13:02:01 <mvollmer> #startmeeting meeting 13:02:01 <zodbot> Meeting started Mon Oct 24 13:02:01 2016 UTC. The chair is mvollmer. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 13:02:01 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 13:02:01 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'meeting' 13:02:05 <mvollmer> .hello mvo 13:02:06 <zodbot> mvollmer: mvo 'Marius Vollmer' <marius.vollmer@gmail.com> 13:02:09 <dperpeet> .hello dperpeet 13:02:10 <zodbot> dperpeet: dperpeet 'None' <dperpeet@redhat.com> 13:03:01 <mvollmer> #topic Agenda 13:03:17 <dperpeet> * test images: fedora-testing, fedora-24 13:03:31 <mvollmer> * react tooltip 13:03:38 <dperpeet> * stability: cockpit.css and listing pattern 13:03:47 <mvollmer> * storage list pattern 13:04:53 <mvollmer> okay, let's go 13:05:03 <mvollmer> #topic test images: fedora-testing, fedora-24 13:05:15 <dperpeet> actually, this also concerns fedora-23 13:05:30 <dperpeet> right now we have a bunch of images that we keep track of 13:05:35 <dperpeet> but don't actually test on every pull request 13:05:51 <dperpeet> so we're back to the old question: what good does it do us to test on master? 13:05:53 <dperpeet> right now 13:06:06 <dperpeet> stef opened a pull request to remove fedora-23 from our test images: https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/5224 13:06:18 <dperpeet> but I think we should wait at least until fedora 25 is out (November?) to do this 13:06:25 <dperpeet> "in case we need it" 13:06:37 <dperpeet> but my opinion on this isn't very strong 13:06:45 <stefw> .hello stefw 13:06:46 <zodbot> stefw: stefw 'Stef Walter' <stefw@redhat.com> 13:06:49 <mvollmer> do we need it for "stock" testing? 13:06:59 <stefw> we have alternate stock images for testing 13:07:06 <mvollmer> i.e., testing that a f23 machine can be in a dashboard? 13:07:08 <stefw> dperpeet, i'm interested in what we need it for? 13:07:12 <mvollmer> heh, of course. 13:07:13 <stefw> mvollmer, yup 13:07:31 <petervo> fedora-testing has helped us in the past, when other packages change things and break 13:08:04 <stefw> do you use it for debugging? 13:08:07 <dperpeet> well, different reasons 13:08:10 <stefw> petervo, i'm interested in how it helped 13:08:21 <dperpeet> fedora 23: we might see if some stuff we have is backwards compatible, or run on an older distro 13:08:34 <dperpeet> or in case we do need to patch something 13:08:51 <dperpeet> end of life for fedora 23 is a little less than two months out, I think 13:09:11 <mvollmer> even if we don't test every PR with an image, and we never look at master test results, the weekly refresh of the image should give some insight 13:09:42 <dperpeet> petervo, has a good point 13:09:43 <mvollmer> that would be interesting for fedora-testing I'd say 13:09:51 <mvollmer> not so much for fedora 23 13:10:21 <dperpeet> if everyone thinks it's safe to remove fedora-23, then I don't mind much 13:10:25 <petervo> what mvollmer said, the refreshes for fedora-testing are helpful 13:10:32 <petervo> fedora-23 i don't mind removing 13:10:33 <stefw> aha, makes sense 13:10:37 <petervo> we have the stock images 13:10:38 <dperpeet> should we remove fedora-testing from master testing? 13:10:52 <dperpeet> or do we say "just keep testing" 13:10:56 <dperpeet> so we have something to look up 13:11:00 <stefw> good point about the image refreshes ... 13:11:02 <dperpeet> since it's low priority anyway 13:11:14 <stefw> my criteria would be ... if we pay attention to it ... keep it 13:11:26 <dperpeet> I haven't been paying attention to the master tests 13:11:29 <stefw> if we don't pay attention ... then it's of very dubious value 13:11:55 <mvollmer> yeah, let's kill the master tests 13:12:17 <dperpeet> ok, and what about fedora-23? 13:12:21 <dperpeet> just remove from master testing? 13:12:31 <mvollmer> remove the whole image, no? 13:12:35 <dperpeet> ok 13:12:41 <dperpeet> and keep fedora-testing 13:12:46 <dperpeet> for debugging and if other stuff breaks 13:12:53 <dperpeet> but not test it on master 13:12:55 <mvollmer> i would say so 13:12:59 <dperpeet> and fedora-24? 13:13:04 <dperpeet> also remove master testing 13:13:05 <dperpeet> ? 13:13:12 <mvollmer> i wouldn't mind 13:13:16 <dperpeet> basically test it once an image refresh 13:13:27 <dperpeet> that basically maps to what we do anyway 13:13:34 <dperpeet> look at the test when it's being refreshed 13:13:48 <dperpeet> ok, I'll update my fedora-testing pr to reflect this 13:14:41 <mvollmer> okay 13:14:46 <mvollmer> next? 13:15:05 <dperpeet> yup 13:15:13 <mvollmer> #topic react tooltip 13:15:30 <mvollmer> I have made a react tooltip widget thing as part of https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/5097 13:15:40 <mvollmer> the storage list pattern rewrite 13:15:52 <mvollmer> I have rewritten it three times or so 13:16:02 <stefw> is there a design pattern page? 13:16:21 <mvollmer> it is part of the react pattern playground demo 13:16:33 <mvollmer> I could split that out as a separate PR 13:16:58 <mvollmer> but it's also good to actually use it and review it in action as part of #5097 13:17:01 <dperpeet> note on this: I took mvollmer's listing pattern changes and made a new pr with some fixes https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/5223 13:17:05 <stefw> mvollmer, yup 13:17:17 <dperpeet> so that should make #5097 a little smaller also 13:17:38 <mvollmer> so, should I leave the tooltip in #5097? 13:18:04 <dperpeet> how soon do you think this can go in? 13:18:31 <mvollmer> well, my TODO list is empty... 13:18:42 <mvollmer> but there will be lots of stuff from the reviws 13:19:06 <mvollmer> so a few weeks still, I guess 13:19:14 <dperpeet> I would prefer to have a separate PR for the tooltip 13:19:17 <mvollmer> if we have another user for the tooltip, then I can split it out 13:19:33 <dperpeet> I will need it for the docker run stuff 13:19:37 <mvollmer> yeah 13:20:05 <mvollmer> it doesn't have to be perfect 13:20:23 <dperpeet> if we have a separate PR, it's easier to look up discussions later on 13:20:28 <mvollmer> what I like is that we can make it behave exactly like we want 13:20:34 <mvollmer> or like patternfly wants 13:21:05 <mvollmer> i find the bootstrap tooltip slightly magic 13:21:17 <dperpeet> yes, I agree 13:21:24 <mvollmer> but on the other hand 13:21:27 <dperpeet> let's make a separate PR that we can tinker with 13:21:29 <dperpeet> in the playground 13:21:36 <mvollmer> bootstrap has figured out all the compat issues 13:21:55 <mvollmer> on first try it didn't work at all in chrome, for example 13:21:57 <dperpeet> worries about reinventing the wheel? 13:21:58 <mvollmer> but yeah 13:22:22 <mvollmer> (because disabled buttons don't fire mouseenter events, I think. 13:22:28 <mvollmer> stuff like that 13:22:40 <dperpeet> react bootstrap is sadly not a good reference 13:23:01 <mvollmer> there is react bootstrap? 13:23:06 * mvollmer googles 13:23:08 <dperpeet> https://react-bootstrap.github.io/ 13:23:12 <dperpeet> pre-1.0 13:23:28 <dperpeet> I looked into that while working on the dialog template 13:23:55 <dperpeet> https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#tooltips specifically 13:24:46 <dperpeet> We probably want https://react-bootstrap.github.io/components.html#popovers oftentimes 13:25:38 <mvollmer> hmm, I have to check this more closely. 13:25:49 <dperpeet> mvollmer, let's talk about this some other time 13:25:54 <mvollmer> yes 13:26:00 <dperpeet> regarding the topic 13:26:06 <dperpeet> I think this deserves its own pull request 13:26:12 <dperpeet> since we want to do it right 13:27:56 <mvollmer> yes 13:28:42 <mvollmer> #topic stability: cockpit.css and listing pattern 13:29:43 <dperpeet> as mentioned above, mvollmer and I added some changes to use the react listing pattern in cases where we don't want rows to expand 13:29:44 <dperpeet> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/5223 13:30:02 <mvollmer> this is used in the storage content 13:30:10 <dperpeet> this also brought home that we have a bunch of listing pattern css in cockpit.css 13:30:13 <mvollmer> but only for weird rows that represent "free space" 13:30:24 <mvollmer> maybe we won't have them in the end actually 13:30:29 <dperpeet> and if we touch that, I think we could break stability pretty quickly 13:30:38 <dperpeet> when mixing cockpit modules of different versions 13:31:11 <dperpeet> mvollmer, "free space rows" are a different issue, I'd say 13:31:29 <dperpeet> the question is, how stable should cockpit.css be? 13:31:45 <stefw> is there any way we can, with good conscience, get the listing pattern out of cockpit.css 13:31:48 <dperpeet> when would we want to migrate the relevant css into lib? 13:31:54 <petervo> doesn't each module load it's own cockpit.css 13:32:11 <petervo> i mean each machine 13:32:15 <petervo> loads it's own 13:32:23 <petervo> there shouldn't be mixing between machines 13:32:34 <dperpeet> yeah, but what if you have cockpit-base 0.117 and cockpit-storage 123? 13:32:52 <dperpeet> then storage would expect the newer css 13:33:04 <larsu> storage would bundle the newer css in that case, no? 13:33:34 <petervo> or the package would require the newer one if it's breaks without it 13:33:54 <petervo> same as if it needs a newer cockpit.js feature 13:34:14 <larsu> ah, indeed 13:34:39 <mvollmer> but one could argue that the listing CSS is only internal 13:34:39 <petervo> but yes i'm ok with moving listing out of cockpit.css as well 13:34:51 <dperpeet> I think this is worth breaking compatibility 13:34:55 <mvollmer> private to cockpit-component-listing.jsx 13:34:59 <dperpeet> for the sake of cleaning this up 13:35:12 <petervo> listing is also used in angular code 13:35:15 <dperpeet> petervo, yes, I think we'd need to require the right version 13:35:16 <dperpeet> yes 13:35:36 <mvollmer> petervo, right 13:35:55 <dperpeet> I can think about how this would work out in practice 13:36:12 <dperpeet> if we're ok with changing the require clauses in general 13:40:50 <dperpeet> in any case, we don't want to create extra work and we don't want to break stuff that's using the listing pattern 13:42:55 <mvollmer> so, you think the fix is generally a good one? 13:43:03 <mvollmer> supporting rows without any tabs in them? 13:43:42 <dperpeet> I think so 13:43:48 <dperpeet> we don't always want to expand 13:44:07 <dperpeet> that way we still keep the same css 13:44:09 <mvollmer> okay 13:44:12 <dperpeet> larsu, what do you think? 13:44:41 <larsu> yeah, I agree as well 13:45:21 <mvollmer> larsu, can you do the review? 13:45:29 <stefw> are we agreeing to break backward compatibility by moving listing out of cockpit.css? 13:46:10 <dperpeet> and looking at the other stuff in there 13:46:12 <larsu> stefw: we can't move it out completely, because it's being used by things that are not the react listing component 13:46:27 <stefw> well the CSS could definitely be moved into lib/ 13:46:36 <stefw> and the other stuff could then just include it in their own CSS 13:46:42 <dperpeet> exactly 13:46:44 <stefw> the only issue would be compatibility 13:46:47 <larsu> mvollmer: sure! 5223? 13:46:54 <mvollmer> yes 13:47:14 <stefw> and if we assume nobody is supposed to be using this anyway, was never supposed to be there ... then we may be able to in good conscience remove it. 13:47:33 <stefw> bit of a gray area for sure 13:49:29 <dperpeet> ok, I'll look at the consequences and open a pr 13:50:02 <mvollmer> next? 13:51:48 <mvollmer> #topic storage list pattern 13:52:05 <mvollmer> this is mostly for andreas, I guess 13:52:20 <mvollmer> I think it is getting ready for serious UX review 13:52:25 <mvollmer> maybe not yet the code 13:52:42 <mvollmer> https://github.com/cockpit-project/cockpit/pull/5097 13:52:53 <mvollmer> I think it worked out nice 13:53:00 <mvollmer> I ade some follow up notes in trello 13:53:17 <mvollmer> and have a list of smaller fixes 13:54:11 <mvollmer> i guess I make a screencast for this 13:54:41 <dperpeet> sounds good 13:55:23 <mvollmer> I'll hopefully get to the new features that this should enable pretty soon 13:55:31 <mvollmer> but the change is good all by itself 13:55:45 <mvollmer> maybe I'll rework networking first to use the list pattern? 13:56:31 <dperpeet> if that brings an actual improvement, then yes 13:56:38 <dperpeet> but not just for the sake of rewriting things 13:58:51 <mvollmer> well, to get the "standard look & feel" 13:59:44 <larsu> I don't think that's enough of an argument :) 13:59:51 <mvollmer> yeah 13:59:57 <larsu> style comes and goes and will probably change all the time 14:00:38 <mvollmer> alright 14:00:49 <mvollmer> #topic any other business 14:01:15 <mvollmer> https://plus.google.com/photos/photo/109789677627554448061/6344293315971779970?icm=false 14:01:31 <larsu> haha 14:01:44 <larsu> (google+ is still a thing?) 14:02:18 <mvollmer> yes, looks like it 14:02:40 <mvollmer> systemd is medium active there 14:02:40 <stefw> heh 14:02:50 <stefw> puns make me cry 14:02:55 <github> [cockpit] dperpeet reopened pull request #5218: Image refresh for fedora-testing (master...refresh-fedora-testing-2016-10-22) https://git.io/vPFuq 14:04:03 <mvollmer> okay, thanks everyone 14:04:06 <mvollmer> #endmeeting