19:59:59 <nitzmahone> #startmeeting Ansible Windows Working Group
19:59:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Oct 12 19:59:59 2021 UTC.
19:59:59 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:59:59 <zodbot> The chair is nitzmahone. Information about MeetBot at
19:59:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:59:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_windows_working_group'
20:00:02 <nitzmahone> bah
20:00:08 <nitzmahone> #chair jborean93
20:00:08 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 nitzmahone
20:00:22 <jborean93> I expected more
20:00:38 * nitzmahone hangs head in shame
20:00:40 <briantist> hello
20:00:43 <nitzmahone> #info agenda:
20:01:00 <nitzmahone> There's actually something on it, if MKletz is here today?
20:01:03 <nitzmahone>
20:01:19 <jborean93> We briefly talked about it last week but MKletz wasn't there
20:01:51 <briantist> may have forgotten, maybe we'll go a github ping on Monday before the next meeting as a reminder?
20:02:00 <briantist> it seems like a cool workaround
20:02:10 <briantist> I missed last meeting but did skim the discussion
20:02:56 <nitzmahone> Yeah, if all the necessary bits are available to do that, it'd be nice to be able to use composite resources- there was a bunch of interesting stuff out there implemented that way last I looked.
20:03:50 <briantist> right, the lack of direct support from `Invoke-DscResource` makes those a non-starter on basically all the CM/orchestration systems out there; would be cool to get something working in Ansible
20:05:18 <nitzmahone> Well, with that, I guess we'll go to
20:05:21 <nitzmahone> #topic open floor
20:05:38 <nitzmahone> (I commented on the meeting invite about it)
20:06:17 <jborean93> I've got nothing special to share
20:06:27 <nitzmahone> We'll close in 3min if nothing comes up.
20:06:35 <nitzmahone> Anybody upgrade to Win11 yet?
20:06:46 <jborean93> I did for my gaming PC, pretty much a non-event
20:07:21 <nitzmahone> I'll probably try it on my XPS13 here in the next week or so- the other PCs in the house are all too old for it :D
20:07:21 <briantist> not yet, home computer is probably too old and I don't have time to troubleshoot. Am excited for it on the work computer, but will have to wait for IT support to catch up I think
20:07:39 <briantist> I'm gonna see if they'll let me dogfood it maybe as part of their testing so I can get it early
20:07:41 <jborean93> it's pretty nice that they've decoupled WSL2 with the Windows version though
20:07:43 <nitzmahone> noice
20:07:47 <nitzmahone> YES
20:07:56 <nitzmahone> (and made it super simple to install now)
20:08:06 <briantist> thank goodness
20:08:33 <nitzmahone> I remember the first time I tried to install container support when that was in preview- holy crap
20:09:04 <jborean93> I would say the install process wasn't too hard recently but just being able to get new updates and features outside of the Windows release cycle is nice
20:09:10 <nitzmahone> For sure
20:09:16 <jborean93> definitely a lot easier compared to the WSL1 days
20:09:50 <nitzmahone> Yeah- especially now that it's running the real kernel and everything under WSL2
20:10:07 <nitzmahone> I haven't played with the WSLg stuff yet, but looks pretty neat
20:10:15 <nitzmahone> (like fancy Unity or something)
20:10:53 <nitzmahone> Love that they did the work to make it go under Wayland instead of the arguably easier X11 support- seems like a much better option for performance
20:10:57 <jborean93> IIRC it's essentialyl a wayland compositor that translates to RDP
20:11:28 <briantist> it also enabled you to use GPU stuff from within WSL right?
20:11:46 <nitzmahone> Theoretically
20:11:58 <jborean93> yep
20:12:00 * nitzmahone has no idea how that would work
20:12:09 <jborean93> all through RDP magic
20:12:36 <nitzmahone> Yeah, I just meant as far as GPGPU support, like how they virtualize that
20:12:51 <jborean93>
20:13:32 <nitzmahone> Also wonder if/when they'll cut over to pipewire
20:13:32 <jborean93> Hyper-V magic :)
20:14:02 <nitzmahone> heh:
20:14:39 <nitzmahone> Welp, guess we'll hang it up for today- thanks all!
20:14:43 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting