
#ansible-meeting: Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting

Meeting started by mkrizek at 15:00:18 UTC (full logs).

Meeting summary

    1. agenda (mkrizek, 15:00:32)

  1. (mkrizek, 15:04:06)
    1. should go to community.general, based on precedent, unless there's very good guidelines on what can go into core. Otherwise, it's a great addition. (cyberpear, 15:04:43)
    2. ACTION: mkrizek to discuss with the community team about better communicating a process of accepting new plugins into core (mkrizek, 15:22:44)
    3. AGREED: `version_sort` to go to `community.general` (mkrizek, 15:26:25)

  2. Open floor (mkrizek, 15:27:29)
    1. maybe? (felixfontein, 15:28:35)

Meeting ended at 15:55:28 UTC (full logs).

Action items

  1. mkrizek to discuss with the community team about better communicating a process of accepting new plugins into core

Action items, by person

  1. mkrizek
    1. mkrizek to discuss with the community team about better communicating a process of accepting new plugins into core

People present (lines said)

  1. mkrizek (23)
  2. ericzolf (19)
  3. sivel (10)
  4. felixfontein (10)
  5. shertel (6)
  6. zodbot (6)
  7. cyberpear (5)
  8. Shrews (5)

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