
#ansible-network: Network Working Group

Meeting started by gundalow at 16:01:00 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. Agenda (gundalow, 16:01:28)

  1. Aggregates (gundalow, 16:08:15)
    1. (gundalow, 16:09:10)
    2. AGREED: If we go down the loop route that will be done in 2.6 (earliest) (gundalow, 16:31:05)
    3. AGREED: Proposal will be created for this (gundalow, 16:31:17)
    4. AGREED: bikesheading of aggregate will be put on hold (gundalow, 16:31:31)

  2. Declaritive Intent (gundalow, 16:31:53)
  3. Type manipulation #28446 (gundalow, 16:56:33)
    1. (gundalow, 16:56:39)

Meeting ended at 17:06:49 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. privateip (64)
  2. gundalow (46)
  3. itdependsnetwork (26)
  4. ktbyers (14)
  5. zodbot (8)
  6. skg-net (8)
  7. jmcgill298 (7)
  8. epicdean (6)
  9. st8less (3)
  10. bcoca (3)
  11. caphrim007 (2)
  12. Qalthos (2)
  13. kedarX (2)
  14. ganeshrn (2)
  15. ricky_laptop (2)
  16. Anil (1)
  17. dt-arista (1)
  18. funzo (1)
  19. trishnag (1)
  20. andriusb (0)

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