16:01:08 <Qalthos> #startmeeting Ansible Network Working Group
16:01:08 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 24 16:01:08 2019 UTC.
16:01:08 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
16:01:08 <zodbot> The chair is Qalthos. Information about MeetBot at
16:01:08 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:01:08 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_network_working_group'
16:01:32 <Qalthos> #chair ganeshrn privateip pabelanger
16:01:32 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos ganeshrn pabelanger privateip
16:01:41 <pabelanger> o/
16:01:43 <Qalthos> #topic Core Updates
16:02:30 <Qalthos> #info 2.8 is branched, devel is now open for 2.9
16:02:47 <Qalthos> And from our agenda, I see many of you are taking advantage of that
16:03:39 <Qalthos> I don't think there's anything else to report, we're still on track for a mid-May release.
16:04:05 <Qalthos> #link is where the agenda for this meeting lives
16:04:42 <Qalthos> And it's a long one today, so let's get in to it
16:05:11 <Qalthos> #topic Meraki PRs
16:06:00 <mrproper> I'm @kbreit on Github so this would be my topic. The first bullet I'd like to address (and this may answer the second) is getting additional support for reviews and merges of my PRs under Meraki.
16:06:44 <mrproper> I've been working with dag and he's been really great to work with. But he's a single person so if he is busy, on vacation, starts work for a competitor of Meraki, I'm in a bind with no one who is familiar with the code base.
16:08:38 <bcoca> he is part of the community, so its also on 'volunteer' basis
16:09:04 <mrproper> Agreed and understood. But is there a process to 'adopt' other reviewers?
16:10:26 <bcoca> engage the community
16:10:36 <mrproper> Through IRC and Slack I assume?
16:10:51 <bcoca> one way we are trying to sovle this problem in core is 'collections' , which will mean you dont need to add to ansible/ansbile
16:11:21 <mrproper> And is the expectation collections will be fully rolled out in 2.9?
16:11:29 <bcoca> allow you to host modules/plugins/content in your own project and not depend on 'someone in ansible community with enough rights/karma/ack to be interested'
16:12:08 <bcoca> the 'tech preview' is in 2.8 already ... 'fully' being subject to intepretation, mebbe, we do plan on improving suport in 2.9
16:12:54 <mrproper> Okay. Then I'll continue doing what I'm doing and seeing how collections turn out. My next bullet is to see if someone can review
16:14:48 <Qalthos> 55528 already has shipit, and I see no reason not to merge it
16:15:26 <mrproper> Okay thank you.
16:15:51 <mrproper> My final bullet is related to
16:16:58 <mrproper> Meraki responds with camelCase and up until now I haven't changed that. But I'm thinking of converting their keys to snake_case to be more consistent with my module parameters and Ansible's general standards. However, this is a breaking change and one I am thinking of phasing out over 4 releases per deprecation policy. I was looking to get some feedback on some recommended approaches to this
16:17:04 <mrproper> change. I have a few ideas in the PR.
16:21:23 <Qalthos> mrproper: If I'm reading this right, your plan seems sensible to me.
16:21:47 <mrproper> Qalthos: The most recent one to allow an env var and/or parameter to support old until 4 releases?
16:24:12 <mrproper> If so, I'll continue to work on that PR and remove WIP at some point.
16:25:44 <mrproper> That concludes my topics for today. Thank you!
16:27:03 <Qalthos> Having a var to restore the old output is certainly a good thing to do, and fairly simple to add. As long as you have a clear path forward and ways to get the old functionality if necessary, I don't see an issue
16:27:56 <Qalthos> #topic Onyx PRs
16:28:32 <Qalthos> I don't immediately see anyone related to these PRs in the room right now
16:29:07 <Qalthos> (and if you are here, this is why I ask to leave your IRC nick in the comments you leave if it differs)
16:30:53 <Qalthos> There are some issues with them, mostly the first one needs a rebase, but if there's no one here to speak for them, I'm just gonna move on now
16:31:54 <Qalthos> #topic EOS PRs
16:32:36 <twbowman> These are my first PRs thanks Trishna to pointing me in the right direction
16:34:12 <twbowman> The first item is to add vrf option for static routes.
16:34:37 <Qalthos> twbowman: Sure. I've got a few issues here, you're modifying ansible's README for some reason, and you are adding return values and not documenting them
16:35:38 <Qalthos> I don't really see any reason to keep any of those changes, and I can make a comment on those PRs to that effect
16:36:10 <twbowman> ok. that is fine.
16:36:29 <Qalthos> Other than that, those PRs look fine.
16:36:30 <twbowman> i can pull those out
16:36:50 <twbowman> thanks.
16:37:53 <Qalthos> twbowman: Anything else you need to talk about on these?
16:38:23 <twbowman> if both of them are fine minus those changes then no
16:38:40 <twbowman> qalthos: thank you
16:39:01 <Qalthos> #topic EXOS PRs
16:40:22 <Qalthos> ujwalkomarla: you brought these up... I think we can probably get vlan in now, though I'll take another look to make sure
16:40:46 <ujwalkomarla> Yes, please.
16:41:14 <ujwalkomarla> I added myself on the BOTMETA for 'team-extreme'.
16:41:57 <ujwalkomarla> Also, I found an issue with terminal/ for a particular setup and made appropriate changes.
16:42:10 <ujwalkomarla> Let me know if you need me to move it into a different PR.
16:44:00 <ujwalkomarla> I modified EXOS to have only a single action plugin file, which for some reason started failing the sanity test - 'test/sanity/code-smell/' and was required to add EXOS to that list of ignore files.
16:44:33 <ujwalkomarla> I'm not sure, if that is the right thing to do.
16:46:04 <Qalthos> ujwalkomarla: That is definitely not the thing to do. If you take that back, we can look at the sanity failure and see what the issue is.
16:46:30 <ujwalkomarla> Sure. I'll do that.
16:46:35 <Qalthos> For the terminal plugin change, I would rather not use Display inside one of the network plugins. There is a different mechanism for anything that has a reference to a persistent connection plugin
16:46:54 <Qalthos> I can add a note detailing how that works on the PR
16:47:06 <ujwalkomarla> That would help!
16:47:15 <ujwalkomarla> Thanks.
16:49:48 <Qalthos> ujwalkomarla: Anything else to bring up about these PRs?
16:50:35 <ujwalkomarla> No. That was it.
16:50:46 <Qalthos> #topic Open Floor
16:51:01 <Qalthos> We've got a few minutes left if anyone has anything else to bring up
16:51:03 <chaitanyaavi> Gentle reminder for
16:51:28 <Qalthos> chaitanyaavi: reminder taken
16:51:59 <Qalthos> #action Qalthos follow up on
16:56:57 <Qalthos> Right, then. Thanks to everyone for coming
16:57:16 <Qalthos> Have a good rest fo your week!
16:57:24 <Qalthos> #endmeeting