19:00:49 <jillr> #startmeeting Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting
19:00:49 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar 10 19:00:49 2020 UTC.
19:00:49 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:00:49 <zodbot> The chair is jillr. Information about MeetBot at
19:00:49 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:00:49 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting_'
19:01:00 <jillr> hi cyberpear o/
19:01:38 <jillr> #topic
19:03:04 <jillr> we may or may not get enough cores here today, especially for this change, there's are some epic all-day meetings going on and sam will be out until May
19:06:15 <jillr> this would probably be a good one for relrod to look at
19:07:56 <jillr> welcome relrod! the topic is
19:08:08 <jillr> which I think is under your scope?
19:08:40 <jillr> cyberpear had added it to the meeting agenda for today
19:09:38 <jillr> I dont expect we'll make any decisions today as there's too few of us present, but if we can get the correct person's eyes on it that would be good
19:10:05 <jillr> in fact it might just be the 2 of us today  :)
19:11:08 <relrod> jillr: ok cool. So, I'm still learning what my scope *is*, so it might be a bit before I feel comfortable approving it (though it looks simple enough)
19:11:33 <jillr> hehe, for sure - and if it's not then don't feel obligated either
19:12:15 <jillr> I'll leave it on the agenda for future meetings so we can come back to it
19:12:21 <jillr> #topic
19:12:50 <jillr> looks like bcoca has already reviewed this one, so I think this is good
19:14:17 <jillr> #topic open floor
19:14:28 <jillr> (just in case anyone is lurking)
19:15:32 * tremble is lurking but has nothing.
19:16:01 <jillr> oh I'm sure you have a whole pile of PRs waiting for me once the collections are ready ;)
19:16:33 * tremble looks innocent
19:16:58 <jillr> lol. well in that case I better get back to working on collections CI - thanks folks!
19:17:03 <jillr> #endmeeting