
#ansible-security: Ansible Security Working Group

Meeting started by justjais at 15:00:08 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. we have Cisco Asa collections up and more are on the way (justjais, 15:02:01)
    2. (justjais, 15:02:19)
    3. Cisco ASA will have newer ACLs and OG module which will support resource module architecture similar to one's introduced in networking side from Ansible 2.9 (justjais, 15:06:16)
    4. ACTION: justjais maxamillion create proposal for future work and share with community in next IRC meet (justjais, 15:07:38)

  1. Open Floor (justjais, 15:11:51)
    1. (maxamillion, 15:13:58)
    2. : (justjais, 15:15:51)

Meeting ended at 15:30:33 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. justjais maxamillion create proposal for future work and share with community in next IRC meet

Action items, by person

  1. justjais
    1. justjais maxamillion create proposal for future work and share with community in next IRC meet
  2. maxamillion
    1. justjais maxamillion create proposal for future work and share with community in next IRC meet

People present (lines said)

  1. justjais (26)
  2. maxamillion (10)
  3. ikhan (8)
  4. zodbot (6)
  5. gundalow (5)

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