
19:20:41 <pingou> ie: ask if they are still interested and add them if they reply
19:20:54 <nirik> sure, it's another round trip... but I can.
19:21:00 <smooge> ok so I have something communishift related for open floor
19:21:03 <nirik> .ticket 8657
19:21:03 <pingou> the last action there is 5 months old, they may have moved on
19:21:05 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8657: `fedpkg module-build` fails with "The modulemd libreoffice.yaml is invalid. Please verify the syntax is correct." upon buildopts: arches: [x86_64] - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8657
19:21:17 <nirik> mboddu: there's a question for you there?
19:21:25 <nirik> IMHO it sounds ok to enable...
19:21:33 * mboddu looks
19:22:55 <mboddu> I dont know about "ALLOWED_PRIVILEGED_MODULE_NAMES", please assign that to me and I can take a look
19:23:21 <nirik> it looks like it doesn't do much. ;)
19:23:29 <nirik> allows overriding dist and arches...
19:23:43 <nirik> and since we are only doing x86_64 flatpaks
19:23:53 <nirik> but sure, take it. ;)
19:24:11 <nirik> .ticket 8684
19:24:12 <zodbot> nirik: Issue #8684: docs.stg.fp.o doesn't build, openshift cronjob confused - fedora-infrastructure - Pagure.io - https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8684
19:24:16 <cverna> we should have aarch64 flatpaks soonish
19:24:22 <mboddu> Yeah, it doesn't affect much, but better to check
19:24:26 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.assigned.added -- mohanboddu assigned ticket fedora-infrastructure#8657 to mohanboddu https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8657
19:24:28 <nirik> cverna: yeah! :)
19:24:54 <nirik> so I am not sure if the solution was enough/seen here? should we ping them again?
19:25:08 <nirik> and I don't understand why it blocks that other ticket...
19:25:16 <nirik> oh, I do now.
19:25:20 <cverna> I would close and ask to reopen if not working
19:25:31 <nirik> ok, can someone do that?
19:25:39 <cverna> on it
19:26:22 <nirik> ok, thats all that I had... smooge, you had something?
19:26:43 <smooge> ok communishift will be down for a couple of weeks in April
19:27:18 <smooge> we will be moving it from PHX2 to RDU2 and that will take both time and space to do
19:27:47 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.edit -- cverna edited the close_status and status fields of ticket fedora-infrastructure#8684 https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8684
19:27:48 <fm-admin> pagure.issue.comment.added -- cverna commented on ticket fedora-infrastructure#8684: "docs.stg.fp.o doesn't build, openshift cronjob confused" https://pagure.io/fedora-infrastructure/issue/8684#comment-630261
19:27:58 <nirik> yep. I was waiting for that to be 'actually for sure' and then was going to announce it.
19:28:10 <smooge> I think I should put in some tickets for this but wanted to get an idea of what we should do
19:28:28 <nirik> also, it might be that we need to reinstall if we can't get it to adjust to new ip's...
19:29:00 <nirik> I wanted to look into how hard that will be
19:29:04 <smooge> yeah. I am going to become intimately familiar with openshift in late april/early may
19:29:14 <cverna> \o/
19:29:39 <smooge> since I figure I will be in the colo for a good portion of it
19:29:48 <pingou> I guess congratulations are in order then :)
19:30:07 <smooge> I believe my words should have been chosen better
19:30:50 * pingou heads out
19:30:57 <pingou> good day folks, see you tomorrow!
19:31:04 <smooge> good night pingou
19:31:11 <smooge> ok anyway that was lal
19:31:26 <smooge> #endmeeting