
#ansible-meeting: Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting

Meeting started by mkrizek at 15:00:19 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. agenda (mkrizek, 15:00:35)

  1. hash_merge behavior (mkrizek, 15:03:15)
  2. Don't forget plugin deprecations after CLI init; include collection name in plugin deprecations (mkrizek, 15:14:11)
    1. (mkrizek, 15:14:16)

  3. Always mention the name of the deprecated plugin in routing deprecation messages (mkrizek, 15:34:05)
    1. (mkrizek, 15:34:10)

  4. core team to make sure that for every change (after initial release) in a stable branch that adds things to the porting guide has a changelog fragment that has one of the porting guide sections (mkrizek, 15:44:52)
    1. (mkrizek, 15:44:58)

Meeting ended at 16:10:46 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. (none)

People present (lines said)

  1. felixfontein (34)
  2. bcoca (27)
  3. mkrizek (27)
  4. zodbot (6)
  5. sivel (5)
  6. shertel (2)
  7. sdoran (2)

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