15:00:29 <Shrews> #startmeeting Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting
15:00:29 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Apr 15 15:00:29 2021 UTC.
15:00:29 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
15:00:29 <zodbot> The chair is Shrews. Information about MeetBot at
15:00:29 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
15:00:29 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting'
15:00:33 <Shrews> #chair mkrizek
15:00:33 <zodbot> Current chairs: Shrews mkrizek
15:00:48 <Shrews> #info agenda -
15:01:02 <Shrews> who's around?
15:01:24 <mkrizek> \o
15:01:35 <Shrews> #topic interpreter discovery fallback on old "listed" distros (ansible/ansible#74152)
15:01:43 <Shrews> @nitzmahone: ^^
15:01:48 <sdoran> o/
15:01:59 <Shrews> #link
15:04:19 <Shrews> guess @nitzmahone is not yet awake?
15:06:17 <Shrews> I haven't seen any discussion about that issue from nitz, so I have no input on it w/o him here to discuss it more. Push to next meeting?
15:06:28 <mkrizek> +1
15:06:42 <sdoran> Seems reasonable.
15:07:09 <Shrews> ok. let's move to the next fun thing
15:07:22 <Shrews> #topic Please reconsider deprecating hash_behaviour=merge #74215
15:07:36 <Shrews> is ollofx here?
15:07:55 <Shrews> We have exhausted this conversation to death, so I really don't want us to rehash things.
15:08:16 <Shrews> Last decision was made on Jan 21, 2021:
15:08:37 <Shrews> Deprecation was removed, and @relrod backported the change to 2.10 a couple of days ago.
15:09:20 <Shrews> I think we can consider this topic closed.
15:09:31 <mkrizek> Agreed.
15:09:52 <Shrews> #topic Open floor
15:10:16 <Shrews> anyone have anything to discuss not on the agenda?
15:10:16 <bcoca> soo, can we talk about hash_behaviour
15:10:18 * bcoca ducks
15:10:45 * Shrews /kick bcoca FOREVER
15:11:00 <cyberpear> is `include` deprecated?
15:11:33 <bcoca> very soon
15:11:35 <bcoca> i have pr
15:12:32 <Shrews> link?
15:12:33 <cyberpear> it's a last link to older-era ansible
15:12:44 <bcoca> no, we still have 'with_'
15:13:06 <cyberpear> I still don't use `loop` because `with_` is better, imo
15:13:19 <bcoca> only reason is not in deprecated in prev is cause CI tests were broken
15:13:41 <bcoca> cyberpear: i would disagree, specially since many with_ combos caused major confusion
15:14:03 <bcoca> loop has less magic and is simpler (i know some people liek the magic)
15:14:36 <cyberpear> `loop` forces playbook and role authors to do more work, imo
15:14:45 <Shrews> #link
15:15:27 <bcoca> cyberpear: for most cases it doesn't , i checked online and 90% of with_ was with_items and in most cases, not even using the flatten
15:17:07 * cyberpear steps away for $job
15:17:41 <Shrews> ok, anything else? if nothing, i'll end the meeting in 3 mintues
15:18:19 <bcoca> cyberpear: in any case, only deprecating include
15:18:19 <Shrews> or minutes... whichever is shorter
15:18:40 <bcoca> mintues are minutes counted from the side, same lenght in the end
15:18:58 <Shrews> lol
15:21:36 <Shrews> thanks for coming, folks
15:21:40 <Shrews> #endmeeting