16:01:34 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group
16:01:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Jan  6 16:01:34 2021 UTC.
16:01:34 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:01:34 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at
16:01:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group'
16:01:52 <Qalthos> #chair ganeshrn pabelanger nilashishc
16:01:52 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos ganeshrn nilashishc pabelanger
16:02:15 <Qalthos> #link is where the agenda for this meeting can always be found
16:02:22 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates
16:03:24 <Qalthos> #info We are looking for comments and discussion around designing the *_bgp_global and *_bgp_af module argspecs
16:03:34 <Qalthos> #link for more details on that
16:06:31 <Qalthos> #link for more details on what we're working on right now
16:07:25 <Qalthos> #info issues and features further out than the immediate release are slowly being tagged with milestones on the Github issues
16:08:14 <Qalthos> Please excuse the gap while we catch up to the existing issues
16:08:56 <Qalthos> #info There is a bugfix release for netcommon planned in January
16:10:17 <Qalthos> #info After that, we are planning 2.0.0 of netcommon, with the removal of a few long-deprecated options and some exciting new capabilities
16:14:25 <Qalthos> That's about all I have for this week
16:14:29 <Qalthos> #topic Open Floor
16:14:39 <Qalthos> Anyone have anything they want to bring up this week?
16:45:50 <Qalthos> #endmeeting