
#ansible-network: Ansible Network Working Group

Meeting started by Qalthos at 16:00:40 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. is where you can always find the current agenda (Qalthos, 16:01:38)

  1. Core Updates (Qalthos, 16:01:48)
    1. working on cisco ftd use case via ansible module (Qalthos, 16:02:00)
    2. working on various cloud vpn provider fixes and spoke/hub scenarios (Qalthos, 16:02:14)
    3. Worked on a deploy/setup function for FRR (Qalthos, 16:02:23)
    4. Finished frr_facts module (Qalthos, 16:02:29)

  2. Open Floor (Qalthos, 16:04:05)
    1. ACTION: justjais clarify ftd use cases (Qalthos, 16:10:09)

Meeting ended at 16:44:49 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. justjais clarify ftd use cases

Action items, by person

  1. justjais
    1. justjais clarify ftd use cases

People present (lines said)

  1. Qalthos (20)
  2. zodbot (8)
  3. justjais (2)
  4. Anil_Lenovo (1)
  5. AnkitB (1)
  6. trishnag (0)
  7. pabelanger (0)
  8. samccann (0)
  9. IPvSean (0)
  10. ganeshrn (0)

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