16:00:18 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group
16:00:18 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Oct 13 16:00:18 2021 UTC.
16:00:18 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:00:18 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:18 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:18 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group'
16:00:42 <Qalthos> #topic Agenda
16:01:24 <Qalthos> #link is where you can always find the current agenda for this meeting
16:01:38 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates
16:02:09 <cidrblock[m]> hey ho !
16:02:11 <Qalthos> #chair cidrblock
16:02:11 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos cidrblock
16:02:50 <Qalthos> This is gonna be one of those real short meetings, I think because I don't really have anything to talk about
16:03:21 <Qalthos> cidrblock: Anything noteworthy you want to mention this week?
16:04:05 <cidrblock[m]> Let's see...............  Not specifically network related, but ansible-navigator 1.1.0 was just released, and we should have a new vscode plugin/language server release this week as well
16:04:52 <Qalthos> Hooray!
16:05:20 <cidrblock[m]> Also - the network roadmap is being updated (if not already) for next quarter
16:06:40 <Qalthos> #info The network roadmap for the rest of the year should probably be updated either next week or the week after
16:07:00 <Qalthos> #link for its current form
16:08:18 <Qalthos> #chair GomathiselviS
16:08:18 <zodbot> Current chairs: GomathiselviS Qalthos cidrblock
16:08:47 <cidrblock[m]> small, this was updated to include the matrix link
16:09:08 <cidrblock[m]> \o GomathiselviS
16:09:13 <GomathiselviS> Hello
16:09:28 <gwmngilfen-work> thanks for taking one small piece off my todo list cidrblock  :)
16:09:44 <cidrblock[m]> Gwmngilfen: I do what I can :)
16:10:05 <Qalthos> GomathiselviS: Anything you want to share this week?
16:10:49 <cidrblock[m]> I was thinking we might be able to promote this a little more, maybe a few minutes before the meeting a post in ansible network slack and the ansible-announce over on the NTC slack.... thoughts?
16:11:23 <GomathiselviS> I donot have anything to share.
16:11:23 <GomathiselviS> working on stabilizing our CI
16:11:55 <Qalthos> Yeah, I should get remindbot in here and shouting announcements
16:12:30 <cidrblock[m]> Qalthos: I'm happy to help with that where I can
16:12:39 <gwmngilfen-work> > remindbot joined the room
16:12:39 <gwmngilfen-work> fixed that for you ;)
16:14:11 <Qalthos> Gwmngilfen: Great! Now how do I make it do the reminders? (:
16:14:29 <gwmngilfen-work> finish the meeting first, no point cluttering the logs
16:15:16 <Qalthos> Moving on then
16:15:59 <cidrblock[m]> I don't have anything else for today, I am going to try and make an effort to share and promote this better
16:16:10 <Qalthos> #topic Open Floor
16:16:42 <Qalthos> If anyone else has anything they'd like to share or talk about, feel free to bring it up now
16:17:34 <Qalthos> If you're seeing this in the history later and feel left out, you can always add your questions as a comment to the agenda linked at the start, and we'll talk about it
16:17:45 <gundalow> cidrblock: Where else can we promote this?
16:19:29 <cidrblock[m]> off the top of my head, I can do a tweet before it happens, I don't have a ton of followers.........  and the NTC slack channel might bring some interested parties in as well.  We could reach out to partners to remind them this is once place to chat about ansible network content as well
16:20:19 <cidrblock[m]> Now that we have matrix, this meeting is just a click away for anyone
16:20:46 <gundalow> Also, we should get all the Content Team folks on Matrix (unless they have a persistent IRC connection already)
16:21:11 <gwmngilfen-work> cidrblock[m]: slack bridge too, in here at least
16:21:47 <gwmngilfen-work> although I assume NTC is not the same as the AnsibleNetwork slack
16:22:27 <gundalow> Correct, different
16:22:28 <gundalow> Loooads more activity in `#ansible` in NTC's slack
16:22:29 <gundalow> FYI
16:22:46 <gundalow> hum, I guess `LOCATION:#ansible-network` needs changing to `` links in all those files
16:23:29 <Qalthos> Oh yeah, that would be good. I've regenerated the ics files before, I can fix that, I think
16:24:46 <gundalow> Qalthos: Oh, that would be great. Thank you. You can bulk update the `yaml` files in the directory above, then run `make`
16:25:32 <cidrblock[m]> ? for someone more familiar with matrix than me...  vs.
16:25:57 <gundalow> cidrblock: Maybe once the `ics` files have been updated (and relevant GH Agenda Issues) it might be worth doing an email round Partners reminding them of all these
16:26:24 <cidrblock[m]> gundalow: Yes, I can work with the partner team to reach out to them
16:26:33 <gwmngilfen-work> cidrblock: both point here
16:26:34 <gundalow> `` is the primary name, other alias is added for convenience incase you are on and look up only local rooms
16:27:06 <gwmngilfen-work> more generally, anyone on can create .im rooms, but you have to ask the community team to get a .com alias, so it's more "official"
16:27:10 * gundalow needs to head off to get food
16:29:21 <gwmngilfen-work> i likewise have to go in a moment, let me see if I can sort the bot out for you
16:29:39 <gwmngilfen-work> i promoted it to mod so it can use @-room
16:29:43 <Qalthos> I think we can probably close this meeting now
16:30:20 <Qalthos> #endmeeting