15:01:59 <shertel> #startmeeting Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting
15:01:59 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Mar  3 15:01:59 2022 UTC.
15:01:59 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:01:59 <zodbot> The chair is shertel. Information about MeetBot at
15:01:59 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:01:59 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting'
15:02:10 <sivel> whoa, look at this :)
15:02:29 <shertel> Hey :)
15:02:36 <shertel> #info agenda
15:03:04 <shertel> Not sure if we'll get a quorum today since people using up PTO before it expires
15:03:32 <shertel> #topic Extend validate-modules to also validate plugins
15:03:39 <shertel>
15:03:50 <shertel> felixfontein, are you around?
15:06:15 <shertel> It looks like this was discussed last meeting. Is it waiting for test/filters to also be available or something else?
15:06:37 <sivel> I think it was, but we just slipped that to 2.14, so I'm guessing it's ok to go.
15:06:48 <sivel> I haven't looked at it, but there is an approval on it
15:07:54 * sivel has to step away for a few minutes
15:07:55 <shertel> Ok, I'll give it a quick review this afternoon and hit merge
15:08:49 <shertel> #topic Allow lookup vars plugin to search for list vars
15:08:50 <shertel>
15:13:26 <shertel> I don't really have any thoughts on this one. Not opposed to the PR and making other lookups consistent or just documenting an example with argument unpacking. Probably needs to wait until there's more of a quorum.
15:13:55 <sivel> yeah, I'm also not sure of the impacts of flattening like that.  Maybe I'm intentionally passing a list of lists as a single term
15:14:07 <sivel> seems like it could break usage for people
15:14:43 <shertel> yeah
15:15:53 <shertel> it doesn't look like rabin-io is in here to discusss adding an optional backup_dir for the backup option
15:17:13 <shertel> it seems like that might be better suited as part of a role
15:17:36 <shertel> #topic Open floor
15:19:16 <shertel> If there's nothing else, I'll end in a few. sivel, thanks for attending  so I wasn't just talking to myself :)
15:19:39 <sivel> heh, no problem
15:22:56 <shertel> #endmeeting