13:00:16 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group
13:00:16 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jun  8 13:00:16 2023 UTC.
13:00:16 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
13:00:16 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at
13:00:16 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
13:00:16 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group'
13:00:54 <Qalthos> #topic Agenda
13:01:00 <Qalthos> #link is where you can always find the latest agenda
13:01:10 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates
13:03:13 <Qalthos> #info We're preparing for our next major release this month, which will include the removal of some more long-deprecated modules
13:08:20 <Qalthos> #info Since our last meeting, the following collections have been released:
13:08:45 <Qalthos> #info [ansible.utils v2.10.3]( has been released with bugfixes ([changelog](
13:08:55 <Qalthos> #info [cisco.ios v4.6.0]( has been released with bugfixes ([changelog](
13:09:06 <Qalthos> #info [cisco.iosxr 5.0.3]( has been released with bugfixes ([changelog](
13:09:15 <Qalthos> #info [cisco.nxos 4.4.0]( has been released with bugfixes ([changelog](
13:09:19 <SeanSullivan[m]> woot
13:10:15 <Qalthos> [vyos.vyos 4.1.0]( has been released with new features ([changelog](
13:10:40 <Qalthos> #info [vyos.vyos 4.1.0]( has been released with new features ([changelog](
13:11:31 <Qalthos> (ios had a feature update as well, as indicated by the minor version bump, but I didn't catch that in time)
13:11:48 <Qalthos> Oh and nxos too
13:11:57 <Qalthos> I will fix all this for the minutes
13:12:11 <Qalthos> Moving on
13:14:18 <Qalthos> #info AnsibleFest at Red Hat Summit happened two weeks ago now
13:15:09 <Qalthos> I hope everyone who wanted to got a chance to participate in the Community Day whether in person or virtually
13:19:19 <Qalthos> That's all I have for this meeting
13:19:37 <Qalthos> #topic Open Floor
13:19:53 <Qalthos> Let me know if anyone else has anythign they want to discuss
13:31:26 <Qalthos> #endmeeting