14:56:34 <gundalow> #startmeeting Ansible Core
14:56:34 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Feb 22 14:56:34 2018 UTC.  The chair is gundalow. Information about MeetBot at
14:56:34 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
14:56:34 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'ansible_core'
14:56:46 <gundalow> #chair bcoca rvgate abadger1999 funzo dmsimard
14:56:46 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca dmsimard funzo gundalow rvgate
14:57:00 <shertel> \o
14:58:24 <abadger1999> Bon jour
14:59:41 <gundalow> #chair shertel
14:59:41 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca dmsimard funzo gundalow rvgate shertel
15:01:22 <gundalow> #info Agenda
15:01:44 <gundalow> #topic Open Floor
15:01:53 <gundalow> rvgate: Did you have a question?
15:02:08 <sdoran> o/
15:04:24 <dmsimard> I guess I can mention something so the meeting doesn't look as empty :D
15:04:48 <gundalow> dmsimard: Sure
15:04:54 <gundalow> #chair sdoran dmsimard rvgate
15:04:54 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 bcoca dmsimard funzo gundalow rvgate sdoran shertel
15:05:08 <dmsimard> There was a thread on ansible-outreach recently:!topic/ansible-outreach/bcHy7_rF9Qc and it sparked this thing:
15:05:14 <rvgate> a few meetings back there was a discussion about implementing a flag/config to suppress some warnings or merging them together to only get it once.. specifically the allow_world_readable_tmpfiles config flag... i wonder how much of this is still on track
15:05:41 <dmsimard> It seemed like there was a need for a non-official Ansible github org to put stuff in them, so far it's just meetups but it could be more than that, I dunno.
15:07:14 <bcoca> rvgate: warnings already get deduped
15:07:42 <bcoca> the allow world readable was removed as a host flag, so only global is left, not sure how that relates
15:08:16 <abadger1999> allow_world_readable happens post-fork, so it's not getting deduped.
15:08:37 <abadger1999> I remember that was the problem but I don't remember what we settled on as a mitigation.
15:08:54 <gundalow> dmsimard: oh, that's really cool. Thanks
15:09:04 <abadger1999> dmsimard: Cool.  You just want to get visibility for that?
15:09:17 <rvgate> abadger1999, i think it was adding a "silent" value to the flag, supressing the warning completely
15:09:29 <rvgate> or something like that
15:09:45 <dmsimard> abadger1999: not really expecting anything, just thought I would mention it
15:10:00 <gundalow> dmsimard: Can you please give me powers and I'll create the ansible-london-meetup Had an event yesterday with 127 people
15:10:12 <dmsimard> If we want to advertise it as being a thing, we probably want to think about how to organize things, set up permissions, etc
15:10:36 <dmsimard> gundalow: sure
15:10:52 <abadger1999> rvgate: okay, so a config option to turn off that particular warning?  I'll see about that.  too late for 2.5 but I'll check if it can fit in with the 2.6 series or not (2.6 is a bugfix/stabilization release... this isn't exactly stabilization but it should be small)
15:11:01 <gundalow> dmsimard: Yup, maybe we can discuss more in #ansible-community ?
15:11:10 <dmsimard> abadger1999: I organize the Ansible Montreal meetups so I needed a place that wasn't basically .. and then it kind of took off I guess
15:11:19 <abadger1999> <nod>
15:11:23 <dmsimard> gundalow: I'll join that
15:11:28 <gundalow> dmsimard: Ace, I've been thinking similar things :)
15:11:58 <rvgate> abadger1999, that would be the easy win/fix, and was also proposed in the meeting back then (cant recall the logs)
15:12:14 <sivel> Hey all, sorry.  running late this morning
15:12:36 <rvgate> abadger1999, the better solution would be to only show the warning once, but as you mentioned, thats a lot more trickier to do
15:12:58 <bcoca> solution goes by 'post fork' not using display direclty, but passing info back to parent via queue
15:13:07 <bcoca> ^ working on that anyways for callbacks
15:13:20 <rvgate> cool
15:14:17 <abadger1999> ah that was the thing... we got into a debate about whether that could be ready in time to make adding a config option extraneous.
15:14:51 <bcoca> it came back to me
15:15:11 <bcoca> had forgotten 'post fork display' uses diff list of warnings
15:15:24 <abadger1999> I'll whip up a config-based  PR and we can decide on timing then.
15:15:38 <bcoca> 2.7 at this point?
15:15:50 <abadger1999> I'll have to ask mattclay.
15:15:53 <bcoca> probalby can have the across fork coms done by then
15:16:00 <abadger1999> I think technically it would need an exception to get into 2.6
15:16:02 <bcoca> the toggle is actually quite simple
15:16:11 <bcoca> but ^ that
15:16:23 <abadger1999> yeah.
15:16:38 <bcoca> also, we want to avoid a toggle 'per wanring/error'
15:16:43 <abadger1999> I will ask for the exception since it's simple but I don't know if it will be granted
15:17:00 <bcoca> its tiny and very simple, im not gonig to oppose
15:17:41 <rvgate> it would greatly help with the output we get currently.. since in most cases we are forced to use world readable files
15:18:20 <bcoca> worst part it is a global setting so it affects hosts that dont require it also
15:19:51 <rvgate> bcoca, doesnt it try other methods first before consulting the world readable files? even if its set to allow it?
15:20:35 <bcoca> depends, some cases like chown we cannot rely on success as on somep latforms it reports it as such even when it fails
15:20:55 <abadger1999> rvgate: yes it does.
15:21:05 <bcoca> that code is a stack of special cases
15:21:44 <abadger1999> rvgate: if you have posix acl support it won't create a world readable tmp file.
15:22:47 <bcoca> iirc it goes 'try acl', 'try chmod unless world readable', do world readable if set
15:23:10 <abadger1999> If the administrative account (root in most cases) is one of the two accounts or you are not becoming at all, then it will not create a world readable tempfile.
15:23:32 <abadger1999> the current setting only happens if all other choices have been exhausted.
15:23:33 <bcoca> ^ yes, that only happens if non admin, as i said its stack of special cases
15:24:16 <bcoca> abadger1999: funny enough, 'root' might 'not be admin' in cases of nfs mount with root_squash
15:24:48 <abadger1999> bcoca: yeah.  Although nfs for the system temporary directories is itself a very small special case.
15:25:21 <bcoca> not really as default is ~/.ansible/tmp and /home is popular for nfs mounts
15:25:22 <abadger1999> (Even when I did thin client, we used local temp dir.)
15:25:37 <bcoca> abadger1999: remember we dont switch to system temp 'if admin user'
15:25:46 <bcoca> ^ which creates the problem with root
15:25:53 <abadger1999> bcoca: we do.
15:26:17 <abadger1999> bcoca: because admin user just means that we know we can run things like chown.
15:26:24 <bcoca> no, we switch to system temp if becoming 'non admin'
15:26:34 <abadger1999> bcoca: it doesn't mean that the becomed user can access that location.
15:26:44 <bcoca> we do assume that
15:26:45 <abadger1999> bcoca: ah... I'm thinking of the other direction.
15:26:48 <bcoca> yes
15:27:01 <abadger1999> remoate_user=root, becomed user=postgres.  (as an example)
15:27:11 <bcoca> there is corner case that user can now 'fix' by removing root from admin_users config
15:27:16 <abadger1999> I'd have to look, though, it might be the same in both directions.
15:27:25 * rvgate has the feeling the subject changed, or is simply not following it
15:27:29 <abadger1999> I think that's outside of fixup_perms so I may not have looked at it.
15:27:30 <rvgate> :D
15:27:33 <bcoca> no, if become_user in admin_users, we dont switch
15:27:49 <bcoca> abadger1999: its in setting system_tmp var when passing to mkdtemp
15:28:15 <bcoca> but now we have way for user to configure that!
15:28:32 <bcoca> before 'root' was hardcoded so there was no workaround
15:28:48 <bcoca> well, remote_tmp=/var/tmp was teh workaround, now its a 'nicer one'
15:29:12 <bcoca> in the end both require using system temp ....
15:30:01 <abadger1999> <nod> So if we want to fix that bug, we need to fx it in _make_temp_path, not in fixup_perms.
15:30:39 <bcoca> i dont think either can fix it other than giving user the ability to remove 'root' from admin_users
15:30:58 <abadger1999> because the root squashing will likely be a problem at a higher level directory than fixup_perms should be accessing.
15:31:15 <abadger1999> ie, you wouldn't want it to change permissions on /home/remote_username
15:31:37 <bcoca> wouldnt matter, the 'fix' would be remounting w/o root_squash
15:31:47 <bcoca> permissions on the mount point 'go away' once you mount
15:31:51 <abadger1999> bcoca: it can be fixed in make_temp_path... If become: use_system_temp.
15:31:54 <bcoca> the mount command deterines those permissions
15:32:09 <abadger1999> bcoca: Rather than if become and become_user in admin_users: use_system_temp
15:32:19 <bcoca> abadger1999: that fix goes too far the other way, now you are using system temp for things that dont need to be there
15:32:37 <bcoca> you want to avoid system temps when possible
15:32:50 <bcoca> we only use it when we have no other choice
15:33:03 <abadger1999> bcoca: Not saying it is the right tradeoff... Just saying that's where and how we'd have to fix it if we valued the root-squash cornercase that highly.
15:33:38 <bcoca> im not suggesting code change, but something like faq entry for this case
15:33:52 <abadger1999> <nod> yep.
15:34:03 <bcoca> 'if permisisons failure during become as root on nfs mount .. this migh tbe cause .. this is solution '
15:37:19 <rvgate> sorry for opening pandora's box
15:39:42 <abadger1999> rvgate: Are you also rvgate on github?
15:40:00 <rvgate> abadger1999, yes, im rvgate everywhere
15:40:18 <abadger1999> Cool,  I'll cc you on the PR when I open it.
15:41:08 <rvgate> nice, ill be checking/testing it :)
15:43:30 <rvgate> i forgot my second question
15:45:06 <abadger1999> Anyone else have anything?
15:45:33 <rvgate> ahh yes... its regarding this: i understand the reason why inventory file extensions might be a bad idea, but i can also see how it could be a good idea... i wonder if there might be a way to control this
15:46:22 <rvgate> maybe introduce an inventory config to enforce file extensions to be fed to specific modules for parsing the inventory
15:48:50 <abadger1999> bcoca: Can we tell enough about a file to fail instread of passing it to the next inventory plugn in some cases?  For instance, if a file succeeds at yaml parsing, can we then fail the file if the file's schema is wrong?
15:49:48 * shertel has had problems with this too
15:50:41 <rvgate> abadger1999, that would cause a conflict between yaml and ini
15:50:58 <rvgate> i think ini is the bad boy here
15:51:34 <abadger1999> rvgate: <nod>  Yeah, a config to enforce file extensions for inventory might be doable as well. that way we could have both backwards compat and something that gives better errors.
15:52:34 <abadger1999> rvgate: yeah, I see what you mean.  A simple ini compatible list of hosts does parse as valid yaml
15:53:43 <rvgate> to extend the problem, lets assume this config exists to enforce it... how would it interpret an executeable myinventory.yml ?
15:54:17 <rvgate> maybe going a bit too far already into implementation details
15:55:01 <bcoca> abadger1999: if schema is wrong, file will fail yaml parsing
15:55:19 <bcoca> ^ yaml invnetory plugin parsing
15:55:31 <abadger1999> bcoca: yeah, but then move on to try the ini plugin.  I think that's the issue.  (moving on prevents us from giving a good error message)
15:55:46 <bcoca> if the parsing of the inventory fails at any point, the plugin should return ansibleparsererror, next plugin tries
15:56:11 <bcoca> abadger1999: sadly that has always been teh case, when they were all hardcoded, now you can at least remove ini as one of the plugins to look at
16:00:32 <abadger1999> bcoca: do you see any blockers to adding a config option to make parsing stricter?  (rvgate is suggesting a config option to toggle inventory plugins targetting certain file extensions).
16:02:29 <bcoca> each plugin can restrict that, new plugins do this, we did not do this on ini cause ... legacy
16:02:42 <bcoca> idem with script
16:03:29 <bcoca> since our default is /etc/ansible/hosts ... hard to say all plugins sources must have extensions
16:04:34 <bcoca> tempted, just for this issue, to make --- host illegal in ini plugin ...
16:04:38 <abadger1999> Okay, so if some plugins do already... A config option i nthe ini plugin that makes it look at extensions?
16:04:40 <bcoca> but --- is not required in yaml anyways
16:05:19 <bcoca> abadger1999: easy to add, but also just as easy to remove from 'enabled plugins list' if you are not using it
16:05:32 <abadger1999> rvgate: ^
16:05:42 <bcoca> at this point the former would have to wait till 2.7 while the latter works since 2.4
16:06:09 * rvgate looks up the enabled plugins list
16:06:33 <bcoca> i.e plugins that will be fed the 'inventory source' IN ORDER to attempt to parse it
16:06:41 <bcoca> first one to succeed, ends attempts
16:07:21 <rvgate> bcoca, but if i keep only ini in there, it will still parse yaml as valid...
16:07:32 <bcoca> abadger1999: the 'verify_file' method plugins implement is where most 'extension matching' happens, easy to add to ini, but we cannot make it the default
16:07:47 <bcoca> rvgate: IF the yaml passes as valid ini
16:07:49 <bcoca> for example
16:07:57 <abadger1999> yeah.
16:08:00 <bcoca> a file that just contains 'myhost' in one line
16:08:03 <abadger1999> agreed it can't be default
16:08:07 <bcoca> ^ can be parsed by several plugins 'correctly'
16:08:13 <bcoca> for yaml, it will be a group
16:08:17 <bcoca> for ini it will be a host
16:08:24 <bcoca> its both valid yaml and ini
16:08:40 <bcoca> and if the file is /etc/ansible/hosts ... wth do we know which you meant?
16:09:33 <bcoca> ^ this problem is not new to inventory plugins, has existed since .. inventory, normally it was script vs ini as people had 'executable ini files' cause of samaba/cifs/windows/virtualbox
16:09:40 <rvgate> so be default you guess (like it works now), and if someone enforces it, it should have some extension or treat the default as xxx
16:09:49 <bcoca> when i added yaml inventory, it just extended teh possible conflict surface
16:10:06 <bcoca> rvgate: i left the default to be what it always was
16:10:25 <shertel> bcoca Should be happening in BaseInventoryPlugin instead? I don't think most of the inventory plugins are checking for extensions. Definitely an oversight for aws_ec2.
16:10:31 <bcoca> we can create options to handle your case, basically just requires ini plugin to declare the config
16:11:25 <bcoca> shertel: check verify_file, afaik most of the plguins (the ones i wrote and openstack one) do check .. i didnt look at aws_ec2 one
16:11:44 <bcoca> but iirc, it does require 'valid yaml' + a field that says to use aws_ec2 plugin
16:12:10 <bcoca> if path.endswith('.aws_ec2.yml') or path.endswith('.aws_ec2.yaml'):
16:12:36 <bcoca> ^ you are doing it iin 'parse' method .. which is wrong, you should just expose a verify_file method
16:12:56 <shertel> yes. That's how openstack/virtualbox/openshift do it too.
16:13:00 <bcoca> it 'still works' but one check is quick (on name) and this check now happens after loading file
16:13:34 <bcoca> no, just looking now to ensure ii remember correclty, virtualbox HAS a verify_file method
16:13:36 <shertel> Okay. Better to have the extension configurable though than hardcoded to something like .vbox.yml?
16:13:48 <shertel> so does aws_ec2
16:13:53 <bcoca> no
16:14:02 <bcoca> it has _validate_config, which is only called from parse()
16:14:17 <bcoca> in _validate_config you DO call the super.verify_file
16:14:37 <shertel> ah, I must have renamed that for some reason...
16:14:56 <shertel> anyway, sorry for derailing the conversation. I wasn't aware extensions should be configurable.
16:15:00 <bcoca> not sure why, doesnt make sense to me
16:15:15 <bcoca> shertel: they CAN be, 'should' is a matter of convinience
16:15:28 <shertel> okay
16:15:34 <bcoca> i hardcoded vbox.yml/vbox.yaml for virtualbox, dont think anyone will care too much
16:15:44 <bcoca> if it ever arrises, easy enough to add config optoin with default
16:16:04 <bcoca> ini is a problem cause it was 'existing method'
16:17:03 <shertel> yes
16:17:06 <bcoca> shertel: its a tiny performance diff, but it would be very noticable if someone had many sources/plugins enabled
16:17:23 <bcoca> the file will eventually be opened anyways
16:17:41 <bcoca> unless it never matches paths for any of the enabled plugins
16:17:56 <bcoca> also the 'auto' plugin makes it very unlikely for 'long list of enabled plugins' to evern exist
16:20:12 <bcoca> rvgate, abadger1999 the one i dont see a way around is the 'no extension' as we do have `if no ext` as part of most tests
16:20:22 <bcoca> .ini , .cfg are easy to restrict
16:20:27 <bcoca> so is .yml
16:23:59 <rvgate> bcoca, i dont have enough knowledge of the internals, especially the tests, to help you with this :(
16:24:48 <bcoca> at this point it is mostly choosing the number of users to piss off, cause one way it breaks for this group, the other way it breaks for the other
16:25:10 <bcoca> one group is going to be pissed off if we make the other happy
16:25:33 <bcoca> right now those using 'current behaviour' seem like the larger group, hence i left it this way
16:25:44 <rvgate> wait a minute... what about a mix...
16:26:13 <rvgate> if it has no extension, behave as is... if it does have an extension, use the specific plugin...
16:26:50 <rvgate> or am i thinking too simple here ?
16:27:18 <rvgate> or even better, is that already the case?
16:29:31 <bcoca> alreayd the cse for those plugins that 'declare an extension'
16:29:38 <bcoca> some wont accept 'no ext'
16:29:50 <bcoca> the problme is the 'grandfatherd ones' script, ini and yaml
16:32:57 <rvgate> i see what you mean...
16:36:21 <abadger1999> Okay, any more here?
16:37:16 <sivel> nothing from me.  Sorry I was absent today.  Showed up late, and then got sucked in by something
16:37:24 <abadger1999> No worries.
16:37:31 <abadger1999> Okay, I'll close the meeting in 60s
16:40:03 <abadger1999> #nedmeeting
16:40:07 <abadger1999> #endmeeting