15:59:34 <shertel> #startmeeting Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting
15:59:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Aug 11 15:59:34 2022 UTC.
15:59:34 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:59:34 <zodbot> The chair is shertel. Information about MeetBot at
15:59:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:59:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting'
15:59:39 <shertel> hello
15:59:49 <shertel> #info agenda
15:59:50 <mkrizek> \o
16:00:25 <shertel> there are two items from last time
16:00:26 <shertel> nkakouros?
16:03:29 <shertel> I'm not exactly sure what the request for these is. If there are implementation questions, just ask in ansible-devel. At least for the role argument spec defaults, it was discussed and decided against for the initial feature because variable precedence is already complicated.
16:03:30 * bcoca waves
16:03:40 * shertel waves back
16:03:48 <shertel> skipping these two again, I guess
16:04:02 <shertel> #topic
16:06:03 <shertel> Looks like this is just a request for a review. The PR is failing some tests at the moment
16:06:44 <shertel> bcoca would also fix it, or just related?
16:07:42 <bcoca> very similar
16:07:44 <sivel> fwiw, and I know this isn't typical workflows, but I like having the ability currently of piping through cat, so that everything is line wrapped.
16:07:50 <sivel> Makes pasting into issues nicer
16:07:59 <bcoca> also the proposal is about logging, not about wrap in display (which we do have separate ticket for)
16:08:31 <sivel> logging is going to take a while, I have a PoC, but it needs a lot more discussion, and will potentially require a lot of changes throughout the codebase
16:08:36 <bcoca> sivel:  why  my pr is a toggle
16:08:46 <bcoca> scine we need to wrap now to pass our own tets
16:09:08 <sivel> logging is on our radar, I think we can skip logging for now. Definitely won't happen for 2.14
16:09:29 <bcoca> not against the tty wrap, but i would not make it a global
16:09:54 <bcoca> also the new pr is missing many spots
16:11:35 <shertel> Okay. We can comment more thoroughly on it in triage maybe.
16:12:34 <shertel> #topic Open floor
16:13:08 <shertel> I need to figure out why the version_added check is broken
16:16:57 <shertel> If no one has anything and nkakouros or Sorin don't show up, I'll end in a few minutes.
16:21:43 <shertel> #endmeeting