16:00:24 <gundalow> #startmeeting Network Working Group
16:00:24 <zodbot> Meeting started Wed Apr 25 16:00:24 2018 UTC.  The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at
16:00:24 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
16:00:24 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'network_working_group'
16:00:29 * Qalthos 🌊🌊
16:00:41 * ganeshrn waves
16:01:00 <gundalow> #chair jtanner acozine1 Qalthos brampling samerd ganeshrn andriusb
16:01:00 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos acozine1 andriusb brampling ganeshrn gundalow jtanner samerd
16:01:38 <privateip> o/
16:01:51 <gundalow> #chair privateip
16:01:51 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos acozine1 andriusb brampling ganeshrn gundalow jtanner privateip samerd
16:02:26 <funzo> o/
16:02:34 <gundalow> #info Agenda as always (feel free to add items)
16:02:38 <gundalow> #chair funzo
16:02:38 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos acozine1 andriusb brampling funzo ganeshrn gundalow jtanner privateip samerd
16:03:43 <gundalow> So looking at the agenda I don't see anything
16:04:10 <gundalow> the HTTP connection proposal ( was agreed last meeting
16:04:53 <gundalow> Anyone got anything?
16:05:08 <gundalow> #topic Potential performance issue in 2.5.*
16:05:13 <brampling> I just added some PRs I need reviewed
16:05:51 <gundalow> brampling: Thanks, can do that next
16:05:59 <gundalow> #info
16:07:17 <gundalow> #info We've been investigating a possible performance issue when running with many hundreds of network devices. Current investigation shows that during 2.5 development we've accidently introduced a global lock
16:07:36 <gundalow> #info the linked issue has more details. We are working on a fix
16:08:04 <gundalow> #info depending on when the fix is confirmed we will review if that means that 2.5.2 should be made earlier
16:08:15 <gundalow> #info this issue only effects 2.5.*
16:08:47 <trishnag> o/
16:09:06 <ganeshrn> nitinkr: good to see you here
16:09:53 <gundalow> #info this issue only effects persistent connection
16:10:10 <gundalow> #chair nitinkr
16:10:10 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos acozine1 andriusb brampling funzo ganeshrn gundalow jtanner nitinkr privateip samerd
16:10:21 <gundalow> Any questions on that?
16:12:20 <nitinkr> Thanks @ganeshrn
16:13:46 <gundalow> OK, will update once the fix is in
16:14:58 <gundalow> #topic Infoblox NIOX feature PRs
16:15:08 <gundalow> #link
16:15:37 <gundalow> brampling: I notice they have the `stale_ci` label, which means it's been over 7 days since CI (Shippable) run, so I've triggered a fresh run
16:15:49 <brampling> Ok
16:16:08 <brampling> We have a big joint customer looking for this functionality
16:16:40 <gundalow> brampling: FYI provisional dates for Ansible 2.6
16:16:53 <gundalow> #info Ansible 2.6 provisional dates
16:17:09 <brampling> Thanks, sooner than I'd expected
16:17:22 <gundalow> Yup, we are keeping 2.6 as a smaller release
16:17:57 <brampling> They need one or two more things, I'll try to get them in by mid-May
16:18:05 <brampling> I'm happy to point them to devel
16:18:27 <samerd> gundalow: thanks for posting the 2.6 roadmap, just wanted to ask about it
16:18:38 <gundalow> samerd: :)
16:20:18 <gundalow> brampling: Could you please raise a PR to add yourself to that way you will be notified on any issues/PRs for NIOS. Also your PRs will get label:owner_pr, which means we trust you are doing the right thing
16:20:47 <gundalow> Also if their is anyone else in your team that you think it would be worth getting notified, feel free to add them
16:21:34 <brampling> Ok, will do
16:21:52 <gundalow> Thanks
16:23:11 <gundalow> brampling: I've assigned them to justjais who will do a quick review and merge
16:23:33 <brampling> Ok, thanks
16:23:43 <gundalow> brampling: Anything else from your side?
16:24:20 <brampling> Not right now, thanks
16:24:31 <gundalow> Cool, shout out if there is
16:24:35 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor
16:24:39 <gundalow> #chair
16:24:39 <zodbot> Current chairs: Qalthos acozine1 andriusb brampling funzo ganeshrn gundalow jtanner nitinkr privateip samerd
16:24:45 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else?
16:24:50 <ganeshrn> <-- netconf generic module proposal, if no more review comments will move it to agreed?
16:25:09 <gundalow> #info <-- netconf generic module proposal, if no more review comments will move it to agreed.
16:25:35 <gundalow> brampling: Do your modules return anything?
16:26:19 <brampling> No, just make changes to Infoblox
16:26:21 <gundalow> brampling: ie does that return anything via `register:`
16:26:26 <gundalow> cool, thanks
16:26:33 <brampling> They're based on the nios_host_record module
16:26:40 <brampling> That @privateip wrote
16:28:14 <gundalow> brampling: cool. Actually I'll add you to BOTMETA and add a way so all your issues and PRs get labels, will make it easier for your to manage. Will ping you details via a PR (so you will get GitHub email)
16:28:22 <brampling> Ok, thanks
16:28:46 <gundalow> pffs: Hi, anything for the meeting?
16:29:52 <gundalow> pffs: You may be interested in as I believe you manage many hosts
16:31:05 <gundalow> Anyone got anything else, otherwise will close shortly
16:36:42 <funzo> thx gundalow
16:40:44 <indivisiblewalru> ok, how does one go about showing the output for of an individual task's time taken?
16:45:22 <jtanner> indivisiblewalru: iirc
16:48:05 <gundalow> brampling:
16:48:10 <pffs> gundalow: looks a lot like the issue I opened
16:48:24 <pffs> although I also notice a pretty huge different in performance even on small scopes
16:48:43 <gundalow> #endmeeting