20:00:09 <jborean93> #startmeeting Ansible Windows Working Group
20:00:09 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 17 20:00:09 2020 UTC.
20:00:09 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
20:00:09 <zodbot> The chair is jborean93. Information about MeetBot at
20:00:09 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00:09 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_windows_working_group'
20:00:21 <jhawkesworth> Hey
20:00:25 <nitzmahone> o/
20:00:26 <jborean93> hey
20:00:34 <jborean93> #chair jhawkesworth nitzmahone
20:00:34 <zodbot> Current chairs: jborean93 jhawkesworth nitzmahone
20:00:42 <nitzmahone> jborean93 beat me to hitting Enter :)
20:00:51 <jborean93> that's a first
20:01:53 <nitzmahone> #info agenda releas
20:02:01 <nitzmahone> #info agenda
20:02:22 <jborean93> looks like nothing on the agenda
20:02:42 <jhawkesworth> Still doing kids bedtime but was going to ask how switch over is progressing
20:02:47 <jborean93> Both the Windows collections are up and active
20:03:08 <jborean93> I've migrated all the PRs and issues to the relevant repository
20:03:23 <nitzmahone> 👏
20:03:26 <jborean93> - All the core plugins
20:03:35 <jborean93> - All the community plugins
20:03:46 <jhawkesworth> Great thank you
20:03:58 <jborean93> I still need to enable the nightly CI run but that doesn't stop people from using them
20:05:01 <jhawkesworth> Good stuff. Sounds like still on track despite everything
20:05:32 <jborean93> 2 things we still need to figure out is how to document changes, and how to deprecate things in a collection
20:06:05 <jborean93> Both of those discussions are still ongoing but for the latter it seems like using a date over 2 years is the way to go instead of specifying an actual release
20:06:20 <nitzmahone> yep
20:06:51 <jborean93> For the former I'm not sure what's happening though. It might be changelog fragments just like before
20:07:43 <jhawkesworth> Changelog fragments were pretty user friendly, I thought
20:08:17 <nitzmahone> Yeah, IMO unless there's a big push not to do it that way, just keeping status quo seems sane to me
20:08:29 <jborean93> yea it worked for me we just need to build/tweak the existing tool to work on collections
20:08:35 <nitzmahone> I think the intent was that various collections/working groups could drift to anything they wanted
20:09:02 <jhawkesworth> I found myself wanting a good way to search for the repo that a module is in, but I guess it's going to be in one of two places really.
20:09:16 <nitzmahone> The docs team are working on that
20:09:29 <jhawkesworth> Good to know
20:09:48 <nitzmahone> I think the final solution is that ansible-doc as well as et al will show the hosting repo for the collection on each plugin's page
20:10:08 <jhawkesworth> That would do nively
20:10:23 <jhawkesworth> = nicely
20:10:31 <nitzmahone> We have most of the metadata to enable that already, just has to be consumed during doc rendering
20:10:47 * jhawkesworth hates typing on phone
20:11:07 <nitzmahone> (and there's some question on where the canonical source should be, eg galaxy.yml/files.json or new meta/(whatever) dir)
20:12:07 <nitzmahone> Well, nothing on the agenda, anything else burning, or shall we call it a day?
20:12:11 <nitzmahone> #topic open floor
20:12:33 <jhawkesworth> Hmm, personally I would probably vote for anything that didn't make me use a different markup format, but could be persuaded if there are advantages
20:13:06 <jhawkesworth> Yeah nothing from me.. Thanks for the updates though
20:13:12 <jborean93> I'm all good
20:13:28 <jhawkesworth> Let nitzmahone get lunch
20:13:45 <nitzmahone> Cool- 'til next week then! I may or may not stay up/get up early enough to attend the EU contrib summit (now virtual) on the 29th
20:14:27 <nitzmahone> I was going to be in Copenhagen, so already in the right TZ, but that's clearly not happening now what with Denmark closing the borders and people getting sick all over the place
20:14:48 <nitzmahone> #endmeeting