19:01:46 <jillr> #startmeeting Ansible Core Public IRC Meeting
19:01:46 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Mar  3 19:01:46 2020 UTC.
19:01:46 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:01:46 <zodbot> The chair is jillr. Information about MeetBot at
19:01:46 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:01:46 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_public_irc_meeting_'
19:02:58 <jillr> we might not get too many people today with the collections work in progress, quite a few of us are in all day meetings, so we'll give it a minute and see if we get anyone
19:05:57 <sdoran> o/
19:06:02 <sdoran> Lots of things going on.
19:06:22 <sdoran> Probably worth announcing we have created the temp staging branch and that `devel` is currently frozen.
19:06:43 <sdoran> I think there's a command to have that highlighted in the meeting minutes.
19:07:24 <sivel> as is the temp branch (frozen, but not enforced)
19:07:34 <jillr> #info temp-2.10-devel staging branch created and  `devel` is currently frozen
19:07:44 <sdoran> That's the one. :)
19:08:04 <sivel> if you make any changes to the temp branch before the migration March 9-11, it will likely be lost
19:08:20 <jillr> sivel: are you actually here or just chiming in on that one thing?  (as in; do we have enough of us here to proceed?)
19:08:39 <sivel> I'd recommend any PRs that are made, still target devel. We can switch in the UI to another branch
19:08:42 <sivel> I'm not really here
19:08:52 <jillr> thought that might be the case - thanks
19:09:14 <sivel> I'm supposed to be paying attention to another meeting ;)
19:09:22 <jillr> vaya con queso  :)
19:09:44 * bcoca orders manchego from 'la tienda'
19:10:11 <jillr> is giner present?  we only have 2 items on the agenda, both from them
19:12:14 <cyberpear> #info non-community module PRs should still be opened against `devel` branch
19:12:15 <jillr> #topic open floor
19:12:28 <jillr> hi cyberpear o/
19:12:48 <cyberpear> in case any one looks at the minutes but not the log
19:13:21 <jillr> module PRs should be opened against their collection, unless it's one of the handful of modules remaining in ansible/ansible, otherwise yes
19:15:09 <jillr> thanks for showing up, folks
19:15:11 <jillr> #endmeeting