
#ansible-network: Ansible Network Working Group

Meeting started by Qalthos at 16:03:07 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

  1. Core Updates (Qalthos, 16:03:54)
    1. Released Network Engine 2.7.5 - Bugfix (ansible-network/network-engine#230) (Qalthos, 16:04:20)
    2. is where the agenda lives (Qalthos, 16:05:30)

  2. cnos_l3_interface bugfix (#53267) (Qalthos, 16:07:00)
  3. Fixed issues of using AviCredentials due to import errors #52661 (Qalthos, 16:13:25)
    1. (ankitb__, 16:21:15)
    2. ACTION: Qalthos follow up on ansible/ansible#52661 (Qalthos, 16:29:43)

  4. New module itential iap_start_workflow (#51238) (Qalthos, 16:30:41)
    1. ACTION: Qalthos follow up on ansible/ansible#51238 (Qalthos, 16:44:25)

  5. Add voice vlan option to ios_l2_interface module (#52892) (Qalthos, 16:46:55)
    1. has the other unit tests for ios modules. It should be fairly straightforward to make a new one for ios_l2_interface based on those (Qalthos, 16:49:39)
    2. ACTION: smolz_ Add unit tests to ansible/ansible#52892 (Qalthos, 17:02:26)

Meeting ended at 17:04:26 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. Qalthos follow up on ansible/ansible#52661
  2. Qalthos follow up on ansible/ansible#51238
  3. smolz_ Add unit tests to ansible/ansible#52892

Action items, by person

  1. Qalthos
    1. Qalthos follow up on ansible/ansible#52661
    2. Qalthos follow up on ansible/ansible#51238
  2. smolz
    1. smolz_ Add unit tests to ansible/ansible#52892
  3. smolz_
    1. smolz_ Add unit tests to ansible/ansible#52892

People present (lines said)

  1. Qalthos (44)
  2. ankitb__ (14)
  3. grastogi (7)
  4. zodbot (6)
  5. Anil_Lenovo (6)
  6. smolz (3)
  7. smolz_ (2)
  8. justjais (0)
  9. privateip (0)
  10. trishnag (0)
  11. pabelanger (0)

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