19:02:40 <jillr> #startmeeting ansible core IRC meeting
19:02:40 <zodbot> Meeting started Tue Sep  3 19:02:40 2019 UTC.
19:02:40 <zodbot> This meeting is logged and archived in a public location.
19:02:40 <zodbot> The chair is jillr. Information about MeetBot at
19:02:40 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
19:02:40 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core_irc_meeting'
19:03:03 <jillr> #topic
19:04:04 <jillr> gundalow: you're up
19:05:11 <gundalow> hi
19:05:16 <jillr> hola
19:05:17 <gundalow> thanks
19:05:26 <gundalow> basically, what's the right way?
19:07:50 <jillr> I actually prefer the bracket notation, but I don't know that makes it inherently "right"
19:09:11 <gundalow> 1) Use form A
19:09:11 <gundalow> 2) Use form B
19:09:11 <gundalow> 3) We don't care, just whatever where ever
19:09:12 <jillr> oh this is a good point though
19:09:28 <jillr> we should be consistent IMO
19:10:16 <jillr> if there's only the two of us today though, that's not quorum anyway.
19:10:47 <jillr> folks may be bogged down with 2.9 activities perhaps
19:12:33 <jillr> let's give it a few to see if anyone else cruises by
19:16:08 <jillr> gundalow: looks like we're going to have to punt this one to Thursday
19:16:51 <jillr> #endmeeting